This is the 24th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge

Spark AR is Facebook’s free AR creation platform that enables users to create interactive AR experiences for Facebook and Instagram. More than 400,000 creators in 190 countries have used Spark AR to create their own AR creations

Since the software requires no coding knowledge to use, anyone can now lead the world by creating the next crazy viral Instagram AR effects with little experience in the AR world.

Specialized AR filter designers can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $30,000.

Optimizing 3D Objects

Optimize 3D objects using Spark AR toolkit

If you are creating 3D objects in Blender, you can optimize the objects using the Spark AR Toolkit, extract code: BN6O, before exporting to Spark AR Studio.

Decrease triangles

3D objects contain triangles. The number of triangles, or “triangular faces”, in a 3D object is an effective way of judging its size. This number has the greatest impact on the size and performance of the 3D model, so it is best to keep the number of triangles as low as possible for performance results.

We recommend keeping the maximum number of triangles per object below 50,000. Keep the total number of triangles for all objects below 150,000.

You can check the triangle count in 3D modeling software.

You’ll also hear some artists refer to polygon faces. Because polygons are made up of triangles, it is best to focus on triangle counting to get the most detailed and accurate view of the grid size.

In general, it is better to have a smaller number of objects with more triangles and vertices than to have a larger number of objects with a slightly lower number of triangular faces.

If possible, you should also:

  • Mirror Geometry

  • Keep polygons composed of triangles and quadrangles.

  • Keep in mind that if you combine 3D objects with other features of Spark AR Studio, even if you reduce the polygon count, your effects may still have a slower frame rate.

Use mixed shapes

Try to avoid using complex mixed shapes.

Optimize the 3D objects that drive the drawing

To minimize the impact of animated 3D objects, use as few bones as possible.

Learn more about performance optimization