Spectre.css is a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework for faster and extensible development.

  • lightweight and clean starting point for your project and prototype
  • flexbox, responsive and mobile-friendly layout
  • built in useful components and utilities

Spectre is a side project based on years of CSS development work on a large web service project. Spectre only includes modern base styles, responsive layout system, CSS components and utilities, and it can be modified for your project with LESS compiler.

Read the documentation to learn more.

Spectre has 3 major parts:




  • utilities – layout, positions, display, text, shapes, loading things

Browser support

Spectre uses Autoprefixer to make most styles compatible with earlier browsers and Normalize.css for CSS resets. Spectre is designed for modern browsers. For best compatiblity, these browsers are recommended:

  • Chrome (last two)
  • Edge (last two)
  • Firefox (last two)
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Opera (last two)
  • Safari 6+

Currently maintained by Yan Zhu. Feel free to submit a pull request. Help is always appreciated.