I. The way to enter the safe mode

  1. Tweak crashes and actively enters safe mode
  2. Manually enter safe mode:

Press the sleep button to start the machine in the shutdown state, release the sleep button when the screen lights up, and press any volume button to enter the safe mode

II. Tweak solutions to problems caused by tweaks

Modify the jailbreak tool (such as Yalu) to delete the offending tweak and related files once the jailbreak is successful

III. Switch and control Wi-Fi to solve the problem of unstable ASO network

  • Toggle and control Wi-Fi


IV. Battery status monitoring

  • Battery status monitoring of iOS monitoring system [Battery status processing: battery status acquisition and monitoring, battery power acquisition and monitoring, low power mode switching monitoring] Application scenario: THE scene of ASO brush needs to ensure the high availability of equipment


V. Data cleaning

  • IOS reverse practice ASO [data cleaning] : 1. Analyze and clear Accounts information (application scenario: ASO) 2. Keychain Dumper (reading Keychain data)


VI. Simulate mouse click

  • Cliclick: A Mac simulation mouse click tool

Example (time click on a particular location, click to ensure Mac always active, achieve the goal of Mac never don’t close the screen) kunnan.blog.csdn.net/article/det…

#! /bin/bash

while true

doCliclick c: 0, 0 980 s sleep# Interval time


Copy the code

see also

iOS intercept the HTTP/HTTPS requests

Intercepting requests for specific purposes (changing HTTPHeaderField, not going global Proxy, setting proxy IP and port)

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Copyright notice: This article is an original article BY CSDN blogger “# public account: iOS Reverse”, in accordance with CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement, please attach the original source link and this statement.

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