Spring Boot Dependency and Configuration
Maven rely on
</dependencies>Copy the code
Usage instructions
1. Deploy Consul
- Reference Document: Previous article
Add the bootstrap.properties configuration file to the resources directory as shown in the following example:
Host = Spring.cloud.consul. port=8500 # Enable consul configuration center Spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. Enabled = true # base folder, the default config spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. The prefix = # config application folder, Default value application, Consul will load config/<applicationName> and config/<defaultContext> to the same value Is only a spring loading. Cloud. Consul. Config. The default - the context = testApp spring. The application. The name = testApp delimiter # environment, the default value "," Spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. Profile - the separator = transcoding - # configuration mode, the default key - value and other optional: Yaml/files/properties spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. The format = # properties configuration key value, Value corresponding to the spring configuration file. Cloud. Consul. Config. The data - # key = data enabled automatically refresh the spring configuration. The cloud. Consul. Config. Watch. Enabled = true # [question] request delay, consul API unit: second spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. Watch. Wait - time = 1 # refresh rate, unit: Ms spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. Watch. Delay = 10000Copy the code
3. Add application configuration in Consul Key/Value
Configuration items spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. The prefix specifies the basic folder for config, need to create folders config:
There are two types of folder creation: folder and Key/Value. You only need to add “/” after the folder to create it
Configuration items spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. The default – the context and spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. The profile – the separator separator specifies the application name and the environment, For example, if the testApp application has the default, dev, and prod environments, you only need to create the testApp, testapp-dev, and testapp-prod folders in the config directory.
Configuration items spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. The format specifies the Value transformation way, according to individual be fond of, can be configured to yaml or properties, if choose this two ways, Need to configure spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. Data – the key, the default for the data, sample configuration:
Tips: if you want to separate configurations for each Key/Value, spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. The format and spring cloud. Consul. Config. The data – the Key are not set
4. Refresh the configuration
Spring. Cloud. Consul. Config. Watch. Delay set the refresh interval configuration, modified the configuration, the consul will dynamic synchronous internal to the application.
Github Demo URL
- https://github.com/ChinaSilence/spring-boot-demos/tree/master/05%20-%20config%20with%20consul
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- Spring Cloud Consul Config
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