This manager is mainly used in engineering work, welcome to star, as an encouragement, more NPM extensions continue to be updated. Please give me a github star:…


  • npm-extra-extension is used to generate additional dependency information files. It is very convenient to split business dependencies in front-end engineering.
  • Npm-extra-extension is used to generate additional package dependency files (package-extra-json by default), which can be managed differently from package.json and can be easily split in engineering.
  • For the detail:…
  • Continue to increase and expand, please star and encourage:…


The package-extra.json file is generated in the root directory by default. You can also use it with private libraries such as verdaccio.

Install npm-extra-extension

npm install -g npm-extra-extension
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Fast use

Get help

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Get subCommand

npme install --help
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View version

npme -V
npme --version
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init package-extra.json

npme init
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Install dependence

  • Install all dependences accroding to package-extra.json.
    npme install
    npme i
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  • Install specific dependence

notice: this has the same param as npm

    npme install vue
    npme i vue
    npme install -D webpack
    npme install --save-dev webpack
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Uninstall dependence

  • Uninstall all
    npme uninstall
    npme un
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  • Uninstall specific dependence
    npme uninstall vue
    npme un --no-save vue
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  • confg base cmd, has been set to yarn by default.
    npme config -b yarn
    npme config -b npm
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  • config dependence filename
    npme config -f package-extra.json
    npme config --file package-extra.json
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