Integers between -5 and 256 are interchangeable

When I was thinking about where this could be used, I was a little lost. Aside from that, did you know before this that numbers in Python can change their actual meaning?

This happens because the Python interpreter creates an object instance for each number between -5 and 256 and stores them in an array. We can access this underlying array and disorder it through the CTypes module in Python.

BaseException is almost always not caught

If you want to catch any possible exceptions in Python, you usually do this:

However, this operation is considered non-Pythonic:

  • When catching exceptions, specify specific exceptions as much as possible.

PEP 8 also tells us:

  • Derive other exceptions from Exception, not BaseException. Direct inheritance from BaseException is reserved for other exceptions, because catching such exceptions is almost always wrong. Finally, if your time is not very tight, and want to quickly improve, the most important thing is not afraid of hardship, I suggest you can contact Wei: 762459510, that is really good, many people progress quickly, need you not afraid of hardship oh! You can go to add a look at ~

So what happens when you use BaseException instead of Exception?

Another logical step can be taken here. If you inherit from BaseException instead of Exception, you can keep this Exception behavior:

To catch these exceptions, you must use the empty except clause:

This is not ideal, however, because it also catches SystemExit, so executing sys.exit() won’t work.

The contents of other modules can be read and even modified by encoding

This may not make any practical sense, but can you guess what the Rumpelstiltskin function does here?

My name is printed here in a very bad way.

Let’s now focus on ‘this’, which is an Easter egg in Python. Importing ‘this’ prints Zen Python (after Python is decoded from ROT13).

Imp allows us to find the location of other modules on disk and read it like any other file. So can we edit it like any other file? Finally, if your time is not very tight, and want to quickly improve, the most important thing is not afraid of hardship, I suggest you can contact Wei: 762459510, that is really good, many people progress quickly, need you not afraid of hardship oh! You can go to add a look at ~

And then we import this

Yes, we can. Although on my Windows 10 VIRTUAL machine, I needed to run PyCharm as an administrator, otherwise I would receive a permission denial error. But the change is permanent, so making monkey patches is not a good idea.