SonarQube Automated Code Inspection Tool (SonarQube) is an automated code inspection tool for SpringCloud.

SpringCloud Hands-on (11) — Better Distributed Configuration Solutions (Apollo)

Previously, we introduced Ctrip’s Apollo configuration center. In our daily development, it is very annoying to have bugs in the program. Locating bugs and solving problems in the development process will occupy a lot of time for us. Some code detection tools have been provided on the market to help us complete these things. The difference is that the former is based on SonarQube encapsulation (perhaps everyone thought it was ali since research code detection tools, actually otherwise), which provides a more powerful and perfect code monitoring Dashboard, this for the micro service module development played a key role, he can offer all the service module for unified monitoring, Therefore, based on the above two points, I choose SonarQube as the engineering quality monitoring tool.

Introduction to SonarQube

SonarQube is an open source platform for code quality management to manage the quality of source code. Through plug-in form, can support including Java, C#, C/C++, PL/SQL, Cobol, JavaScrip, Groovy and so on more than 20 programming languages code quality management and detection. Sonar can detect code quality from the following seven dimensions, and as a developer you need to deal with at least the first five code quality issues, with the help of S