1. Taxi billing software

A. the b. the C. the D. the


1. It is better to unify km and KM demand units

2. The time range is not clear. Whether 5:00 and 23:00 are included or not

3. Idle charge Whether part of the waiting time will be counted as idle charge

4. How to calculate the charge if the waiting time is not an integer multiple of 5 minutes

5. What is the starting price for cross-time

If the excess is over 35km, the calculation method of idling fee should also be over time.


All the following distances are calculated in 1km as a unit. If the distance exceeds 1km and the distance is less than 2km, the distance is 2km.

All the time is divided into 5 minutes. If the time exceeds 5 minutes and less than 10 minutes is counted as 10 minutes.

By analogy, test cases include:

1) during 5:00-23:00, travel distance =3km; Billing 11 yuan

2) during 5:00-23:00, the driving distance is 4km, and the waiting time is 3min; Billing 2.14 + 2.11

3) during 5:00-23:00, the driving distance =5555km, and the waiting time is 11min; Billing 2.16 + 2.13

4) during 5:00-23:00, the driving distance =10km, and the waiting time is 15min; Billing 2.110 + 2.13

5) during 5:00-23:00, the driving distance is 11km, and the waiting time is 23min; Billing 11 + 3.2 * 3.2 * 5

6) during 5:00-23:00, the driving distance =36km, and the waiting time is 23min; Billing 3.236 + 3.25 + 3.250% (36-35)

7) 23:00- 5:00 the next day, driving distance =3km; Billing $14

8) from 23:00 to 5:00 the next day, driving distance =4km, waiting time is 3min; Billing 2.74 + 2.71

9) from 23:00 to 5:00 the next day, driving distance =5555m, waiting time is 11min; Billing 2.76 + 2.73

10) 23:00- 5:00 the next day, driving distance =10km, waiting time is 15min; Billing 2.710 + 2.73

11) from 23:00 to 5:00 the next day, driving distance =11km, waiting time is 23min; Billing 4.111 + 4.15

12) 23:00 — 5:00 the next day, driving distance =36km, waiting time is 23min; Billing 4.136 + 4.15 + 4.150% (36-35)

13) Cross-time 22:00 to 2:00 the next day, driving distance =3km; Charge 11 YUAN (for each period, the charge is calculated according to the first period)

14) From 22:00 to 2:00 in the next day, the driving distance exceeds 3km; The driving distance before 23:00 shall be calculated as 2.1 yuan, and after 23:00 shall be calculated as 2.7 yuan

15) From 22:00 to 2:00 in the next day, the driving distance exceeds 10km; The driving distance before 23:00 shall be calculated as 3.2 yuan, and after 23:00 shall be calculated as 4.1 yuan

16) From 22:00 to 2:00 in the next day, the driving distance exceeds 35km; The driving distance before 23:00 shall be calculated as 3.2 yuan, and the driving distance after 23:00 shall be calculated as 4.1 yuan. If the driving distance exceeds 35km after 23:00, the driving fee shall be calculated as 50% of 4.1 yuan

17) From 22:00 to 2:00 in the next day, the driving distance exceeds 35km; The distance traveled before 23:00 shall be calculated as 3.2 yuan, and the distance traveled after 23:00 shall be calculated as 4.1 yuan. If the distance traveled beyond 35km is over time, the distance traveled before 23:00 shall be calculated as 50% of 3.2 yuan, and the distance traveled after 23:00 shall be calculated as 50% of 4.1 yuan

2. Register wizard

The unit registration function of a system requires that the registered units meet the following conditions:

(1) The number of employees in the unit shall not be less than 50

(2) The registered capital of the unit shall not be less than RMB 5 million

Write a test case for the registration page

2. What bugs exist in the registration page?

1. Input the required data to verify the normal registration. Consider the boundary value case when designing data.

For example, consider the number of people 50; The registered capital is 500

2. Test data input design for page input items separately, considering length, type composition, mandatory items and repetition.

A. The unit name is too long, empty, and repeated verification

B. Verify that the number of users is 0, -50, or 51

C. The registered capital is empty, 0, -5000000, 4000000.1, 5000001, &

D. The brief introduction of the unit is empty and too long


1. The page layout is not aligned, including the input item name and input box

3. The registered capital of the unit, it is recommended to add the unit “ten thousand”.

3. Create an email message

Requirement: Write the test checkpoint for the new mail message according to the figure above

A. the b. the C. the D. the

1. Enter the correct recipient and subject information, select the attachment, enter the body part, and click Send to verify whether the email is sent properly. The Sent function lists the newly sent email information and verifies the correctness of the email information

2. Enter the correct recipient and subject information, select the attachment, enter the body part, and click Save Draft to verify whether the “Draft box” stores the email information and confirm the correctness of the email information

3. Check whether the email information added to the draft box can be sent directly after editing

4. Enter the correct recipient and subject information, select the attachment, enter the body part, and click Close. The page for creating an email message is displayed again

5. The system determines whether the recipient is empty, the recipient enters a long message, or the recipient does not exist

6. If the topic is empty and a long message is entered, the system determines whether the topic is empty

7. Do not select whether file attachments can be sent by email

8. Verify common text formats of file attachments, such as PNG, Word, WPS, Excel, RAR, and TXT

9. Submit the 0M file as the text attachment for verification, and check whether the system controls it

10. Empty text, long information input, hyperlink input, label input verification

11. Verify whether multiple recipients are supported

12. Check whether all input items can be copied and pasted

4. Query the detailed report of cashier violation

1. Added menus: Logistics management – Commodity management – POS sales – Query of detailed reports of cashier violations, and the headquarters and stores have browsing and maintenance rights

2. Search criteria: Start date and end date

3. Report style reference chart, note that the total number of illegal pens and the total number of red pens must be placed on it (site requirements)

4. Query logic: Query the records of the number of illegal pens or the number of red pens >0 within the start and end dates of the entry date of the cashier’s total table, and the cashier of the department will summarize the number of illegal pens, the amount of illegal money, the number of red pens and the amount of red pens

5. Query fields display: Department code, department name, cashier code, cashier name, number of illegal pens, amount of illegal pens, number of red pens and amount. Note. Please design the use case according to the detailed report query of cashier violation above

A. the b. the C. the D. the

1. Check whether the menu entry is correct

2. The authority of the report and whether the head store and stores control it

3. If the report data is 0, check whether a friendly message is displayed on the query page

4. Whether the input of start time and end time supports the time selection control; Whether manual input is supported

5. If both the start time and end time are empty, query information

6. Enter empty start time and end time for query

7. Enter empty end time and start time for query

8. If the start time is equal to the end time, perform the query

9. The start time is smaller than the end time, but the query scope is across the sky, month, and year

10. If the start time is greater than the end time, query information

11. Compare the data displayed after query with the database to see whether the values displayed in each field are correct, and whether the total number of illegal pens and red pens is correct

12. Query whether carriage return is supported in addition to manually clicking the query button

13. During the query, click the query operation frequently and repeatedly to determine whether the system controls the query

14. If the query data exceeds one page, check whether it is displayed in pages and whether the paging control operation is normal

15. Query whether page layout is designed and displayed as required

5. Turn the proposal into a PDF file

Project: Plan to PDF

Background: The Foundation Committee is responsible for the issuance of scientific research funds. After the project is approved, applicants are required to submit a project plan document, namely a proposal, which can be submitted in two ways:

One: Online mode: Directly fill in the form on the Web

Ii. Offline mode: The system will automatically extract relevant data information by submitting WORD file.

Either way, the plan will eventually be turned into a PDF file, and this task will do just that

Condition: A proposal whose status is the outcome of the process

Operation: Convert the plan to PDF file, update the status and related fields, see flow chart:


1: According to the above documents, please explain the idea of designing use cases

2: List the inputs and outputs of test cases

A. the b. the C. the D. the

1. Ideas of use case design:

First, the scene business process is covered completely; Then the use case of a single functional operation is considered by equivalence partitioning. For specific input and output, see analysis in question 2.

2. List the test case inputs and outputs:

1. Submit Word according to word template for major and key projects — convert Word into PDF, and insert participant information into the proposal;

2. Submit Word as a Word template without major or key projects — convert Word directly to PDF

3. When submitting the document according to the Word template, some data is missing in the Word document — whether the system has judged it

4. When submitting the document according to the Word template, the word document content is empty — whether the system has judgment

5. Online preparation, preparation of brief table in brief table PDF, with text document (WORD, WPS), and for major projects – converted PDF includes: brief table PDF for brief table content, text PDF for text document content, and participant information

6. Online preparation, preparation of brief table in brief table PDF, no text files, and for major projects – converted PDF includes: brief table PDF content, body PDF content for the body field, and participant information

7. Online preparation, preparation of brief table in brief table PDF, with text document (WORD, WPS), and not for major projects – converted PDF includes: brief table PDF for brief table content, text PDF for text document content

8. Online preparation, preparation of brief table in brief table PDF, no text documents, and not major projects – converted PDF includes: brief table PDF for brief table content, body PDF for body field content

9. When submitting online, the brief table information is empty and data is incomplete — whether the system has judgment

10. If the online submission mode contains the main file, the main file is empty and the data is incomplete. – The system determines whether the file is submitted online