The problem

This article is to complete a project process concept and compatibility issues


You have a general idea of the project’s process and compatibility

Project process

The requirements phase

In this stage, I mainly communicate with customers, understand their needs, and discuss the feasibility and specific scheme of the project with the team

The development phase

Development stage belongs to the front-end engineer participation stage, mainly according to drawings for reduction design, before starting to write code to a unified development environment, according to the UI design modular encapsulation, extract the public style, communicate with the back-end, together development, the development process, optimization, for future maintenance costs

Testing phase

When the project is ready to go online, it is necessary to test and fix the bugs. When the bugs are fixed, the online environment can be released for product acceptance

Maintenance phase

This stage belongs to the project has been online, representing the later maintenance stage, to maintain the bugs and version updates after the program is online

Some of the processes in the development phase

Download Node.js, open it in Window +R, enter CMD to open control panel, and enter (node-v and NPM -v)

npm  install  -g  cnpm  --registry=
Copy the code

Build scaffolding and create projects

Install -g@vue /cli, vue create hello-world create a hello-world project

Start the project with a good structure

At this point, everything is fine, the project is up and running, the browser is ready, and the usual layout is in place

Write code and submit to GitHub

As we know, the completion of a project is not a matter of two days, so you need a GitHub to help you save. If you do not understand the process of creating a GitHub warehouse, you can read my article

To optimize the project

To tell the truth, the optimization project is really a top priority, because the optimization project represents to improve the customer experience, for the front end, this is undoubtedly the most important, there are too many optimization methods, from plug-ins, componentization, request, code and so on, free to give an optimization project article said separately

The test project was packaged and launched

In fact, I will test the project in the process of development in front of the project, which involves the compatibility problem. Compatibility actually means that different versions of browsers parse the code differently. For example, (IE6 browser) for the old version of the browser, some code can not be resolved. Or there are different parsing results can be through can I use to Baidu to view the versions supported by different browsers, so the compatibility problem is divided into three kinds: HTML, CSS, JS, the focus is CSS bug repair is deployed online