Programming, how do YOU get started?

Many friends want to go into programming, maybe because of good employment, maybe because of high salary, maybe because of other reasons. Is it because of love? Many people are from the entry to give up, and many partners have taken a detour, so today brother will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of various learning methods, and some suggestions.

Please share with your friends who are also confused!!

What options do you have?

In general, there are three kinds of programming entry, the traditional education of the school, programming training classes, self-taught. Here is another table to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each:

Traditional School education


  • College, family support
  • More job opportunities, the higher the degree, the more
  • Learn basic computer concepts in a systematic way
  • There are internship opportunities, tons of resources, educational discounts, student specials, etc


  • Time cost is high, of course, the advantage is also more time
  • Tuition is expensive (scholarships are also available)
  • Education is disconnected from practical applications and curriculum design is boring
  • It’s not easy to concentrate on study

Things you can do

  • Take responsibility for learning
  • Do a part-time project
  • Prepare for internships in advance
  • Read more books to broaden your knowledge

Training course


  • Study time is short and intense (e.g., one week (10-12) hours * 6
  • The employment rate is high
  • The price is not expensive (in fact, the real work you will find 20,000 + for learning is very worthwhile investment)
  • Focus on learning and provide a dedicated learning atmosphere to make learning easier
  • Real work environment setup (e.g., locking, testing, deployment, etc.)
  • You know, you build up your contacts, and you push them inside


  • Price is expensive! (That’s what everyone thinks before you’re a programmer)
  • It is difficult to choose a reliable organization, and time and money may be wasted in the end
  • Without a degree, you’re not going to get a degree or anything
  • Lack of basic computer knowledge, because learning is more practical, so lack of basic information

Things you can do

  • Do enough research before signing up to make sure you’re not fooled
  • Try to pay your tuition in one lump sum
  • Completely empty the impetuous heart, games, all kinds of entertainment temporarily empty
  • Stay after school and talk to as many people as you can
  • Make sure you’re at the top of your class. (Guaranteed not to be the remaining 10% in a hypothetical 90% employment rate)
  • Learn the basics ahead of time



  • The cost is almost zero
  • Self-study skills point full, very useful in the programmer’s career
  • Study at your own pace and schedule without interruption


  • You have to figure out what to learn and what to do
  • It’s hard to find a job and there’s no one to help
  • Easy to lose momentum
  • May be separated from the society, lost in the ocean of knowledge.
  • In the study of the knowledge system is lacking

Things you can do

  • Make a plan and teach yourself what to know
  • Set a timetable and stick to it
  • Do not forget to develop contacts during self-study
  • Find a mentor
  • Complete at least one field project to ensure that you can meet the requirements

Student Party’s suggestion

Students usually consider this topic in the following ways:

  • I graduated from high school and didn't do well. I wanted to learn a skillBe very careful about dropping out of school. An associate’s degree can also help you get a job interview. And in the future you may also find that learning is so important.
  • High school graduation exam is similar, following the advice of "experienced people" want to learn programming directly: Don’t do anything stupid. This is similar to many people who think that Internet celebrities make money and then drop out of school to become anchors. Universities have plenty of trial-and-error costs, large networks, abundant educational resources and time to learn. It also plays a key role in forming your values.
  • Freshmen and sophomores: Plan ahead. A year or two will allow you to learn a lot (not just about school courses), attend technical activities, and get their advice so that you can navigate the college admissions process.
  • Junior and senior years are about to enter the society: If you haven’t studied hard or done some planning before, you will panic when you face school admission or passive internship. There are also remedies, such as self-study/training. In short, communicate with others as much as possible, make decisions quickly and implement them. Don’t be indecisive or even do nothing.

Selection of Training courses

  • Learn form: 0 basis had better choose face to face, like the school, buy course self-study or went to the training class we watch video together this form of help is not big.
  • Teachers': To find out the teacher’s background in advance or to see if her lecture is acceptable.
  • The employment rateIf you happen to know someone who graduated, ask her about her current situation. If she’s still in the industry and she makes a salary you’re happy with, trust yourself. As long as it’s not about IQ, you can do the same.
  • The environmentField study environment It’s best to go on a field trip before you sign up, because that will determine whether you can concentrate on your studies
  • The syllabus: As long as you consult them, you are sure to get a published syllabus. Find professional friends to see if the syllabus meets the market requirements, and you will know what to learn in advance.

Self-study advice

  • What do you want to learn.What can you do with itIf you do not know how to do it, even if you do not enter the training class, you can also find a training institution to learn an outline as your learning plan.
  • Make a schedule and stick to itSelf-study is to do well otherwise it is a waste of time.
  • The network has the basic resources you needTalk to others, find a good source of study, or spend a small amount of money on classes or books.
  • Do more practice moreIf you’re reading too slowly, use the 80/20 rule. 20% of a language/framework can do 80% of what you need to know.
  • And finally,If you want to change careers.The best way to find a horse is by donkey.Don't be in a hurry to quitSet a plan and see if you are as disciplined as you think you are. I mean, it’s been pretty bad lately.

The last

Self-protection link: if the concept is not consistent, we can discuss together, hope to enter this industry friends some suggestions.

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