Vue-canvas-poster generated poster

Install: NPM I vue-canvas-poster –save

Method 1: use in main.js

import VueCanvasPoster from 'vue-canvas-poster'
Copy the code

Method 2: Use it directly in components

In the template template

<vue-canvas-poster :widthPixels="1000" :painting="painting" @success="success" @fail="fail" ></vue-canvas-poster> <img : SRC ="posterImg" V-if ='posterImg' :style="{width: clientWidth*0.6+'px',height: clientWidth*2.16*0.6+'px'}">Copy the code

1. First obtain the width of the screen, and scale the generated picture equally. Here, I scale the width and width of the poster by 0.6 times, and then scale it equally

2. ClientWidth clientWidth: document. DocumentElement. ClientWidth

3. The key point is that the canvas should also be scaled in accordance with the poster map, otherwise the head picture or TXT text on the painting will be distorted and fuzzy

Assume that when you set the canvas width to 500, the height is also scaled to the aspect ratio of the poster

PosterImg: ",// Generated poster painting: {width: '500px', height: '${500*2.16}px ', background: require('.. /assets/images/bg.jpg'), views: [{ type: 'image', url: '', css: { top: '460px', left: '210px', borderRadius: '100px', width: '100px', height: '100px', }, }, { type: 'text', text: '', css: { top: '565px', left: `${260-260/2}px`, width: '260px', color:'#fff', maxLines: 1, fontSize: '32px', textAlign:'center' }, }, { type: 'qrcode', content: '', css: { bottom: '200px', right: '150px', color: '#000', background: '#fff', width: '190px', height: '190px', borderWidth: '10px', borderColor: '#fff' }, },], },Copy the code

Get the poster content fill view

Let {data} = await this $fetch. GetShareCode ({shareId: ' ', founderId: enclosing founderId}) / / access to share code, This.painting. Views [0]. Url =data.avatar; this.painting.views[1].text=data.nick; this.painting.views[2].content=`${baseUrl}/web/Home? shareId=${data.shareId}`;Copy the code

The effect drawing is


Use QrcodeJs2 to generate two-dimensional code some mobile phone long press can not identify and forward the problem

The simple method is to hide the canvas and assign the generated base64 image to a new IMG tag

<template> <div id="qrcode" style='display:none'></div> <img src=".. PNG "style='display:none' ID ="myLogo" /> // qR code logo <div ID ="codeDiv"></div> </template>Copy the code
createAddCode(qrcodeValue){ let qrcode =new QRCode(document.getElementById('qrcode'), { render: qrcodeValue, text: 'xxxxx', width: 150, height: 150, colorDark: "#000", colorLight: "#ffffff", correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H }); // $("#qrcode canvas")[0].getContext('2d').drawImage($("#myLogo")[0], (qrWidth - logoQrWidth) / 2, (qrHeight - logoQrHeight) / 2, logoQrWidth, logoQrHeight); this.$nextTick(() => { let canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0]; var qrWidth = 150; var qrHeight = 150; var logoQrWidth = qrWidth / 4; var logoQrHeight = qrHeight / 4; GetContext ('2d'). DrawImage (document.getelementById ('myLogo'), (qrwidth-logoqrwidth) / 2, (qrHeight - logoQrHeight) / 2, logoQrWidth, logoQrHeight); let img = this.convertCanvasToImage(canvas) let box = document.getElementById('codeDiv'); box.append(img) }) },Copy the code


The history route of the VUE deployment server is blank

In router.js

  base: '/web',
Copy the code

Configure publicPath in vue.config.js: ‘/web’

const path = require("path"); Module. exports = {// If you don't need eslint, set lintOnSave to false: Map file productionSourceMap: false, // baseUrl: "/", // base path pluginOptions: { "style-resources-loader": { preProcessor: "less", patterns: [/ / this is combined with their own path, and cannot be used as follows: (alias) configured in alias path path. The resolve (__dirname,. / SRC/style/theme. "less"),]}}, CSS: {loaderOptions: { css: {}, postcss: { plugins: [// require("autoprefixer")(), // require("postcss-pxtorem")({rootValue: SelectorBlackList: [".van", ".my-van"], // The selector to ignore and keep as px. ["*"], // Can be changed from px to rem property. MinPixelValue: 2 // Sets the minimum pixel value to be replaced.})]}}}, publicPath: '/web', outputDir: Dist ", devServer: {/* automatically open browser */ open: true, /* set to and all addresses can be accessed */ host: "localhost", port: 80, HTTPS: False, hotOnly: false, disableHostCheck: true, /* Use proxy */ proxy: {"/ API ": {target: "XXX" changeOrigin: true, secure: false, pathRewrite: { "^/api": "" } } } } };Copy the code

The server configuration is…

I only use part of the interface. Because the usage scenario is different, I need to clear OpenID when I quit. I don’t want to check whether OpenID exists every time. As long as OpenID does not exist, first to forward the link, and then to obtain the data, I hope the big guy guidance. Give spiritual help!!