Spring Boot 2.0 is now available!

Spring Boot 2.0 has been released.

Xiaobian went to the official website of Spring Boot, the official version has been released!

This version took 17 months, more than 215 people, and more than 6,800 + submissions. This release is the first major release since Spring Boot 1.0 four years ago and the first distribution to officially support Spring Framework 5.0.

We can also see the official RELEASE of Spring Boot 2.0 on Github. The RELEASE number is v2.0.0.release.

Release list of Spring Boot versions: github.com/spring-proj…

New features in Spring Boot 2.0

Having said that, what are the changes and new features between Spring Boot 2.0 and 1.0?

  • JDK minimum 1.8+, and support 1.9;
  • Support Spring Webflux /webflux.fn responsive Web programming;
  • Provide responsive auto-configuration and starter POMs for Spring Data Cassandra, MongoDB, Couchbase and Redis;
  • Support for embedded Netty;
  • HTTP/2 support: Tomcat, Undertow and Jetty;
  • New architecture with support for Spring MVC, WebFlux, and Jersey;
  • Enhanced Micrometer integration, Metrics based on Atlas, Datadog, Ganglia, Graphite, Influx, JMX, New Relic, Prometheus, SignalFx, StatsD and Wavefront;
  • Quartz scheduling support;
  • Greatly simplifies automatic security configuration;

For more details of the new features, see the official description: github.com/spring-proj…

Note that many configuration properties have been renamed or removed in Spring Boot 2.0, and Spring Boot has released a new spring-boot-properties-migrator module to facilitate upgrading from 1.x. As soon as it is added to the project as a dependency, it not only analyzes the application’s environment and prints diagnostics at startup, but also temporarily migrates properties to the new configuration for the project at run time.

Upgrade document: github.com/spring-proj…

If you don’t know Spring Boot technology or don’t know it in depth, we have prepared a series of Spring Boot tutorials. You can click on the bottom left to read the original text for further study.

Recommended reading

Resources: Ten stages of learning to become an architect!

Tutorials: The most powerful Spring Boot & Cloud tutorials ever

Tools: Recommended an online creation flow chart, mind mapping software

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