Preface: recently the sorting algorithm review, write may not be good, but in order to deepen the impression, they wrote this article
Hill sorting
int shell_sort(int *data, int length) { int gap = 0; Int I = 0, j = 0; for (gap = length / 2; gap >= 1; Gap /= 2) {for (I = gap; i <= length; I ++) {// for (j = I; j >= gap ; J - = gap) {/ / group sorting the if (data [j] < data [j] - gap) {swap (data [j], data [j] - gap); } } } } }Copy the code
Step 1: Determine The Times of grouping. There are 12 elements in the figure above, which are divided into 3 groups
The next for loop goes through three times
for (gap = length / 2; gap >= 1; gap /= 2)
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Step 2: Walk through each group
The traversal situation when gap=3 was intercepted, and the loop was 9 times
for (i = gap; i <= length; I++) {// iterate over each groupCopy the code
Step 3: Sort within groups
for (j = i ; j >= gap && data[j - gap] > data[j]; J -= gap) {// Swap (data[j], data[j]); }Copy the code
This in-group sort is the key, sort of insertion sort,
Take the elements of the same color, (let the same elements a, B,c,d,)
Compare the element in the current position (let’s say C) with the previous element (b),
If you want to swap, you swap the positions of the two elements, (becomes a, C,b, D).
And then you continue to compare (a and C) and swap until you don’t need to swap
This time, gap=3 and I =5 are intercepted for analysis
This time we only need to analyze a few elements in deep purple
Quick sort
Int quick_sort(int *data, int left, int right) {if (left >= right) return -1; int key = data[left]; int lo = left, hi = right; while (lo < hi) { while (lo < hi && key < data[hi]) { hi--; } while (lo < hi && key > data[lo]) { lo++; } swap(data[lo], data[hi]); } //lo == hi data[lo] = key; quick_sort(data, left, lo - 1); quick_sort(data, lo + 1, right); }Copy the code
The total code
#include #define DATA_ARRAY_LENGTH 12 void swap(int &a, int &b) { int tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; return ; } void print(int *data) { for (int i = 0; i < DATA_ARRAY_LENGTH; i ++) { printf("%4d", data[i]); } printf("\n"); } int shell_sort(int *data, int length) { int gap = 0; Int I = 0, j = 0; for (gap = length / 2; gap >= 1; Gap /= 2) {for (I = gap; i <= length; I ++) {// for (j = I; j >= gap && data[j - gap] > data[j]; J -= gap) {// Swap (data[j], data[j]); }}}} int quick_sort(int *data, int left, int right) {// If (left >= right) return -1; int key = data[left]; int lo = left, hi = right; while (lo < hi) { while (lo < hi && key < data[hi]) { hi--; } while (lo < hi && key > data[lo]) { lo++; } swap(data[lo], data[hi]); } //lo == hi data[lo] = key; quick_sort(data, left, lo - 1); quick_sort(data, lo + 1, right); } int quick_sort(int *data, int length) { quick_sort(data, 0, length - 1); } int main() { int i = 0; int data[DATA_ARRAY_LENGTH] = {23, 64, 24, 12, 9, 16, 53, 57, 71, 79, 87, 97}; #if 0 shell_sort(data, DATA_ARRAY_LENGTH); #else quick_sort(data, DATA_ARRAY_LENGTH); #endif for (i = 0; i < DATA_ARRAY_LENGTH; i ++) { printf("%4d", data[i]); } printf("\n"); }Copy the code