It can be summed up in just a few words: “Improve efficiency for R&D, empower business”

Improve efficiency for r&d

Specifically, it can be divided into two aspects:

First, from the birth of a project to iteration improvement and follow-up maintenance, personnel in each link need to perform their respective duties, so as to achieve the highest efficiency

Second, being a skilled worker in a field is the greatest help to the project and other people

A lot of people say that the back end is closer to the business than the front end, and that seems to be the case in theory, but in my opinion, it depends on your attitude as an individual. What good is being closer to the business if the back end is just CRUD day in and day out and doesn’t actively understand or empower the business? Similarly, if the front end is just willing to be a cutout, it doesn’t matter if every requirement PM is specifically explained to you

So it depends on the individual’s subjective initiative, in technology, to take the initiative to go to see a lot more, I’m not let you see the back-end to asm code, of course, you have time can also, just don’t need, the business code is nothing, but see more head pain, business by individual demand iteration, so the need to understand the business begin

PM put forward a requirement. You should not only care about technical issues such as which pictures to cut to make a style and which components to use, but also understand why PM put forward a requirement, what problems this requirement solves, and what business level matters such as upstream and downstream relationship are involved

Agreed with the backend interface fields, not just staring at the back end to you return to the required fields, and consider some more, for example, interface have reusability, field is redundant, if there is any need to do the split of the interface or integration, the front-end interface error page is still under the condition of how to ensure that is can be accepted by the user? Some of it might be something that the back end should do, but you can’t guarantee that everyone is doing their job, so you can care more about things

When the requirements are reviewed, the PM will ask your opinion more, when the interface is agreed, the back end will be more accustomed to you to make the interface rules, when you care about more and more things and the scope is bigger and bigger, this time, you still feel that the front end is just cutting diagram?

If you become the most familiar person with the business, you will be the first person to come to mind when other members of the team encounter business problems they don’t understand. Then you will have substantial value in the team, which is not easily replaceable, and become the most efficient front end

Empower the business

There are two ways to do this: first, the sole purpose of technology is to support the business

Second, the business is not only supported by technology, but also includes many other aspects

Business is the lifeblood of a business company, is one of the keys to support business and technology, so the business is really important So, what is the business actually also is easy to understand, you is the business of technology services, and you can make business booming all positive ability (including but not limited to technical ability), is ability

How do you empower your business?

Examples from specific aspects of the job:

The operation page is automatically set up

Operation means are very important for C-terminal products, and the speed of operation iteration is also one of the most direct but practical key factors affecting product development. For example, Tmall 618 Building activities, Meituan full reduction activities, etc., are very common operation means. Almost any face to face with C products involve the end users And these operations is often not a variety of front end user level, can be said to be one of the more depend on the front end of a business, then as a front-end developer, if your goal is just to achieve business to come over the specific operation requirements, of course also be qualified, You’ve done your job, but it may not be enough

To a running page you will do a operation, to two you twice on the line, is not difficult, difficult is to avoid not to go over the whole development process, so smart people will think, if I can move the fixed path brick behavior of automation, so the operation page automatically set up the concept of came out, After operating development and launch of the page is not required to participate in the research and development, let operations done directly, fast and steady and good, before a operations need to review, scheduling, multiple processes such as development, acceptance, launch, now reduced to two nodes only acceptance and launch, greatly improved productivity, which is assigned to the success of the business So what can you do?

Industry well-known operating page automatically building project has a lot of, such as ali cloud swallowtail butterflies fly, ali ice, etc., but these may not completely suitable for your company, because the operation page associated with specific business is strong, than is C side, different business scenarios, operation page natural impossible, if your company is not such a set of operations page automatically build tools, And your business is highly dependent on online operations, so this is your opportunity


Mobile terminal has become the mainstream, front-end developer focused primarily on the app, m three-terminal, small program, and the small program end can be subdivided into WeChat applet, bytes applet, baidu small procedures, pay treasure to application of small procedures, the fast, if each one is specially developed for these end a set of code, obviously will have greater demand on human, If the effect of all these ends is 1+1 equals 2, it can be said, but the reality is that 1+1 is less than 2, how to cover so many channels with the lowest cost, it is a very urgent thing

Therefore, the solution of multi-terminal adaptation appeared, which greatly improved the development efficiency, not only quickly and well completed a set of code run in multiple places, but also indirectly for the company to save a large amount of RESEARCH and development costs, so what can you do?

Taro’s multi-end adaptation framework does adapt many things, but they are all open things, such as wechat applet, byte applet, ReactNative, etc. These are all open development platforms. However, the apps developed by your company, such as Tiktok app and Alipay App, Must have their own private agreements, such as arousing the app, open the page, camera and so on, these private agreement is not open to the public, if you want a code to run not only in a small program, m side, also want to make the code can also be normal operation in the app end, then fit the app this part of the ability, a clear need for internal staff to complete

Component library

Even in the era of front-end cutting and fire, front-end frameworks like Bootstrap have been popular. Now front-end componentization is popular, and various front-end component libraries emerge in an endless stream, essentially to improve development efficiency. Some common UI and logic are ready to use. As a developer, you only need to concentrate on business logic, but it does not mean that iView, Ant-Design and other component libraries can go without exception. PC background projects are ok, but if it is a mobile C-terminal product, the selection of component libraries needs to be much more careful, especially those well-known or more distinct scenes of the product. For example, Alipay and wechat obviously have their own unique UI style. The open source component library cannot be specially adapted to the style of a certain product, otherwise it will lose its universality. And specific apps like Alipay or wechat can’t just give up their style and use open source component libraries to save trouble, so it’s obvious to create your own component library

Users actually slightly more C end products, is there is demand for exclusive component library, so if your company main business scenario in the mobile terminal, and you have not found to belong to company internal component library, so don’t hesitate, let go to do immediately, so obvious things you don’t do, someone to have a lot of other in the morning and evening, Scaffolding, internationalization, tool libraries, etc., are some of the things that have real needs