As Spring Boot has been around for a few years now, the most intuitive experience for programmers is the reduction in configuration. Few can answer the core features and principles of Spring Boot. In order to find a job in the Internet winter. Today, according to what I have learned, I will publish my humble opinion about Spring Boot. The following is the scene of the examiner and the interviewer.
Here’s the interviewer’s question:
I see it says you’re familiar with Spring Boot. Can you tell me why we use Spring Boot?
Here are the three most common answers:
A: Spring Boot does not use XML configuration. Beans can be configured in Java, eliminating many configuration files.
Q: What does Spring Boot have to do with Java configuration?
And then the other person squeaks…
B: Spring Boot is used to do Spring Cloud microservices.
What does microservices have to do with Spring Boot? How about not using Spring Boot?
And then the other person squeaks…
C: Spring Boot can be deployed in JAR packages and is internally integrated with Tomcat.
This is certainly a Spring Boot feature, but I still feel like I missed the point.
Then I went on to ask, what if you don’t consider jar deployment, and that’s it…
The most important feature of Spring Boot is: automatic configuration.
Why automatic configuration?
SpringBoot starts with @springBootApplication, which consists of three annotations:
Spring Boot: Spring Boot: Spring Boot: Spring Boot: Spring Boot
The @enableAutoConfiguration annotation is at the heart of Spring Boot. It dynamically loads configuration and injection beans based on jar packages and configurations in the classpath.
For example, if I set up a Druid connection pool jar in lib and set druid-related parameters in the application.yml file, Spring Boot will automatically configure everything we need. If I remove the JAR package or remove the parameters, Spring Boot will not be configured automatically.
So we can do a lot of things as common, self-configured starters, and that’s exactly what the Druid connection pool does. It provides a Spring Boot-specific starter: druid-spring-boot-starter.
With this auto-configured initiator, we can use it very easily,
  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId></groupId>
  3. <artifactId>druid-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
  4. The < version > 1.1.10 < / version >
  5. </dependency>
Add related parameters:
  1. spring.datasource.url=
  2. spring.datasource.username=
  3. spring.datasource.password=
In a traditional project, we would have to manually write a lot of configuration, and it’s not flexible. With this launcher, we can do simple integration. Druid-spring-boot-starter
So, that’s the heart of Spring Boot, and that’s why we use Spring Boot. If you don’t answer this key point, you’re missing the heart of Spring Boot.
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