• What is it? What can it do

Spring-based rapid development scaffolding

  • Spring Boot application composition

  1. Pom.xml dependency files that provide dependency management and packaging
  2. Annotations @**** Automatic configuration is done through annotations
  3. Configuration application. The properties/yml configuration parameters and values
  4. Static Directory Static files
  5. Templates directory template files (JSPS, etc.)
  • Develop spring Boot application sanbanax

  • And rely on

The dependency package is introduced through POM.xml, and the rule of dependency package is as follows:

Boot Depends on spring-boot-starter-xxxx

Unofficially, xxX-spring-boot-starter is available

IO /projects/sp…

  • Write notes

  • Write the configuration

  • Actuator Spring Boot Monitors applications

Rely on

Copy the code

Annotations without


Copy the code

Common endpoint


{status: "UP",components: {diskSpace: {status: "UP",details: {total: 146800635904,free: 84896886784,threshold: 10485760,exists: true}},ping: {status: "UP"}}}


UP to normal

DOWN is abnormal. Procedure

OUT_OF_SERVICE The resource is not used

UNKNOW unknown


You can use the info. XXX command to set the description of some applications.


Displays configuration attributes that take effect


Monitoring indicators

  • profile

Yml uses a hyphen to distinguish characters

Public configuration properties

#profile= special attributes of x

#profile=y’s private attribute