After three hours, the SOFA Stack demo was successfully started and the startup method was summarized. This article is based on… Of course.

First of all, the quick start process of pressing SOFA Stack may not start smoothly, because after version iteration, there are some errors in the quick start content, and registry itself may also have potential problems.

1. Variable name change:

Original: com. Alipay. Sofa. RPC. Registry. The address should be amended as: com. Alipay. Sofa. RPC. The registry - address the original: Com. Alipay. Sofa. RPC. Bolt. The port should be amended as: com. Alipay. Sofa. RPC. The bolt - portCopy the code

2. Configure SOFARegistry…

According to this guide, there is a probability that it will not work.

Potential Problem 1:

On a host with multiple nics, sofa Registry may select the wrong NIC. You need to use ifconfig to obtain the correct NIC and add it in the file

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS- Dnetwork_interface_binding = > < the network card"
Copy the code

And then run.

Potential Problem 2:

The latest version… 5.4.5 It may not run. Test… 5.4.2 Fixed Is available

Possible problems 1:

Suspending the VPN may cause client routing anomalies. After the VPN is shut down, restart Registry and the client to repair the faults.