Profiles, a core feature of the Spring framework, represents the concept of an “environment” that allows developers to map beans to different environments and then activate different Profiles in different environments to ensure that only the beans needed are launched.
Environment configuration
Suppose there are three working environments: dev (development), test (test), and prod (production). Four configuration files can be added:
(Common configuration)
The corresponding profile can be activated in the common configuration file by setting the value, for example: = dev
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If the YAML configuration file is used, the corresponding configuration is as follows:
active: dev
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YAML profiles can also be configured in a single file, separating different profiles, for example:
Spring: Profiles: active: dev -- spring: profiles: dev # Prod # config (omitted)Copy the code
Using the @profile annotation to specify that beans are valid in a particular Profile environment, if you define a bean that is only active in development and not deployed in production, you can define it as follows:
public class DevBean
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If a bean should be active in any environment other than the development environment, the following definition can be used:
@Component @Profile("! dev") public class ExceptDevBeanCopy the code
The @profile annotation can also be applied to methods.
To activate the Profile
1. Activate the jar
java -jar *.jar
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2. Code sets environment variables
System.setProperty("", "prod");
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3. Activate in the Spring container
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
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