Particle swarm Optimization (PSO) is a kind of evolutionary computation. It comes from the study of predation behavior in flocks of birds. The basic idea of particle swarm optimization algorithm is to find the optimal solution through the cooperation and information sharing among individuals in the group. The advantage of PSO is that it is simple and easy to implement without many parameters adjustment. It has been widely used in function optimization, neural network training, fuzzy system control and other applications of genetic algorithms.

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) simulates a bird in a flock by designing a massless particle. The particle has only two properties: speed and position. Speed represents the speed of movement, and position represents the direction of movement. Each particle separately searches for the optimal solution in the search space, and records it as the current individual extreme value, and shares the individual extreme value with other particles in the whole particle swarm, and finds the optimal individual extreme value as the current global optimal solution of the whole particle swarm. All particles in a swarm adjust their speed and position based on the current individual extremum they find and the current global optimal solution shared by the whole swarm. The following GIF vividly shows the process of the PSO algorithm: Insert image description 2 update rule here PSO is initialized as a group of random particles (random solution). Then find the optimal solution through iteration. At each iteration, the particle updates itself by tracking two “extreme values” (PBest, GBest). After finding these two optimal values, the particle updates its velocity and position by using the formula below. Insert here the first part of the picture description formula (1) is called [memory term], which represents the influence of the magnitude and direction of the last speed. The second part of Formula (1) is called [self cognition term], which is a vector pointing from the current point to the particle’s own best point, indicating that the particle’s action comes from its own experience. The third part of Formula (1) is called [group cognition term], which is a vector from the current point to the best point of the population, reflecting the cooperation and knowledge sharing among particles. The particle is determined by its own experience and the best experience of its companions. Based on the above two formulas, the standard form of PSO is formed. The image description formula (2) and formula (3) inserted here are regarded as the standard PSO algorithm. 3 PSO algorithm flow and pseudocode insert picture description here

Clear CLC close all %% c1=2.05; C2 = 2.05; maxgen=5000; sizepop=30; K = 0.6; % wV = 1.1; WP = 1.1; v=5; popmax=30; popmin=-30;

% pso_option = struct (‘ c1 ‘, 1.5 ‘c2, 1.7,’ maxgen ‘200,’ sizepop, 20,… % ‘k’, 0.6 ‘wV, 1,’ wP, 1, ‘v’, 5,… % ‘popcmax’, 100, ‘popcmin’, 0.1 ‘popgmax, 10 ^ 3,’ popgmin, 10 ^ (2)); % c1: initial 1.5, pSO parameter local search ability % c2: initial 1.7, PSO parameter global search ability % maxgen: initial 200, maximum evolution number % sizePOP: initial 20, population maximum number % K: initial 0.6(K belongs to) [0.1,1.0]), the relationship between rate and X (V = kX) % wV: initial is 1(wV best belongs to [0.8,1.2]), the elastic coefficient in front of the speed in the rate update formula % wP: initial is 1, the elastic coefficient in front of the speed in the population update formula % V: initial 5,SVM Cross Validation parameter % popcmax: initial 100, maximum change of SVM parameter c % popcmin: initial 0.1, minimum change of SVM parameter C % popgmax: initial 1000,SVM parameter C % popgmax: initial 1000,SVM parameter C % popcmax: initial 100, maximum change of SVM parameter C % popcmin: initial 0.1, minimum change of SVM parameter C % popgmin: the initial value is 0.01, the minimum value of the change of SVM parameter C. D=10; %%% dimension Vmax =k*popmax; Vmin = -Vmax ;

eps =1E-5;

Pop =zeros(sizepop,D); V=zeros(sizepop,D); fitness=zeros(sizepop,1); for i=1:sizepop

Pop (I,:) = (popmax-popmin)*rand(1,D)+popmin; V(i,:)=Vmax*rands(1,D); Fitness (I)=myfunc_fit1(pop(I,:));Copy the code

end Xd_ave0=repmat(sum(pop)/sizepop,sizepop,1); D_t0 = sum ((sum ((pop – Xd_ave0). ^ 2, 2)). ^ 0.5)/sizepop/(popmax – popmin); WV = 1 / (1 + exp (- 12 * (D_t0 0.5)));

D_min = D_t0 * 0.2;

% global_fitness bestindex =min(fitness); % local_fitness=fitness; % individual extremum initialization

global_x=pop(bestindex,:); % global extreme point local_x=pop; % individual extremum point initialization

% Mean fitness of each generation avgFitness_gen = Zeros (MaxGen,1); fit_gen=zeros(maxgen,1);

%% iterative optimization for I =1:maxgen

Speed update for j = 1: sizepop % V (j) = (j:) + c1 wV * V * * (local_x rand (j:) - pop rand (j, :)) + c2 * * (global_x - pop (j:)); if find(V(j,:) > Vmax) V_maxflag=find(V(j,:) > Vmax); V(j,V_maxflag) = Vmax; end if find(V(j,1) < Vmin) V_minflag=find(V(j,1) < Vmin); V(j,V_minflag) = Vmin; End % pop(j,:)=pop(j,:) + wP*V(j,:); if find(pop(j,:) > popmax) pop_maxflag=find(pop(j,:) > popmax); pop(j,pop_maxflag) = popmax; end if find(pop(j,:) < popmin) pop_minflag=find(pop(j,:) < popmin); pop(j,pop_minflag) = popmin; If rand> 0.5k =ceil(2*rand); pop(j,k) = (popmax-popmin)*rand + popmin; Fitness (j)=myfunc_fit1(pop(j,:)); If fitness(j) < local_fitness(j) local_x(j,:) = pop(j,:); local_fitness(j) = fitness(j); endCopy the code

% if fitness(j) == local_fitness(j) && length(pop(j,:) < local_x(j,:)) % local_flag=find(pop(j,:) < local_x(j,:)); % local_x(j,local_flag) = pop(j,local_flag); % local_fitness(j) = fitness(j); % end

% if fitness(j) < global_fitness global_x = pop(j,:); global_fitness = fitness(j); end function C=PSO_FUNC(X)Copy the code

global G_AC T_C hour_num Wind_V C_W=110; Wind power P_W=100; u_PW=6; m_WG=20; R0 = 0.06; v_ci=3; % cut wind speed v_r=12; % Rated wind speed v_co=25; % Excise wind velocity P_r=P_W; V_t = repmat (Wind_V (:, 3), 52, 1);

C_S = 0.7; %%%% PV P_S=0.2; U_PS = 0.009; m_PV=25;

C_B = 0.5; %%% battery u_WB=0.0014; m_B=5;

sigam_bat=1e-4; %%% self-discharge rate N_B=2000; W_B = 0.64; N_BW_B Wbat_0 = 0.5; N_BW_B Pbat_max = 0.2; N_BW_B Pbat_min = 0.2; Pbat_maxt=Pbat_max; Pbat_mint=Pbat_min; Wbat_t=zeros(hour_num,1); Wbat_t(1)=Wbat_0; %%% remaining power

Pbat_t=zeros(hour_num,1); Pbat_t(1)=Pbat_max;

C_d=10; U_Pd =0.95; P = 4.62; Q_d0 = 0.22; m_die=10;

P_STC = 0.2; G_STC=1; K = 0.47; Tr = 298.15; T_C = T_C + 273.15;

P1_t=300; Peak KW Pdes_t=200; KW P_des=25; Rated power of single seawater desalination unit KW N_des=8; G_des=100/24; Water yield per hour of a single unit 100t/d Rwater_t=500/24; T Rdes_min=0; Rdes_max=8*100/24; Eta_c = 0.97;

Rdes_t=zeros(hour_num,1); Rdes_t(1)=Rdes_max; %% Initial storage capacity

P_PV=zeros(hour_num,1); P_WG=zeros(hour_num,1); P_PVM_t=zeros(hour_num,1); P_WGM_t=zeros(hour_num,1); P_net_t=zeros(hour_num,1); Pdie_t=zeros(hour_num,1); C_f=0; %%% annual cost of diesel yeushu2=0; yeushu3=0; yeushu4=0; yeushu5=0; yeushu6=0; yeushu7=0; yeushu8=0; for i=1:hour_num P_PV(i)=P_STCG_AC(i).(1+K*(T_C(i)-Tr))/G_STC; a=P_r/(v_r^3-v_ci^3); b=v_ci^3/(v_r^3-v_ci^3); if (V_t(i)


Copy the code

if(i>=2) Pbat_maxt=min([Pbat_max ((1-sigam_bat)*Wbat_t(i)-((1-sigam_bat)*Wbat_t(i)+Pbat_t(i)))*eta_c]); Pbat_mint=max([Pbat_min ((1-sigam_bat)*Wbat_t(i)-((1-sigam_bat)*Wbat_t(i)+Pbat_t(i)))/eta_c]); Insert a picture description here insert a picture description here Insert a picture description here

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