At the end of 2020, I received a surprise announcement. The content of the notice is that I will take the project from this week (December 7th). This is also the first time in my life that I am fully in charge of a project.

To be honest, I was still a little unsure since I received the notice. After all, it was the first time I was in charge of the project independently. Although it is only the development and adjustment of some features on the original basic version, there is no great technical difficulty, but for me this is a character adjustment.

In the past, I was simply responsible for the tasks assigned by the leader. At best, I just considered how to complete functions more efficiently and elegantly. Now it’s different. It’s not just a soldier who can charge. From a soldier who only needs to take orders and move forward, to a general who needs to learn how to arrange troops, this is a role change, and also a recognition of my ability.

These days, I inadvertently recall the scene when I just started programming. At that time, as a non-professional student, I even thought that I was different from programming. After all, no one would associate a person who didn’t graduate from high school with a career that the online consensus says requires a high IQ and degree. What I thought was an incredible combination was happening to me, and it just got worse. However, only I know the hard work and pay, the bitterness and suffering.

Just entered the programming myself and now I feel very similar, are full of expectations and confusion. In my heart, I didn’t feel particularly ready for this role change, but in other words, I don’t always start when I’m 100 percent sure. Just like choosing to enter the world of programming, how can you know you will fail if you don’t try.

In my opinion, what is missing for everyone is never opportunity, what is missing is a brave heart. Now I am slowly cultivating such a courage, efforts to forge ahead of the heart. It was a challenge and an opportunity for me, as they say a soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier, I want to be a good soldier.

There is less than a month left for 2020 to become the past, in this last time I need to do a good job in the role change to draw a successful end to my 2020, but also to open a new chapter for 2021.

I hope that through this experience, I can make further progress on the road of programming, so as to go further. In recent months, the update frequency of the article may decrease. I am sure I will encounter various pits when I am in charge of the project independently. Please allow the newbie to climb several pits first. I will also write down some experiences that I think will be useful to you and share them in my spare time to help readers in need.

The weather turns cool everyone readers remember to add more clothes, in this cold winter we fight against bugs every day is hard enough, please do good to their body.

This is the end of today’s sharing, if you feel that the article written by “rookie” is still good, remember to like and pay attention to yo! Your support is what keeps me going. Article where to write problems also hope that you can point out, I will be modestly taught.