Some configurations of the AMap API for the first time (VUE + Autonavi JSAPI)

The official website provides relevant configuration. Here I provide my own configuration for reference only

The website address

1. Register an account and apply for a Key

See official documentation

2 Configure the key and security key

I use method 2 — “key with static security key set in plaintext” and “use Loader as NPM”

HTML version of official website:

  • Add script script

    // Add proxy server setup script tag (must be before loading loader.js)<script type="text/javascript">
            window._AMapSecurityConfig = {
                securityJsCode:'Your requested security Key',}</script>/ / load the loader. Js<script src=""></script>
    Copy the code
  • Install the loader

    npm i @amap/amap-jsapi-loader --save
    Copy the code
  • Using the loader

    import AMapLoader from '@amap/amap-jsapi-loader';
        "key": "".// The obtained Web developer Key is required when the load is invoked for the first time
        "version": "2.0".// Specify the version of JSAPI to load, which is 1.4.15 by default
        "plugins": [].// List of plug-ins to use, such as Scale' amap.scale 'etc
    }).then((AMap) = >{
        map = new AMap.Map('container');
    }).catch(e= > {
    Copy the code

Vue version:

In the SRC folder, create the utils folder. In the utils folder, create the ode

/* JSAPI key with static security key set in plaintext (insecure, recommended only in development environment) */
import AMapLoader from '@amap/amap-jsapi-loader';

const securityJsCode = 'xxxxxxxx'; // The security key you requested
const key = 'xxxxxxxx'; // The obtained Web developer Key is required when the load is invoked for the first time
const version = '2.0'; // Specify the version of JSAPI to load, which is 1.4.15 by default
const adress = ''; // Proxy server address

window._AMapSecurityConfig = {
  securityJsCode // The security key you requested

/** * Load map *@param {*} Plugins map configuration items *@returns promise* /
const mapLoader = plugins= >
    key, // The obtained Web developer Key is required when the load is invoked for the first time
    version, // Specify the version of JSAPI to load, which is 1.4.15 by default
    plugins // List of plug-ins to use, such as Scale' amap.scale 'etc

// Dynamically create script tags to import proxy servers
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = adress;

// Export the function used to load the map
export default mapLoader;

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Since amaploader.load is a promise, we split the then and catch parts of it out

3. Get a map container

Official HTML version:

<div id="container"></div> 
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#container {width:300px; height: 180px; } 
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Vue version:

Create a new component mymap.vue and mount it in app.vue

<template> <div :class="$style.root"> <! <div :class="$style.container" id="container" :style="{width: width + 'px', height: Height + 'px'}"></div> </div> </template> <script> export default {data() {return {width: 1000, // 600, // map height}; }, <style lang="scss" module> .root { width: 1920px; height: 1080px; } </style>Copy the code

4. Create a Map (and show it)

Official HTML version:

var map = new AMap.Map('container', {
    resizeEnable: true.// Whether to monitor map container size changes
    zoom:11.// Initialize the map hierarchy
    center: [116.397428.39.90923] // Initializes the map center point
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Vue version:

  • Add data containers to data

    data() {
      return {
        AMap: null.width: 1000.// Map width
        height: 600.// Map height
        plugins: [
          'AMap.Scale' /* Scale */.'AMap.ToolBar' /* Toolbar */.'AMap.Marker' / * marked * /.'AMap.Geolocation' / * location * /.'AMap.MapType' /* Layer switch */].// Map plugin
        config: {
          resizeEnable: true.// Map initializes to the current city (will be overwritten by Center)
          // center: [], // Map center point
          zoom: 10.// Set the zoom level of the map
          mapStyle: 'amap://styles/normal' // Set the display style of the map
        } // Map configuration items
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  • CreateMap provides a method to initialize the map

    // Initialize the map
    async createMap() {
      try {
        // Make the map independent (to prevent the need for multiple maps), privatize an AMap in the current component
        this.AMap = await mapLoader(this.plugins);
        // The then part of the promise = new AMap.Map('container'.this.config);
      } catch (e) {
        // Catch part of the promise
        console.log(e); }},Copy the code
  • AsnycLoaderPlugins provide methods to load multiple plug-ins asynchronously at the same time

    // Asynchronously load multiple plug-ins simultaneously
    asnycLoaderPlugins(AMap, map, plugins) {
      AMap.plugin(plugins, function () {
        map.addControl(new AMap.Scale()); // add scale
        map.addControl(new AMap.ToolBar()); // Add a toolbar
        map.addControl(new AMap.MapType()); // Add layer toggles
        // map.add(
        // new AMap.Marker({
        // position: map.getCenter(),
        // content: '
    / /}) / /); // Add tags // High precision positioning highAccuracyGeolocation(AMap, map); // Add a circular overlay // map.add( // new AMap.Circle({ // center: map.getCenter(), // center position // radius: 1000, // circle radius // fillColor: 'red', // circle fillColor // strokeColor: '# FFF ', // strokeColor // strokeWeight: 2 // stroke width / /}) // ); }); Copy the code
  • Export the highAccuracyGeolocation method in a separate JS file

    • High precision positioning is usually used during initialization because by default only the current location is located
    • The browser must have location permission enabled
    • Chrome may not be able to use high precision positioning, which is available with Firefox
    • See cause of official Geolocation location failure
    • The main reason why the function is imported in js file is that the callback function has this pointing problem
    • High-precision positioning is plug-in loading and is called in the asnycLoaderPlugins method
    /** ** high precision positioning *@param {*} AMap
     * @param {*} map* /
    const highAccuracyGeolocation = (AMap, map) = > {
      // After initialization, locate to local (high precision positioning, Chrome will fail, Firefox can succeed)
      var geolocation = new AMap.Geolocation({
        // Whether to use high precision positioning. Default: true
        enableHighAccuracy: true.// Set the locating timeout period. The default value is 5s
        timeout: 10000.// The offset of the location button's docking position, default: Pixel(10, 20)
        buttonOffset: new AMap.Pixel(10.20),
        // After successful positioning, adjust the map view range to make the positioning position and accuracy range visible in the view. Default: false
        zoomToAccuracy: true.// Locate the position of the button, RB represents the lower right
        buttonPosition: 'RB'
      geolocation.on('complete', onComplete);
      geolocation.on('error', onError);
      function onComplete(data) {
        // Data is specific location information
      function onError(data) {
        // Location error
        console.log(data); }};export default highAccuracyGeolocation;
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5. Use MouseTool to draw a circle and find the area

  • Note that these plug-ins are available on the official website, see distance, length, area

  • I’m just trying to provide a method here

  • Hold down the left mouse button drag animation circle, release the left button to complete the drawing circle, right mouse button to clear the drawing circle

    /** * Draw circles to get information *@param {*} AMap
     * @param {*} map* /
    function getMessageByDrawCircle(AMap, map) {
      map.plugin('AMap.MouseTool'.() = > {
        // Add the MouseTool plugin to the map
        const mouseTool = new AMap.MouseTool(map);
        // Use the mouse tool to draw a circle;
        // Add events
        mouseTool.on('draw'.function (e) {
          // console.log(e.obj);
          if(e.obj.getRadius()===0) return
          console.log('Radius of the circle' + e.obj.getRadius()); // Get the radius
          console.log('Area of a circle' +e.obj.getArea()); // Get the area
          console.log('Latitude of the center of the circle' +e.obj.getCenter().getLat()); // Get the latitude of the center point
          console.log('Longitude of the center of a circle' +e.obj.getCenter().getLng()); // Get the longitude of the center point
        const container = document.getElementById('container');
        container.oncontextmenu = function (e) {
          // Right click the code to execute
          getMessageByDrawCircle(AMap, map)
          return false; // Block the browser's default popover behavior
    export default getMessageByDrawCircle;
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6. Complete code for the component

<template> <div :class="$style.root"> <! <div :class="$style.container" id="container" :style="{width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }"></div> </div> </template> <script> import mapLoader from '@/utils/gaode'; import highAccuracyGeolocation from '@/utils/highAccuracyGeolocation'; import getMessageByDrawCircle from '@/utils/getMessageByDrawCircle'; export default { mounted() { this.createMap(); }, data() {return {AMap: null, map: null, width: 1000, // map width: 600, // map height: 600, [' AMap. Scale Scale / * * /, 'AMap. The ToolBar / * * / ToolBar,' AMap. Marker tags * / / * and 'AMap. Geolocation / * * /, 'MapType' /* Layer switch */], // map plugin config: {resizeEnable: true, // map initialization location to the current city (will be covered by center) // Center: [], // map center point zoom: 10, // set map zoom level mapStyle: 'amap://styles/normal' // set map display style} // map configuration item}; }, methods: {// initialize map async createMap() {try {this.amap = await mapLoader(this.plugins); = new AMap.Map('container', this.config); AsnycLoaderPlugins (this.amap,, this.plugins); getMessageByDrawCircle(this.AMap,; } catch (e) { console.log(e); }}, // async plugins (AMap, map, plugins) {amap.plugins (AMap, map, plugins) { function () { map.addControl(new AMap.Scale()); // Add scale map.addControl(new amap.toolbar ()); // Add toolbar map.addControl(new map.mapType ()); Map.add (// new map.marker ({// position: map.getCenter(), // content: '< div style = "fontSize: 16 px" > 1 < / div >' content / / / / custom some markers covering}) / /); // Add markup // highAccuracyGeolocation(AMap, map); Add (// new ({// center: map.getCenter(), // center: map.getCenter(), // radius: 1000, // Circle radius: 1000, // Circle radius: 1000, // Circle radius: 1000, // fillColor: Circular fill color 'red', / / / / strokeColor: '# FFF, / / / / strokeWeight stroke color: 2 / / / / / / stroke width})); }); }}}; </script> <style lang="scss" module> .root { width: 1920px; height: 1080px; } </style>Copy the code