On November 15, at the “VMwareInnovation Network” 2018 Summit Forum hosted by VMware, VMware released the long-term development plan and future picture of VMwareInnovation Network (VIN). Meanwhile, VMware Innovation Network 2018 Innovation Plan was officially launched. As the representative of container PaaS and cloud native innovative enterprises, Lingqiyun was invited to join the first group, and Zuo Yue, founder and CEO, gave a speech on stage.

He also said that VMware was deeply impressed by the technical strength and sensitivity of innovative companies in the field of cloud computing. Innovation is the driving force of enterprise development, and VMware is very willing to accept such innovative technologies and forces, develop together with new technologies and innovative companies, and make joint efforts with innovative enterprises in emerging technologies.

Later, Zuo Yue, founder and CEO of Lingqiyun, was invited to participate in the dialogue as a representative of innovative enterprises. Based on the latest cloud native technologies and concepts such as Kubernetes, DevOps and microservices, Lingquyun creates a PaaS platform for enterprise customers to help customers accelerate the development process, achieve rapid iteration and rapid delivery of applications, and ultimately achieve business innovation.

Zuo Yue introduced that In the past two or three years, Lingqiyun has served a large number of top customers in traditional industries, including China Merchants Bank, petrochina, China Mobile, a well-known ministry and dozens of top 500 enterprises, covering finance, energy, manufacturing, operators, government and other fields. In terms of enterprise size, number of customers served, revenue, financing and other aspects, Linchwudu has grown into a representative enterprise in the container PaaS field.

In the process of serving customers, Lingqiyun deeply sees the pain points and pressure faced by large enterprise customers in information construction. Enterprises need to change the way of development and delivery, and the cloud native technology that Lingqiyun is good at is the answer. The biggest characteristic of innovative companies is focus. They can be very focused and devoted to a certain technology and provide high-quality services from a high starting point. However, enterprise IT is a huge system. Only by joining hands with upstream and downstream partners of the cloud ecological chain and integrating new technologies they are good at into the cloud architecture, can they better expand and serve customers.

Spirit Sparrow Cloud CEO Zuo Yue

Lynchback is honored to be invited to join VMware innovation Network, to accelerate the process together with VMware and partners, to quickly introduce new technologies into enterprises, so that enterprise customers can enjoy the changes brought by new technologies, and help enterprise customers accelerate the digital transformation.

It is reported that VMware innovation network is committed to become a three-dimensional comprehensive innovation platform, in order to promote innovation and entrepreneurship as the goal, comprehensively promote the development of cloud computing and related industries, accelerate the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises. In this community, VMware cooperates with customers, outstanding enterprises in the industry, start-ups, investors, universities and research institutions to support start-ups and mature companies to develop cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other related technologies, and build strategic alliances and open innovation centers in the industry.