Spring Boot Enterprise wechat ordering system in the new micro service era

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Click here to download: ****Spring Boot Enterprise wechat ordering system in the new micro service era

** To meet the era of micro services, SpringBoot is the framework you have to learn, wechat ordering system will take you to experience agile development, minimum cost iterative upgrade, complete the upgrade of the old system at the minimum cost, restore the enterprise real system reconstruction scene. The system front and back end separate architecture, let you have the temperament of Internet engineers, take you step by step to design and develop an enterprise Java application **

** suitable for the crowd **

** If you are a Java engineer starting out or about to start your career, you want to learn more about Spring**

The **Boot framework, then this course is almost your only choice if you want to use Spring Boot to open **

This course is also the perfect choice for developing a small to medium sized Java enterprise application

** Technical reserve requirements **

* * * * JavaWeb basis

**Maven build project **

* * * * SpringBoot basis

Chapter Contents:

** Chapter 1 Course Introduction **

** This course will include project presentations, course overview, course arrangements, study prerequisites, etc. **

**1-1 Course guide to **

Chapter 2 Project Design **

** Includes requirements analysis, project design, project architecture, database design, etc. 支那

**2-1 course source code and documentation **

**2-2 Project design **

**2-3 Architecture and infrastructure **

**2-4 Database design trial **

** Chapter 3 Project Start **

** Detailed introduction to the construction of the development environment, log use and configuration, etc. **

**3-1 Development environment setup **

**3-2 Log usage **

** Chapter 4 Buyer End Category **

** The development of the class module on the buyer side is in the order of DAO ->service-> API. Run through unit tests. 支那

**4-1 Buyer class – DAO (above

**4-2 Buyer category – DAO (bottom) **

**4-3 Buyer category – Service **

** Chapter 5 Buyer’s End Commodity **

** The development of the buyer side commodity module, according to the order of DAO ->service-> API development. Run through unit tests. 支那

**5-1 Buyer merchandise – DAO **

**5-2 Buyer merchandise – Service **

**5-3 Buyer’s Goods – API (part 1) **

**5-4 Buyer goods – API (part 2) **

** Chapter 6 Buyer end Order **

** Buyer side order module development, according to the ORDER of DAO ->service-> API development. Run through unit tests. 支那

**6-1 Buyer’s Order – DAO (on)**

**6-2 Buyer’s Order – DAO (down)**

**6-3 Buyer order -service creates _A**

**6-4 Buyer order -service create _B**

**6-5 Buyer order -service create _C**

**6-6 Buyer order -service create _D**

**6-7 Buyer order -service query **

**6-8 Buyer order -service cancelled **

**6-9 Buyer orders – Service Finish and Paid **

**6-10 Buyer’s Order -api_A**

**6-11 Buyer’s Order -api_B**

**6-12 Buyer’s Order -api_C**

**6-13 Buyer’s Order -api_D**

** Chapter 7 wechat Authorization **

** Demonstrate relevant debugging skills in wechat development, such as Intranet penetration, realizing wechat authorization, and key steps of obtaining OpenID. **

**7-1 Don’t miss a billion! 支那

**7-2 Set the domain name **

7-3 access code * * * *

7-4 for access_token * * * *

**7-5 Using SDK (top) **

**7-6 Using SDK (under) **

**7-7 Front-End debugging of wechat web page authorization **

** Chapter 8 wechat Payment and Refund **

** Demonstrate relevant debugging skills in the development of wechat, such as the use of mobile terminal packet capture tool Charles, explaining key steps of realizing wechat payment and refund one by one **

**8-1 Initiate wechat Pay – back end (top) **

**8-2 Initiate wechat Pay – back end (bottom) **

**8-3 Initiate payment on the web page **

**8-4 Dynamic injection parameters to initiate payment **

**8-5 wechat Asynchronous notification (I) **

**8-6 wechat Asynchronous notification (lower) **

**8-7 wechat refund **

**8-8 Supplement: Use test numbers to implement authorization **

** Chapter 9 Seller end Order **

** The development of the seller side order module, demonstrating in detail how to simplify the implementation of back-end functions using Freemarker and iBootstrap. 支那

**9-1 Seller order -service**

**9-2 Seller – Order – Controller (top) **

**9-3 Seller – Order – Controller (down) **

**9-4 Seller order – Controller – Page turn **

**9-5 Seller order – Controller – Cancel order **

**9-6 Seller order – Controller – Order details **

**9-7 Seller order – Controller – Completed Order **

** Chapter 10 General functions and takedown on the seller side **

** To achieve the background management of the seller side of the commodity management of the universal function and the realization of the shelf function **

**10-1 Tips on templates **

**10-2 implements the sidebar **

**10-3 Implements the list of goods **

**10-4 Product removal -service**

**10-5 Goods on and off – Controller **

** Chapter 11 New products and categories ** on the Seller side

** Realize the related functions of new products and category management on the seller side of background management. 支那

**11-1 Seller merchandise – Added modification page **

**11-2 Seller goods – Amendment Form submission **

**11-3 Seller goods – New features **

**11-4 Seller category function development **

** Chapter 12 Buyers and sellers connected **

** This chapter introduces the theory of distributed sessions in detail. And realize the wechat scan code login seller end, logout and other functions. Implement authentication in an AOP manner. At the same time, it introduces the implementation of wechat template message and WebSocket message push

**12-1 Distributed Session Theory (I)**

**12-2 Distributed Session Theory (part 2)**

**12-3 Seller Information Form – DAO development **

**12-4 Seller scan code to log in to service development **

**12-5 The seller scans the code to log in and obtain OpenID **

**12-6 Login succeeded **

**12-7 Successful logout **

**12-8 AOP implements authentication **

**12-9 wechat Template message push **

**12-10 webSocket message push **

** Chapter 13 Project Optimization **

** This section starts with exception handling. Finally, the application method of integrated MyBatis is introduced in detail. And how to choose JPA and MyBatis is described. Then, from shallow to deep, the problems encountered in the case of high concurrency are simulated by pressure measuring tools. The paper demonstrates the method of using synchronized to deal with single point multithreading and analyzes the deficiency. Then it introduces distributed lock based on Reids and analyzes the principle of Redis distributed lock. The chapter ends with Reids as a cache. . 支那

**13-1 exception catch **

**13-2 Mybatis annotation mode using _A**

**13-3 Mybatis annotation mode use _B**

**13-4 Mybatis XML using **

**13-5 JPA and Mybatis options **

**13-6 Introduction to AB manometry **

**13-7 synchronized process concurrent **

**13-8 Redis distributed lock **

**13-9 Use of redis cache (I)**

**13-10 Use of redis cache (part 2)**

** Chapter 14 Project Deployment **

** Projects are compiled, packaged and deployed. 支那

**14-1 Project deployment **

** Chapter 15 Course Summary **

** Summarize the course and look to the future. 支那

**15-1 13

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