Is it true? Is it true?

SOFA volunteers are being recruited? Look at him! Look at him! SOFA planet is waiting for you to join!

We have officially launched the SOFA Startuptor program, only one of you is needed to make a group debut

Don’t feel like we can do anything together


Who is SOFA star?

SOFA Startreaders are a group of people who are interested in the open source universe and want to explore more stars in this “universe”. SOFA Starway provides a variety of Meetup and live streaming platforms for thousands of developers. \

We are now recruiting all of you who have ideals and aspirations.

“Star” stands for SOFA planet and “Way” stands for journey in the open source universe. So “star path” means SOFA planet’s exploration and journey in the open source universe.

Then “starjourneers” are you who join SOFA Planet, let’s explore the open source universe together.

“SOFA Starjourneer, exploring the sea of stars in the Open source Universe”


Coming to SOFA community

Scalable Open Financial Architecture Stack (SOFAStack™) is a set of middleware for rapidly building Financial level cloud native architectures. SOFAStack™ is a set of best practices developed in Financial scenarios and has the following features:

Open: technology stack comprehensive open source construction, maintain community neutrality, compatible community, compatible open source ecology, components can be pluggable, SOFAStack components and other open source components can be integrated or replaced with each other.

Financial level: it contains all components required to build the financial level cloud native architecture, enabling users to focus more on business development and meet the current and future needs of user scenarios. It has experienced the temper of large-scale scenarios, especially stringent financial scenarios.

Cloud native: Based on SOFAStack, the cloud native microservice system can be quickly built to rapidly develop more reliable, scalable, and easier to maintain cloud native applications.


Start SOFA journey

SOFA organized a number of Meetup events in various parts of the country in succession. The whole event was live broadcast, and the total number of online and offline participants exceeded 10,000. Meetup provides face-to-face communication and discussion opportunities for SOFA stars, which has received unanimous praise from people in the industry.

At present, we have held Meetup activities in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Hefei, and will light up more cities in the future (Chengdu, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Nanjing, etc.). Welcome to join us as SOFA star.

SOFAMeetup# 4 hangzhou station


SOFAMeetup# 5 Shanghai


SOFAMeetup# 6 Beijing station


Hefei SOFAMeetup# 7 station


Call ready!

In SOFA Planet, you can not only exchange technology with the top technology in each field face to face, meet new friends, but also harvest the surrounding clothes, cups, backpacks and so on.

The most important thing is to receive an exclusive certificate issued by SOFA community. \

SOFA Star Travelers can enjoy VIP access when attending SOFA events and receive VIP tickets for some major events

If you are a college student, you may be recommended for an internship at a major Internet company, so that you can continue to explore and grow in the star field you are interested in, and have the opportunity to gain more learning opportunities.

What do you need to do to become a star?


Scan the qr code below 👇\

Take the first step to becoming a star


The remaining ninety-nine steps, we go together 💪
