Images: Unsplash
By Erda Estremera

LocalStorage only shares the same space in the same domain. Both protocol and port are affected. Note:

  • http://a.comhttps://a.comDo not share;
  • Do not share;
  • http://a.com Shared;

✔ commonly used API

  • localstorage.setItem(key, value)Save the data,key valueWill be converted to a string, in order to prevent unexpected situations, it is best to convert it to a string before storing;
  • localstorage.getItem(key)Get the data,keyIs converted to a string;
  • localstorage.clear()Clear the current domainlocalStorageStored data;
  • localstorage.lengthGet the number of items stored under the current domain;
  • localstorage.key(n:number)Gets the display panelnThe articlekey, feel more chicken ribs;

✔ Limit the capacity of the browser to localStorage

After testing, Chrome, FireFox and Edge are all 5M (IE is ignored).

Below is the capacity detection code, accurate to 1K.

const add10KStr = new Array(1024).fill('0000000000').join('') // 10240 Byte => 10K const add1KStr = new Array(1024).fill('1').join('') // 1024 Byte => 1K const storageKey = 'QuotaTest' function localStorageQuota() { localStorage.clear() function setText(str) { console.log(str) } let total = '' let interval = null interval = SetInterval (() => {try {setText(' Data insert => ${total.length / 1024}K ') localStorage.removeItem(storageKey) localStorage.setItem(storageKey, total + add1KStr) total += add10KStr } catch (e) { clearInterval(interval) if (e && e.code === 22) { ${total.length / 1024}K ') Interval = setInterval(() => {try {setText(' insert data => ${total.length / 1024}K`) localStorage.removeItem(storageKey) localStorage.setItem(storageKey, total + add1KStr) total += add1KStr } catch (ee) { clearInterval(interval) if (ee && ee.code === 22) { SetText (' more than capacity increase (1 K)) setText (` currently stored at ${1024}. The total length/K `)}}}, 0)}}}, 0)}Copy the code

For example, Chrome will raise an exception if it cannot be inserted. The value of E.code is 22.

✔ Storage Event

A Storage event can be used to broadcast between pages in the same domain. The event is raised on the window. This event is not triggered by the current page (TAB) that causes data changes (if the browser opens multiple pages under a domain name at the same time, when one of the pages changes the data of localStorage, the storage event of all other pages will be triggered, but the original page does not trigger the storage event).

The event contains the following key information:

  • event.keyalteredkey;
  • event.oldValueChange the previous value;
  • event.newValueThe changed value;

There are two trigger conditions:

  1. Not triggered by current TAB, sameurlIt also fires on two different tabs;
  2. localstorage.setItem(key, value)Only when set last timevalueDifferent times will trigger this event, the same words do not need to trigger;

For example, has the following code:

window.addEventListener('storage', e => {
  console.log('e', e)
Copy the code

At this point, the following is done at

Copy the code

Then page A will print the following:

➤ Other uses for stocking localStorage


  1. Cache static files;
  2. As the front-end DB storage medium;
    • Flexible access to JSON data:…
    • CURD operations using SQL:…

✔ sessionStorage

It is similar to localStorage except that data stored in localStorage does not have an expiration date, while data stored in sessionStorage is cleared at the end of the page session (it is cleared when the current page is closed).

The page session remains as long as the browser is open, and the original page session remains when the page is reloaded (refreshed) or restored. Open up a page in a new TAB or window when copying the top browsing session context as the context of a new session, it is not good understanding, mean to click on the current page < a target = “_black” > < / a > tag, in the new page sessionStorage values for the current page is copied, Notice it’s not shared.

✔ sessionStorage application

  1. Storage user input content, when the page refresh can be immediately displayed before the refresh of the content;
  2. For browser Historay deployed single-page applications, you can use sessionStorage in front to achieve route matching (404 will not be reported), do not need to use nginx to do a forwarding;

The process for automatically matching routes looks like this: When accessing the page, the server returns 404.html (the browser’s current route is still because it does not have the page. 404. HTML:
sets the sessionStorage.redirect to the current URL, and
immediately redirects the page to /. The browser executes the code in

Set up a 404.html with the following contents in the head

      sessionStorage.redirect = location.href;
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL='/'"></meta>
Copy the code

In the single page application template index.html, fill in the following code:

  <div id="root"></div>
    // This code should be placed in front of other js; (function(a) {
      var redirect = sessionStorage.redirect
      delete sessionStorage.redirect
      if(redirect && redirect ! = location.href) { history.replaceState(null.null, redirect)
Copy the code


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