Programmers should not always keep their heads down to code, but rather master some soft skills to change their stereotypical dull image, so that they can win in the competition and have a smoother career development. Here we summarize some common soft skills for your reference

1. The habit of timely rechecking

The so-called rematch? It is to review and summarize the projects and things we have done and find problems from them. Just like what is said in deliberate practice, only by summarizing and adjusting the feedback can we make progress. Otherwise, after practicing for decades, we are likely to mechanically repeat the experience of one day for decades.

2. The power of timely action

2.1 Only action can solve anxiety

Many things before we start to do, there will always be a lot of wrong judgment, there will be a lot of confusion, anxiety, do not know whether they can do well. In fact, we can start to do it after we understand a certain principle, because often only after we take action can we have a deeper experience, most of the anxiety will be solved naturally, learning in action, learning in action, namely in the Internet thinking: small trial and error, fast iteration.

2.2 Practice is most important

Many people often say: why I read so many books, know so much truth, but why still not good life?

Did you follow the theory in the book? Do you deliberately control your actions according to the book? It is like a person who knows a lot of swimming theories but has never gone into the water, but complains: Why can’t I become a good swimmer?

To know the truth is useful and not to act is to struggle in a dead cycle.

2.3 Attention energy/attention management

The most important asset for us is often time, or more accurately, our attention.

Value your attention and energy and use it in the most valuable ways to learn, work, and grow. Instead of playing short videos, games and other time-black hole apps. Do less high-stimulation, low-payoff stuff and more high-payoff stuff (like reading a book, learning a musical instrument, working out). Because doing high-stimulation tasks for a long time raises your threshold, you may no longer be able to think straight.

3, develop the ability to think for yourself

3.1 Learn to think independently

There are few courses to teach us how to think independently and critically. Do the experts have to be right? There are network rumors so ridiculous, why there are a lot of people deceived? The ability of independent thinking is bound to be a necessary ability for a person to achieve something. If a person cannot think independently, he or she will be cheated by rumors and pyramid schemes to a large extent. Maybe even just because some experts recommended a few “limit board”, all positions into the stock market, and in the end even “bottom pants” are lost.

3.2 Pay attention to opportunity costs and sunk costs when making decisions

Opportunity cost: For example, many people choose to rent a house far away from the company in order to save money when they go to work. It takes 2 hours to commute but the rent is relatively low, thinking that they have made a profit. But you’re also ignoring the cost of time. Which is more important, rent or time?

Sunk cost: After waiting half an hour for a bus to arrive at the bus stop, do you switch to another form of transport or keep waiting?

3.3 Change from process orientation to result orientation

What is results-oriented? Result-oriented thinking refers to the way of thinking when doing something, with the result as the ultimate goal and how to achieve the goal, as opposed to process-oriented thinking: only concerned with the process of doing something, not the result. Results-oriented only cares about the results of things, not what techniques or methods you use to accomplish them.

Only when you are result-oriented and responsible for results, rather than “I’ve tried so hard in the process,” can you avoid the difficulty of making excuses and trying to escape.

4. Self-continuous optimization

4.1 Try to spend as much money as you can on improving yourself when you are young

Is 20% net return a lot to invest a year? 50W principal can earn 10W, but just graduated college students have more than 50W? Only when 2W yuan, instead of spending all energy on stocks, it is better to use it to improve yourself first, and then think about investment when you have more than 10W.

4.2 Refuse to take the doctrine

In the work, do not hand party, encounter problems to think of their own way, to exercise their ability to think. Ask people just to optimize your answer. Ask and confirm the work assigned by the leader before you do it, so that you can have a clear goal and feedback in the process. So we can do better.

4.3 Treat money correctly and learn financial management

Does money matter? It’s important, but it’s not the most important thing in the world.

More money does not mean more happiness, people adapt to increased wealth, and there is a tipping point in income beyond which happiness increases much more slowly than income. Therefore, we should maintain a delicate balance between “treating money like dirt” and “money is the most important”, and the exact position of the balance varies from person to person.

Many people say: my salary is only 5K, can not use a few moonlight, how to manage money ah, wait for me to have money again! The reality is, “If you don’t manage money, money won’t care.” Financial thinking here refers to a way of allocating money, as well as some frugal thinking. It’s not so much about absolute wealth.

Learn to read people

5.1 Don’t look at what the other person says, but think about what his real needs are

My parents called me up out of the blue to tell me what the weather was like and to keep warm. It looks like she wants to talk about the weather, but if you haven’t been home and they miss you, you shouldn’t say, “I see, I’ll keep warm.” Instead, I’ll be back by XX. Because of The Times, ideas, they had to express their ideas in this way.

5.2 Don’t be a good man without principles

Don’t be a good man without principles, or the people you helped won’t thank you, and the people you didn’t help will resent you. You give a beggar 10 yuan every day, and one day he will ask why you didn’t give him the money. If a man beats a beggar every day and forgets to beat him one day, the beggar will be grateful.

5.3 Don’t speak ill of others behind their backs

If you discuss others behind the back of the group, it is inevitable that others will send screenshots to the parties involved, which will lead to the rupture of the relationship, and it is likely that others will never trust you and have in-depth cooperation with you. Do not speak ill of others behind their backs, even offline (no screenshots will be taken). This is not only to improve self-cultivation, but also to protect yourself.


I particularly agree with the following sentence: “Work for yourself and be responsible for your own growth.”

Many people think this way: we give our time, the boss pays us, so I will work for what the boss pays me!

When we work for a boss, we often feel that the boss is exploiting us and that we are the “victims”. Admittedly, there will always be unfair employers who won’t pay you for your contributions or the level of work you do. However, you are always working for yourself. The growth, project experience and harvest you gain in your work are entirely your own, and no one can take them away.

Regardless of the company environment and the fairness of the boss, find ways to improve your skills and not waste your most valuable time. Again, remember that you are always working for yourself.