Display of applications developed based on SOUI

Implementation of a method for quickly refreshing embedded animation in Richedit

Use the interface highlights developed by SOUI

SLogViewer download and usage instructions

SOUI Development application Show 2

Life cycle management of objects in SOUI

Use precompiled XML in SOUI3

Use numerical animation in SOUI3.0

SOUI3.0 emulates Android interpolation animation using methods

Use layout templates in SOUI

Use a grid layout in SOUI

High score screen display is supported in SOUI

Use dynamic multilingual switching in SOUI

Use window adaptive sizing in SOUI

Use a linear layout in SOUI

SOUI Taobao SVN directory structure description

Article 34: Using asynchronous notification in SOUI

Generating UIres.idx and skin.xml using uiresImporter

Using resources like android in SOUI2.0

Chapter 31: SOUI layout relative to specific brother Windows


How to achieve rounded corners for non-translucent Windows in SOUI?

Chapter 30: SOUI module structure diagram and SOUI frame diagram

Using SOUI’s SMCListView control

Article 28: SOUI custom control development process

Article 27: Control property query method in SOUI

Two new SOUI controls —- SListView and SComboView (borrowed from Andorid’s design)

Do event distribution in SOUI

Export SOUI objects to LUA scripts

Article 23: Using LUA scripting to develop interfaces in SOUI

Using code in SOUI to insert child Windows into Windows

Article 21: Control registration mechanism in SOUI

Using hierarchical Windows in SOUI

Three Weapons to Improve The rendering performance of SOUI Applications

Article 18: Implementing PreTranslateMessage in SOUI

Speed up SOUI rendering using Windows’ Cache properties

SWindow’s layout properties pos2Type and offset

Chapter 15: Message communication in SOUI

Use timers in SOUI

Why is SOUI’s Utilities module compiled with a DLL?

Chapter 11: SOUI System Resource Management

Extending SOUI’s Controls and Drawing Objects (ISkinObj)

Chapter nine: Using multilingual translation in SOUI

Chapter 8: Response to control events in SOUI

Chapter 7: Creating a Hello World for SOUI

Post 6: Show an image resource in SOUI using a nine-grid stretch mode

Guide to using XML layout attributes in SOUI (POS, Offset, POS2Type)

What can YOU do with SOUI?

The second chapter: SOUI source code acquisition and compilation

What is SOUI?