Associated tags: #Sentry # Cluster # Monitor # Front-end # O&M
After the front-end team’s project reaches a certain scale, it is essential to monitor the front-end operation. At present, the team uses the open source monitoring platform Sentry to collect error information, which has achieved the purpose of real-time error notification and timely follow-up.
The official Sentry deployment scheme provides only the deployment scheme of a single Sentry node. To prevent the failure of a single Sentry node due to traffic outbreak caused by service scale surge, a clustered deployment scheme is required from the O&M team.
Technology research
There are two versions of Sentry cluster deployment: Sentry 9.1.2 and Sentry 21.10.0.
Most of the articles are based on the team’s previous deployment, which is based on 9.1.2. Compared to this version, Sentry has fewer dependencies and can be deployed by simple docker-compose.
In 21.10.0, compared with the previous version, more tools such as Snuba, Kafka, Zk, Clickhouse, ng, relay and so on are introduced. Although docker-compose. Yml file is officially provided for single-node deployment, the overall complexity of cluster deployment is increased several times. You can click here to see the differences between 9.1.2 files and 21.10.0 files.
Official Standalone version
- Deployment solution: Docker-compose
- Advantages:
- The official maintenance
- Simple single-node deployment
- Disadvantages:
- Multiple nodes cannot be deployed in a cluster
Three-party Cluster Version
- Deployment solution: K8S
- Advantages:
- Open source
- It can be deployed directly through the HELM
- Rich Configuration Items
- Disadvantages:
- Unofficial version, need to review their own open source code
Community 9.1.2 Cluster Deployment
- Deployment solution: Docker-compose
- Community articles:
- Sentry Cluster Deployment – Zhihu (
- Rounding docker – compose installation sentry cluster solution < 2 > | ops essay < / 2 > (gitee. IO)
The project practice
In the end, both 9.1.2 and 21.10.0 were wetted.
Deployment of premise
- Deployment documentation:…
- Two machines installed with K8S environment, and set up the master and slave nodes, configured in 4H8G and above
- K8s storage supports dynamic PVC. If you do not understand, you can learn the relevant chapter of “StorageClass” in teacher Yang Ming’s course at the bottom
- Access subdomain names and resolve the domain name DNS to the server node
Install dependencies
Install the helm
Wget tar ZXVF helm-v3.7.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz MV Linux-AMd64 helm CP helm/helm /usr/bin/Copy the code
To install source of a sentry
# add Helm repository
helm repo add sentry
helm repo update
helm search repo sentry
Download Chart package for easy viewing and modifying Chart
helm pull sentry/sentry
Copy the code
Create the sentry configuration file sentry.yml for complete configuration. You can adjust the resource configuration and node number based on your own machine. Mail indicates the mailbox information, and user indicates the administrator information initialized by Sentry.
backend: smtp
from: ""
host: ""
port: 465
useTls: false
useSsl: true
username: ""
password: "xxxxx"
create: true
email: ""
password: "xxxxxx"
Copy the code
Install Sentry. It takes a long time to start the sentry for the first time, and some of the sentry installation may time out. Run this command again to continue the sentry installation
# installation sentry
helm install sentry -n sentry -f sentry.yml sentry/sentry --debug --wait
# Check pods installation
kubectl get pods -n sentry
Copy the code
Once created, sentry is deployed and the ng service is enabled by default, all we need to do is forward the domain name to port 80 of the ng service
I used traefik as a gateway to manage domain names and certificates very easily. I created route.yml as follows
kind: IngressRoute
name: sentry-forward
- websecure
- match: Host(``)
kind: Rule
- name: sentry-nginx
namespace: sentry
port: 80
Copy the code
Execute kubectl apply -f route.yml to validate the route, then request []( to view it.
Matters needing attention
The deployment itself is not difficult, the trouble is that there are all kinds of strange scenarios that need to be solved one by one, as long as you have the patience to look at the log, and Google search log keywords, can be solved.
Common command
# Check pods status kubectl get pods -n sentry # check log kubectl logs pods/xxx -n sentry # delete container kubectl delete pods xxx -n sentry # to check the PVC kubectl describe pvc xxx -n sentry # Enter the container kubectl exec -it -n sentry xxxx /bin/sh # Edit sentry configuration kubectl edit cm sentry-sentry -n sentry Start BusyBox and test the network kubectl run --rm busy --image=busybox --namespace=sentry -it /bin/sh Copy the code
Uninstall the sentry
# uninstall sentry helm uninstall sentry -n sentry kubectl delete deployments -n sentry --all kubectl delete pods -n sentry --all kubectl delete job -n sentry --all # remove PVC kubectl delete pvc --all -n sentry Copy the code
If the database initialization fails, initialize and create the user yourself by using the following command
kubectl exec -it -n sentry $(kubectl get pods -n sentry |grep sentry-web |awk '{print $1}') bash sentry upgrade If there is no administrator, create one sentry createuser Copy the code
Results demonstrate
The number of nodes started is as follows
Start Pod as follows
I have tried the 9.1.2 version and the three-party cluster version in my own server. The deployment operation cost of both is very low, but the resource occupation is really much different. If it is used by companies, it is recommended to deploy the latest version. The most important thing is to bring in the operation and maintenance leaders. Professionals have more energy to do things more professionally.
In the deployment of the latest version of Sentry, there were a lot of problems with the software version related to operation and maintenance. It was too reckless to just do it without reading the manual. Later, I spent a week in the introduction of K8S, which was deployed in a VIRTUAL machine using Vagrant. Feel oneself direction to run continuously partial, fortunately finally take two online server directly to do, spent a day to do.
Finally, I strongly recommend Teacher Yang Ming’s Docker course “Advanced from Docker to K8s”, which is very practical. After a week of serious study, I gave all my servers to K8s, which is not too cool. The key is that this class is really cheap, compared with other courses, Just like no money .
Reference documentation
- Architecture | Sentry Developer Documentation
- Sentry 9.1.2 Cluster Deployment – Zhihu (
- Sentry high availability deployment morrowind | dress dance (
- Rounding docker – compose installation sentry cluster solution < 2 > | ops essay < / 2 > (gitee. IO)
- Advantages knowledge – Course Introduction page (
- Advanced from Docker to Kubernetes
- Calabash’s Blog
- Sentry Real-time application error tracking system in Kubernetes private deployment – SegmentFault thinking no
- Helm install Sentry – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)
- Who exactly is Sentry? – the nuggets (juejin. Cn)
- Helm Install Sentry (