
This is the last chapter of the book, the author is talking about spiritual knowledge, discussing how the spirit affects people’s life and what kind of person we should be. The author also accidentally added a chapter about love, which really touched people’s tears. I was also very happy to see this chapter, because the problems the author said are also their own thinking and want to solve the problem. Thanks to the author for his advice, and I hope that those who read this chapter will find it useful.

The other chapters are wonderful, if you’re interested. Of course, if you can, I hope you can give me a like or follow, every week I will strive to share helpful career dry goods.

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 1

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code ii

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 3 (Self-Study)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 4 (Productivity)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 5 (Finances)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 6 (Fitness)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 7 (Spirit)

How does the mind affect the body

So far, everything in this book has at least some scientific support, but now we’re going to go where it’s impossible to quantify. I have to say that most of the topics to be discussed are a combination of my own experience and views.

But nothing in this chapter comes from a personal bias. Many of the concepts in this chapter come from the work of more famous and successful writers than I am. But what’s more important is that some of the ideas from these books, particularly the idea that the mind can exert a powerful influence on the body, have been the hallmark of the greatest successes of the 20th century.

65.1 Start with the heart

If you don’t believe you can do it, you can hardly do anything. How much your mind affects your body and how much it affects your ability to succeed. To put even the smallest plan into practice, you must learn how to harness your inner power and control it. This is not an easy task.

65.2 The connection between mind and body

When I use the words “mind” and “body,” I define mind as the nonphysical part of your body. Whether you call it a mind or a mechanical mechanism of consciousness, it is different from the body (including the brain).

Rhonda Byrne’s best-selling book, The Secret, reveals in many ways an important truth that has been proven in the past and will be proven again and again in the future: people who want to change their beliefs and control their thoughts can achieve what they want through active mindfulness.

When you think about the people you interact with on a daily basis, have you noticed that certain thought patterns lead to certain behavior patterns and results? Do you know any successful people who have a negative attitude towards life and lack faith and confidence in themselves or others? Have you ever met someone who keeps talking about being a victim of life when in fact their tragic fate is not due to any external force — despite their constant claim that it was caused by the outside world? Even when you reflect on your past life, how many times have you been too pessimistic about what you were afraid of because you were too worried, too scared?

Personal evaluation: this is true, there are many people ability slag very ah, but can boast force, always a NoProblem attitude. Even though it has been proven many times that this guy is a bum, there are people who believe in them and leaders who are willing to take responsibility. Why ah? Because I do seem confident. Such people usually fare much better than those who don’t. The traditional Chinese teaching of a modest gentleman may be out of line with The Times.

If you really want to set a direction for your life and control it, you have to learn how to harness the power of your heart, the power of your mind.

Chapter 66 Embrace the Right Mindset: Reboot

The idea of positive thinking is backed up by scientific evidence — it’s not just about looking positive, it’s also good for your health, adding years to your life and offering other benefits throughout your life. At the same time — and perhaps more importantly — think the other way around. Negative thinking can have the exact opposite effect. Negative thinking can do you real harm and prevent you from succeeding in life.

66.1 motivation

Many people reject the idea of positive thinking because they feel that unrealistic optimism is destructive. I want to say that positive thinking and realism are compatible. In fact, positive thinking is the ultimate realism on an applied level, because it’s a belief that gives you the power to change reality and reassures you that you’re not a victim of circumstances.

At the root of positive thinking is the belief that you are greater than your circumstances. This belief allows you to always look on the bright side of things first, because you have the power to change your future no matter your circumstances. This is the highest belief in human achievement, the most powerful force in the world. This faith allows you to tap into this power, this power that lies quietly in your heart, but not so ethereal.

On a more practical level, positive thinking is choosing to think in terms of good rather than bad. You can have your own interpretation of every situation you encounter in life. There is nothing inherently “good” or “bad” about these situations. It is you who interpret the situation, so you decide whether it is “good” or “bad.” People with a positive mental attitude tend to see more good than bad, not because these situations are objectively good, but because they recognize that they have a choice.

66.2 Positive Effects of Positive thinking

  • The development of friendship
  • A happy marriage
  • Higher income
  • A healthy body
  • Prolong life

66.3 How Do I Reset my Attitude

If you want to change your attitude, you have to change your mind. If you want to change your mind, you have to change your mindset. Your thought pattern is determined by your habits, so we can trace it back to changing the main way you approach any key thing in your life — forming a habit.

By doing something steadily, consistently, and consciously until the subconscious takes control.


I admit I’m not a meditator, but I’d like to take some time to get into the habit of meditating. Some arguments suggest that people who meditate regularly are more likely to experience positive emotions, so you might as well try meditation as a way to improve your ability to think positively.

Personal assessment: I meditate every day to sharpen my mind and make myself more energetic. Meditation has many benefits.

Mix a

I find it easier to stay positive when I take time off.

Personal assessment: I know this too, if the first day to work until 10 or stay up late, the next day will be sad

Recommended books

The Power of Positive Thinking

Build a positive self-image – Map your brain

It’s not enough to just think about something happy and have a good attitude. Of course, changing your attitude from negative to positive will allow you to see more success — not to mention health benefits, but to truly achieve the life you want to live, you’ll also have to learn how to program your brain to achieve your goals.

67.1 What is self-image

Self-image is how you see yourself after you rid yourself of what others think of you and all the lies and deception you use to comfort yourself. It’s really hard to maintain a good self-image, because we’re always influenced by others, and we have a potential bug that we grow up in the image that others define for us. For example, people say that we are an introvert, so we will consciously or unconsciously to the direction of development.

67.2 Self-image is hard to change

Research shows that you have the ability to change your self-image. If you do the same thing over and over again while pretending to be the person you want to be, you will eventually become that person.

67.3 Reprogram your brain

How do you program the brain itself? The formula is pretty simple: it just takes a little time and consistency to get it right.

Create an image in your mind of what you want to be. Once you’ve created this image in your mind, the next task is to start performing the “as if” mode. “As if” you had become the person you wanted to become. Act and act like the person you want to be. Even brush your teeth like the person you want to be. Don’t pay too much attention to what reality is like, don’t pay too much attention to what other people say about your “change”; Instead, pretend that you have achieved what you want and that your new behavior is just a natural extension of this new personality.

I suggest a quote or a portrait to remind you.

Personal assessment: READING this chapter is really full of tears, I don’t know if there is anyone like me – I am the kind of person who is very easily influenced by others. Other people’s words, a look, an action, a voice, let me others mind. I often feel worthless at the slightest criticism. I am always afraid to cooperate with others. There are many contradictions or disharmony that are not caused by myself, but it is always myself that gets hurt.

Love and love: Computers can’t hold your hand

68.1 Why is it hard for developers to find love

Because of a popular Internet meme among programmers called “forever Alone.” This basically means the idea that you feel lonely and will never find “love.” In my experience, many software developers, especially when they are young, are infected with this meme.

In love, if one person is always chasing, the other person will run further and further away, such a pursuit is too difficult, many people often have to face this problem. So when you go out and try too hard, you end up with despair. This despair leads to rejection, which leads to a blow to self-esteem and further despair. It’s a vicious cycle that many people are stuck in.

Personal evaluation: in the current words, is accustomed to loneliness, love loneliness. I’m addicted to being single for a long time. And most of us put too much emphasis on love, which we can’t help because marriage is so expensive in China. It takes more than a decade of savings to get married.

Understand the rules of the game

Love is a game, it’s true. No matter how hard you try, you can’t get out of the rule. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating being disloyal and despicable. I mean, realize that you’re actually playing a game, so try to think of some strategies.

Sitting down, doing nothing and waiting for love to come to you is not a good strategy either.

The strategy is to act confident and interact with others in a natural, easygoing and confident manner. “I feel good about myself. I don’t need you, but I find you interesting and I want to get to know you better.” . The key is that you really mean it. You have to show a lot of confidence in yourself.

You have to believe that you’re with someone because you’re bringing something to their life, but that doesn’t mean you think you’re god’s gift to them… To fill in the gaps, but it does mean that you have enough respect for yourself that you only show up where you want to go, and you only want to be with people who want to be with you.

You’ll find true love more easily if you understand that most relationships are the result of a subtle psychological game of “chase and run.” This applies not only to love matters, but also to all kinds of interpersonal relationships. Be a desperate, diffident person and you may find yourself truly alone. If you find the person you’re interviewing acting like a desperate beggar in the street begging you for a job, you’ll find that person annoying, too.

68.3 How to be confident

This, again, is easier said than done. So how do you do that?

Plan your brain to become the confident person you want to be.

An essential element of confidence is to be brave. If you want to approach someone right now who appeals to you, don’t hesitate, don’t delay, and show confidence right away. This has been nicknamed the “three-second rule” in some circles. Basically, the principle says: from the moment you see someone you like, you are impulsive for three seconds; More than three seconds of indecision can lead to loss of confidence and weakness.

Personal comment: I saw a funny dialogue on weibo yesterday. There are things that other people seem so easy to do that you can’t do. The answer is: find a partner. The answer makes you want to laugh and cry. Love is really hard. Now they’re all looking for a soul mate. But if your looks aren’t up to par, it’s a waste of time for people to even look at you, let alone get to know your soul.

My private book list

Self-improvement and self-help books

  • How to Win People
  • Think and Grow Rich
  • Methods of Mental Control
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Atlas Shrugged

Software development books

  • Code Book
  • The Code Clean Way
  • Head Firsts Design Patterns

Investment books

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Be positive about failure

As a software developer, it’s especially important for you to stay the course, as you’re likely to face plenty of obstacles in your life and career.

Why are we always afraid of failure

Fear of failure seems to be the instinct of most people. People like to do things they are good at and avoid doing things they are not good at or lack skills for. We seem to be born with a fear of failure.

If I had to guess why most people are so afraid of failure, I’d have to say it’s probably based on the idea of protecting fragile egos. Perhaps our fear of failure is because we attribute it so much to ourselves, seeing failure in a particular area as an erosion of personal worth.

Failure is not being defeated

Losing is not the same as being defeated. Failure is temporary, defeat is permanent. Failure is something that happens to you — you have no complete control over it. Being defeated is a choice — a certain acceptance of failure.

Life is not easy. You can get knocked down at any time, but it’s entirely up to you to get back up.

Failure is the only way to success

Don’t be afraid of failure, embrace it. Not just because failure is not the same as being defeated, but because failure is the path to success. Everything worth having and achieving in life requires failure.

Learn to embrace failure, expect it, accept it, and be prepared to face it.

There are times when you need to get wet, times when you need to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation and force yourself to grow, and times when you need to actively go out and find that situation, knowing that the more you steer your boat towards failure, the stronger the wind will blow you in the other direction.

Conclusion 71

Hopefully, by the end of reading this book, you’ve concluded that the narrow, straight path you’ve been told about how you should live your life is to get good grades, try not to screw up, go to college, get a job and work for 50 years until you retire… It’s not the only path you can go down. Of course, you can continue down the path you were told to follow if you want to; But if you’re reading this book, I’m sure you’ve realized that life can be a lot more colorful than the 9-to-5 job you hate.

Hopefully, this book has made you realize that the world is your opportunity and your oyster. You can better manage your own career, can benefit from more, it can even bring their own career to a new direction, can learn to actually build your personal brand, marketing themselves – their own software development career to a thought impossible to reach a new height, let oneself have the opportunity to influence more people.

Hopefully this book has taught you new ways to learn and absorb information, and given you the confidence to go beyond yourself — not just to learn for the sake of learning, but to share what you learn for the benefit of others, no matter what path you follow.

Hopefully this book will inspire you to be more productive, to manage and use your time more carefully, and to see the value of hard work and put it into practice — even when you feel like you lack the motivation to keep going.

Hopefully this book will inspire you to get fit in some way, take better care of your health, and make you realize that you can actually stay fit, that just because you’re a software developer doesn’t mean you can’t be a strong, athletic person, and that you can at least take control of your health if you want to.

In the end, I hope this book has helped you realize how powerful and important willpower is, and how your mind can serve as a tool to either propel you forward or destroy your career before you have time to react and apply what you’ve learned. I hope this book will make you realize that you have the power to be who you want to be, and that you can reinvent yourself through positive thinking and the power to see things through.

Before you put this book down, I have a small request: If you have found this book helpful to you, and if you think others might benefit from it, please share it with others. I don’t say so in order to improve the sales of the book, although I am very willing to do so, but to write this book is not for the sake of money, I spend 500 hours can do a lot more profitable things, writing the book just because I think we should spare no effort to not only be a software developer, and should make a person: to help others.

Personal evaluation: FINALLY finished reading this book, really have unspeakable thanks to the author. The author is really sincere in covering all aspects of the programmer’s life. For many of our problems, have provided solutions to the proposal. For me personally, I really learned a lot. Today’s young people are very disgusted with chicken soup, and even a little overcorrect, they call the positive energy chicken soup. This book is a positive energy book, not a chicken soup book, I hope you can have a correct understanding. I also hope you can support the author. The book is called soft Skills: Survival Beyond Code