Springboot project docker integrated deployment (II) — Springboot mysql project [TOC]
Supplement the build process with Maven
1. Configure the basic environment
Global tool configuration – Configure Java, Maven, git basic tools (note: follow your own path)

2. Install the Maven plug-in
Plugin management – Optional plugin download found: Maven Integration Plugin; After the installation is successful, you can start the Jenkins project for Maven.
3. Jenkins automatic construction project
- Click “OK” and fill in source management:
- Fill in the build environment. The Maven command is similar to eclipse without adding “MVN”. Finally, save the project and start building it
clean package docker:build Copy the code
4. Manually deploy dockers images
After a successful build, you will see the same project image as before. Run the following command
docker run --name= springboot/spring-boot_docker_demo -p 8081:8080 -t srping-demo
Copy the code
Mysql based on Springboot docker project
- Writing development projects makes it easy here
As an example. For specific projects, please refer to the following paths:
Gitee.com/will-we/spr… # Note: The multi-environment configuration used here.
The build steps prior to installation begin rebuilding the Doker image
To start manual deployment, run the following command
Start mysql container Docker run-d \
--name mybatis-mysql \
-p 3306:3306 \
-eMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = root \ - v/home/weir/designed/data/mysql/springoot - mysql: / var/lib/mysql mysql: 5.7Run the Springboot project
docker run -it \
--name demo-springboot-docker \
--link mybatis-mysql:mybatis-mysql \
-p 8088:8081 \
-e DATABASE_HOST=mybatis-mysql \
-e DATABASE_NAME=db_mydb \
Copy the code

-e set the environment variable to start the container. -t assign terminal --name Set the container name. -p Port mapping, format: host port: container port -link Add a link to another containerCopy the code
Record of Important Issues
Docker container persistent data problem:
Three ways to persist Docker data:
- Volumes,
- bind mounts
- tmpfs mounts
You use bind mounts. Refer to the following links for details of the differences and descriptions
- Docker Volume docker volume
- Docker Data Management -Volume, bind mount and TMPFS mount
Springboot program link error, about the application using “mysql” image, network connection problem
Localhost :3306: localhost:3306 With -link, docker will bind the parent (mysql) to the parent’s IP address in /etc/hosts. Properties database url; The following command is configured using environment variables:
docker run -it \
--name demo-springboot-docker \
--link mybatis-mysql:mybatis-mysql \
-p 8088:8081 \
-e DATABASE_HOST=mybatis-mysql \
-e DATABASE_NAME=db_mydb \
Copy the code
Error response from Daemon: Driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint quirky

- Possible causes The port mapping of the Docker is affected because the network configuration is restarted. Thus lead to the above reasons.
- Solution # Restart the Docker service.
Systemctl restart docker
Copy the code
Remote connection cannot be used when mysql container is started

- MySQL connection 2059 error; Mysql > install mysql8.0; The encryption mode is changed.
- Solution 1: Install the mysql5.7 version
docker run -d \
--name mybatis-mysql \
-p 3306:3306 \
-eMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = 123456 \ mysql: 5.7Copy the code