
When there are multiple implementations of an interface, we can inject the beans we want by giving the @AutoWired annotation with @Qualifier. Here’s another case: Beans are prioritized, and generally we just inject the default implementation; In this case, you can use the @primary annotation, which is annotated on the Bean to indicate which class is injected first.

The source code

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface Primary {
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When used, annotate directly on the method that returns the Bean

private MyBean myBean(a); / / injection myBean1

public MyBean myBean1(a) {
    return new MyBean();

public MyBean myBean2(a) {
    return newMyBean(); }...Copy the code

You can also tag @Component classes (@controller, @Service, @repository)

public class MyBean {
    / /...
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