
This book was recommended by a friend before, but I haven’t read it. I think it is a very boring book. The whole book is not about programming at all. What the book says is all heresy stuff. That’s what I despise, a programmer who doesn’t code well and improve his code. It’s no use doing such nonsense all the time.

But in the last few months, I’ve been craving this book. I changed my job recently. I thought I jumped out of one pit, but I jumped into another. I wanted to jump away again, but I thought about jumping one more time.

I have worked for 5 years and experienced 3 companies, each of which is a pit. When you talk to your friends, what you have experienced is a pit, so there is no point in jumping around. Why don’t you study how to improve your other abilities and make more money? After all, you work to make money. Of course money is for a better life.

The other chapters are wonderful, if you’re interested. Of course, if you can, I hope you can give me a like or follow, every week I will strive to share helpful career dry goods.

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 1

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code ii

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 3 (Self-Study)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 4 (Productivity)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 5 (Finances)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 6 (Fitness)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 7 (Spirit)

19. Sell yourself

Marketing is not a derogatory term, and programmers and people in general look down upon marketing with disdain. This is not wrong, this is no longer the era of wine is not afraid of alley. Because there’s so much talent out there. So in addition to professional skills, we also need to learn marketing. Good marketing, not only can bring rich income, but also can let your talent play more incisively and vividly.

19.1 What does self-marketing mean

The right way to market yourself is to provide value to others, and the key to successful marketing is to make people like you and want to work with you. So you have to provide value to others.

Self-marketing is nothing more than learning how to control the information you want to express, shaping your own image and spreading information to the crowd.

19.2 Why is self-marketing so important

As people grow up, their professional skills slowly reach the same level (known as the plateau), and it is difficult to improve further. What makes you stand out is self-marketing.

Finding ways to market yourself can help you become an expert at something. Self-marketing is a prerequisite for becoming an expert.

19.3 How to Market yourself

Self-marketing starts with building a personal brand that represents you. You can’t present everything, so you need to be careful about what you present. (Choose your major)

Self-marketing: blogs, podcasts, videos, magazines, books and other channels. Choose these channels to spread yourself, but they all take time and persistence.

The point of self-marketing is to do it everywhere. Let users reach you through any channel. Think about what wang Baoqiang was like when he just got hot, shooting all kinds of movies, Lei Feng was him, Qiu Shaoyun was him, Dong Cunrui was still him. It’s all about you, all about you.

Personal evaluation: self-marketing is really quite important, think about my previous experience of the company, the attention must be articulate, will pull a show. Of course some are capable and some are not. You always have him in every meeting. It seems that everything in the company passes through his hands. I can talk about anything I don’t know. Understand the person may feel blind a few say, but do not understand the person, will feel very fierce. Slowly a lot of people will also close to him. He’s a go-to guy for everything. He was also getting higher and higher.

20. Build a compelling brand

20.1 the brand

A brand is not just a trademark, but a set of expectations for a product or service. Brand is not a visual element, but a feeling. Brand promise.

Brand composition: brand information to convey, brand visual symbol, brand consistency, brand exposure.

By blogging, writing articles, giving speeches, creating video shares, blogging, everything. You need to do everything you can to spread the word and make yourself known. (For example, ruan Yifeng, the god we know, wrote more than 1500 blogs in 9 months, and wrote about being reported.)

This should be hard for the average person to do, but some people can do it. Than I have some friends, hair state, circle of friends hair, QQ hair, weibo hair. I was so tired, but they were happy to do it

20.2 Create your own brand

  • Be clear about your brand message
  • Select market segments
  • Create a brand slogan
  • Create a marketing profile
  • Create visual symbols

21. Create a hugely successful blog

With face to face networking, you can only meet a limited number of people, so you need another way to exaggerate your social circle.

21.1 the blog

Owning a blog can not only lead to a job, it can also lead to a better software developer and evangelist, which can lead to many unexpected opportunities.

Even if our blog, no one pays attention to, but writing blog is also good, at least can improve their communication skills, organize their thoughts.

21.2 Creating a blog

  1. Decide which hosting service you want to use: free, paid, or VPS
  2. Set up and install blogging software
  3. Configure and customize themes
  4. Start a blog

WordPress is recommended (

Be sure to register your domain name

Personal opinion: THIS has made me agonize for a long time, whether to have my own server, set up a blog. I thought about it for a long time and decided it wasn’t necessary. 1. If it is your own blog, the server is more troublesome, at least 600 yuan per year. 2. It is a big problem to build your own blog. 3. Traffic problems, their own blog is very likely, one or two years of the mainland will not be visited. 4 network speed problem, special blog website, do a lot of optimization, their own server may be very card. 5. User experience problems. I personally read a few blogs every day and see new news every day. But I rarely look at my personal website, because the update frequency is too low, and I have to add special favorites. It’s even more difficult if I use my phone, I prefer to open an app rather than a web page. To sum up: I think it’s better to rely on dedicated blogging sites.

21.3 The secret to a successful blog

The biggest secret to a successful blog is consistency

It is highly recommended that you write at least one blog post a week.

What to do when you don’t know what to write? Brainstorming is recommended in advance. Create a list of ideas and update your list.

Don’t worry about how you write and don’t worry too much about what others think. Sometimes text that we think is bad can get a lot of traffic.

Personal assessment: It’s hard to write a blog post a week. I usually leave work at 8:00 and get home by 9:00. Then play and take a shower and time will pass. And blogging is a super demanding job, requiring a lot of research. You can’t write a good blog in eight hours. You really need the motivation to persevere.

21.4 Increase traffic volume

  1. Comment on other people’s blogs and link to your own. Be thoughtful in your comments so that others will be interested in reading your blog
  2. Share your articles on social networks. Include a link to your blog in your email or elsewhere.

22. Add value to others

22.1 Why do I do this

If you help enough people get what they want, you’ll get what you want. (That’s true, but it’s a lot of effort and it takes a long, long time.)

22.2 What does the other person want

Many people don’t really know what they want, so learn to look beyond the surface and find ways to increase your value. (This is difficult)

22.3 free

Make sure that 90% of your content is free. The upside is that your content will spread so easily that people will be grateful to you and will want to repay you by buying your services. (Indeed, a certain amount of free is very good, take a long-term view)

23. Use social media

Cultivate your own social network by actively following people or inviting others to join your network. Don’t follow fans. They’re useless.

To use social networking effectively, you need to consistently share valuable things on social media to gain respect and reputation.

23.1 Valuable content

What content is valuable to people?

Don’t worry about that. What is valuable to you is generally valuable to others.

23.2 Content shared through social media

way content
Blog posts Repost some blog posts or your own blog
News reports Reprint some interesting articles and try to relate to your niche
Inspirational quotes Famous quotes can be particularly inspiring
Tips, tricks Any special skills or knowledge you may have
A humorous story Post humorous stories and make sure they’re funny and don’t offend anyone
Fascinating question It’s a great way to engage your audience and interact
Own promotional activities Not too much, and mix it up with other content

23.3 Stay active

Stay active on social media or you’ll lose followers. But there are a lot of social media, so pick one or two that are important. Or use some group messaging tools, you can sync the information you want to all media.

Personal evaluation: read this chapter feel very tired, as expected the celebrity is not so good when. This approach still feels inappropriate for China. Now everyone in the circle of friends does not post anything every day. I’ve also kicked off my Twitter contacts. Socializing with acquaintances in China is exhausting. For example, I now: micro channel as far as possible not to add the company’s people, home also shield circle of friends. Because you send some status, be seen by the company’s people certainly affect the work. I sent some state before, was led private letter, xx you recently how. At that time embarrassed want to burrow into the dirt. Stranger diplomacy is better.

24. Be the talking geek

Giving speeches and holding some form of training are the most effective ways to connect with the general public and market yourself.

24.1 Why speak

Speeches, though slow to spread, move people best when they stand in front of their target audience and speak directly to them.

People who hear you speak are more likely to remember you and feel that you’ve made a connection

24.2 Start your speech

Speaking is not an overnight feat. Start small and refine your skills. It takes a long time to make a speech freely in public.

You don’t have to be an expert when it comes to acting, you just have to be passionate about sharing something that helps others

The author of the talk suggested a code boot camp and a user group made up of local software developers.

24.3 do the training

Doing training can not only build a good reputation but even earn some money. You can have on-site training or online courses. (This is really a good way, I learned the front end is also to see the network course. But the effort involved is enormous.)

Write and speak

25.1 Why write a book?

Books can exert an extraordinary influence on people. One can gain great trust by writing a book. Most people assume that if someone has written a book or published an article on a particular subject, they must be an expert on that subject.

Don’t write a book to make money, but it is better to make money, write a book to exaggerate your reputation.

25.2 published

The best way to give yourself a chance at publishing a book is to identify a market target and then showcase your knowledge as an expert in the subject. Start a blog before you publish a book, and then contribute to a magazine. Build your name first. Publishers like to work with famous people.

To write a book, prepare an outline, clearly outline your writing purpose, and define the book’s goals.

You can also publish your own book. The author recommends leanpub(, which can be written in makedown format.

Never yield in spite of reverses more yong

There are a lot of problems in life, and as long as you stick with it, over time, the things that make you uncomfortable will eventually come back to you, and it takes time and willingness to work through them until they stop making you squirm.

26.1 What Others Think

Don’t worry if you don’t speak at all. Don’t worry if your blog makes mistakes. No matter how bad your speech is, no one really cares about you. We get nervous, we get nervous, but it all passes, and no one remembers it. Shrink your fragile egos and go out without fear of making a fool of yourself

Personal assessment: This is too much to say. Zhihu used to have a lot of questions, why the rural children out of the ordinary mix worse? Many answers mentioned that rural children have high self-esteem, which leads to their poor ability to withstand pressure and are unwilling to take risks. I personally is also rural, I have a deep experience, Beijing people speak directly, there are a lot of times can be ugly to describe, I personally is a sensitive constitution of the people. I often feel sick. I’m trying not to talk, not to talk. But the feeling is not very good, will impression work, or to slowly adapt to it.

Personal summary: This chapter is quite important, the author explains why to self-marketing, and how to self-marketing. It’s hard to be honest. It’s hard to be that person. I want to be more pure at heart and try to do only one thing, like just research technology. But feel the author said is also very reasonable, the total can not be a lifetime to knock on the code, a lifetime to do a common code farmers. It’s time to change your thinking and your practices.