The words written in the front
When I was a child, I always thought that after the college entrance examination, I didn’t need to study. Later, went to the university, always thought to be admitted to graduate students need not study. Wait for graduate school, then think that work will not study. When I just started working, I always told myself that the first two years were a process of accumulation, and it would be easy after these two years. Time has slowly come to the present, accumulated work experience, but I realized that I still need to continue learning. There is no end to learning, we should study all our life. Maybe my consciousness is a little late compared with many people. This kind of consciousness seems to make life more tragic, but it also makes life more determined and the direction more clear.
When qingming festival saw a movie, saw a sentence, straight to the heart – we often choose between the right thing and the easy thing. Yes, there are so many times when we take the easy way out when we know the right way to go. I’m glad to see this sentence. In the future, when faced with choices, think more about the right one.
Old rules: on the cat, MAY my Leo can always be a healthy and happy cat, than xinxin
First, use Plop to generate the same components in the project
1. Install plop
yarn add plop --dev
Copy the code
2. Create the plopfile.js file in the root directory of the project as the entry file of plop
//plopfile.js //plop entry file, need to export a function // this function interface a plop object, Module.exports = (plop) => {//********component for the name of the generator ******** plop.setGenerator(' Component ', Prompt {description: 'create a component', // Prompt the user to manually enter the component name. The default is' MyComponent 'prompts. Prompt: [{type: 'input', name: 'name', message: 'Component name', default: 'MyComponent',},], actions: [{type: 'add', // add a new file path: 'src/components/{{name}}/{{name}}.js', templateFile: 'plop-templates/component.hbs', }, { type: 'add', // add a new file path: 'SRC /components/{{name}}/{{name}}. CSS ', templateFile: 'the plop - templates/component. CSS. HBS',}, {type: 'add', / / add a new file path: 'src/components/{{name}}/{{name}}.test.js', templateFile: 'plop-templates/component.test.hbs', }, ], }) }Copy the code
3. In the Plop-templates file, create a template file
// Use component. HBS as an example, {{name}} is the manually entered component name import React from 'React '; export default ()=>( <div className="{{name}}"> <h1>{{name}} Component</h1> </div> )Copy the code
4, the use ofyarn plopCommand to create file
Yarn plop Component // Component is the name of the generator mentioned aboveCopy the code
Combine with the project manager and have some ideas of your own
When building a large VUE project, there are many times when components with similar structures are created. At this point you can use the GOLP tool. For example, you can take advantage of VUE’s modular management, which generates routes, apis, and stores as each module is created. The glop template can be generated in advance, and the command is done. A fun…
Package your own Gulp CLI
1, install,
Yarn add gulp --dev // The installation depends on code gulpfile.js // Add the gulpfile.js file as the gulp entry file in the root directoryCopy the code
2, use,
- In the gulpfile.js file, you can export tasks using exports
- To execute the yarn gulp task, run the yarn gulp task name on the CLI. If the defined task name is default, you can omit the task name.
/ / gulpfile. Js exports. Foo = (done) = > {the console. The log (' foo -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ') done () / / identification task} exports. Default = (done) = > { Console. log('default--------') done() // Mark task completion} //yarn gulp The task can be executedCopy the code
3. Gulp combination task
- Series can define serial tasks. Do tasks one by one.
- Parallel can execute serial tasks and start tasks simultaneously. Missions don’t interfere with each other.
const { series, Parallel} = require('gulp') const task1 = (done) => {console.log('1--------') done()} const task2 = (done) = > {the console. The log (" 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ') done () / / identification task} const task3 = (done) = > {the console. The log (" 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ') done () / / identification task} Exports. Foo = series(task1, task2, task3) // serial tasks = parallel(task1, task2, task3) // parallel tasksCopy the code
4. Core working principle of gulP construction process
- Read the file from fs.createreadStream by reading the stream
- Process the file into the desired format through the Transform stream new Transform
- Output the file to the specified location fs.createWritestream via the output stream
Const fs = require('fs') const {Transform} = require('stream') exports. Default = () => {// file read stream const read = Fs.createreadstream ('base.css') // File write to stream const Write = fs.createWritestream ('base.min.css') // File transform stream const transform = new Transform({ transform: (chunk, encoding, Callback) => {// Core conversion process implementation //chunk => the content read in the stream (bugffer) const input = chunk.tostring () const output = input.replace(/\s+/g, '').replace(/\/\*.+?\*\//g, '') callback(null, output) }, }) // import the read file stream into the write file stream read.pipe (transform) // transform.pipe(write) // write return read}Copy the code
5. Gulp file operation API
Gulp provides many apis for reading and writing files
/ / public files, Const {SRC, dest, parallel, series, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo watch } = require('gulp') const del = require('del') const browerSync = require('browser-sync') const bs = browerSync.create() const loadPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins') const plugins = loadPlugins() // const sass = require('gulp-sass') // const babel = require('gulp-babel') // const swig = require('gulp-swig') // const imagemin = // require('gulp-imagemin') //data const data = {a: [], b: '11', data: new Date(), } const clean = () => { return del(['dist', 'temp']) //promise } const style = () => { return src('src/assets/styles/*.scss', { base: 'src' }) .pipe(plugins.sass({ outputStyle: 'expanded' })) .pipe(dest('temp')) .pipe(bs.reload({ stream: } const script = () => {return SRC (' SRC /assets/scripts/*.js', {base: 'src' }) .pipe(plugins.babel({ presets: ['@babel/preset-env'] })) .pipe(dest('temp')) .pipe(bs.reload({ stream: true })) } const page = () => { return src('src/*.html', { base: 'src' }) .pipe(plugins.swig({ data })) .pipe(dest('temp')) .pipe(bs.reload({ stream: true })) } const image = () => { return src('src/assets/images/**', { base: 'src' }) .pipe(plugins.imagemin()) .pipe(dest('dist')) } const font = () => { return src('src/assets/fonts/**', { base: 'src' }) .pipe(plugins.imagemin()) .pipe(dest('dist')) } const extra = () => { return src('piblic/**', { base: Const serve = () => {watch(' SRC /assets/styles/*.scss', style) watch('src/assets/scripts/*.js', script) watch('src/*.html', page) // watch('src/assets/images/**', image) // watch('src/assets/fonts/**', font) // watch('piblic/**', extra) watch(['src/assets/images/**', 'SRC /assets/fonts/**', 'piblic/**'], bs.reload) [' temp ', 'SRC', 'public'], / / the port: 2080, / / open: false, / / cancelled automatically open browser / / files: 'dist / *' routes: {'/node_modules' : Const useref = () => {return (SRC ('temp/*.html', {base:) {return ('temp/*.html', {base: 'dist' }) .pipe(plugins.useref({ searchPath: ['dist', '.'] })) //htm js css .pipe(plugins.if(/\.js$/, plugins.uglify())) .pipe(plugins.if(/\.css$/, plugins.cleanCss())) .pipe( plugins.if( /\.html$/, plugins.htmlmin({ collapseWhitespace: true, minifyCss: true, minifyJs: true, }) ) ) .pipe(dest('release')) ) } const compile = parallel(style, script, page, image, Const build = series(clean, parallel(series(compile, useref), image, font, Const develop = series(compile, serve) module.exports = {clean, build, develop,}Copy the code
Publish the Generator
Publish Generator, essentially publish an NPM module.
1. Synchronize the code to the remote repository
- Create a repository on Github
- Push local code to the master branch of the remote repository
Git push -u origin master git push -u origin masterCopy the code
2. Apply for and verify an NPM account
For those who publish for the first time, you must first apply for an NPM account and log in before performing the publish operation
NPM adduser // Enter the user name and password as prompted. NPM login // Enter the user name and password as prompted. Email NPM whoami // Check whether the application is successfully appliedCopy the code
In this case, the mailbox receives an email from NPM and performs authentication according to the prompts. You can then publish.
3, publish,
An error is reported when a publish command is executed. Because I locally use taobao mirror source, it is a read-only mirror, so before the NPM warehouse to publish code will report an error.
Yarn publish - registry= / / set yarn image sourceCopy the code
Then you can find your NPM package on the NPM website