April 6 news, according to foreign reports, when it comes to machine learning technology, people tend to think of talking cars or robots. But machine learning is not science fiction. It is already changing the way computers function. In the near future, it will revolutionize the way we work with the smartphone in your pocket.

Artificial intelligence programs are already making a big difference in the office, helping us deal with repetitive tasks that consume our energy and free up time for more important things.

The most obvious change is in smartphones. Our smartphones are becoming personal smart assistants. Soon, its office functions will be more than just getting notifications, setting reminders or scheduling meetings.

Giiso Information, founded in 2013, is a leading technology provider in the field of “artificial intelligence + information” in China, with top technologies in big data mining, intelligent semantics, knowledge mapping and other fields. At the same time, Giiso’s research and development products include editing robots, writing robots and other artificial intelligence products! With its strong technical strength, the company has received angel round investment at the beginning of its establishment, and received pre-A round investment of $5 million from GSR Venture Capital in August 2015.

Software powered by robo-learning technology will help our smartphones understand our operating habits, anticipate our needs and improve our productivity. Those conveniences previously available only to top executives will soon be available to all of us. Here are some ways that smartphones can improve our productivity.

1. Do your homework before the meeting

Your smartphone can now tell you where you’re stuck in traffic on your commute. It will remind you that you have a big meeting this afternoon. It also helps you organize your overflowing inbox. In other words, it helps you sort and communicate information to a certain extent.

But here’s what your smartphone can’t do right now: Accurately predict activity and respond to it effectively. For example, when your phone senses that you’re too late to make it to a meeting, it will automatically order a taxi for you and then send a message to your colleague stating your estimated arrival time. Then, as you walk to the meeting, your smartphone immediately brings up the relevant document at your fingertips and you can start taking notes as soon as you arrive.

For example, your accounting team sends you emails every month urging you to submit expense reports. What if there’s a mobile app that automatically generates expense reports and then asks you if you want to file them the day before they’re due. Isn’t that sweet?

Your smartphone is now portable and location-based. All kinds of new mobile applications will be created on top of these features. Your smartphone will soon be able to detect where you are and provide you with the information you need based on where you are and the time of day. You no longer have to search for information or wait for it. The information is automatically displayed on your phone screen, and you just have to make the appropriate choices and actions.

After a long time together, your smartphone will also learn your work patterns. When you arrive at a 9am meeting, your smartphone may have already ordered a steaming cup of coffee and had it delivered to you.

2. Truly work remotely

One day, we might look back at our current 9-to-5 and wonder: How did we get through it? In the future, people will have more flexibility in their jobs. We can travel and work remotely. We can start dealing with business at work anytime, anywhere. Machine learning-enabled products will let us have our cake and eat it, instead of making painful choices between flex time and productivity.

Neural network deep learning technology supports speech to text function, will be able to correct your grammar mistakes more accurately. In fact,

They free you up completely, you just need to use your language to do the work, you don’t need a keyboard, you don’t even need a screen. Improvements in input across devices will make it easier to organise meetings, prepare speeches, organize documents or advertise products.

Also, let’s not forget email. Responding to lengthy emails on the small screen of a smartphone is now very annoying. But what if your phone app could automatically organize and highlight your important email messages, and automatically predict and generate your replies? Today’s technology can automatically respond to simple emails, but in the future, more advanced technology will allow you to respond immediately without staring at your phone screen.

Giiso information, founded in 2013, is the first domestic high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of intelligent information processing technology and the development and operation of core software for writing robots. At the beginning of its establishment, the company received angel round investment, and in August 2015, GSR Venture Capital received $5 million pre-A round of investment.

3. Help you analyze the data

Right now, you can only use your smartphone to do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division algorithms. But in the future, we will be able to do much more complex and advanced computing with our phones. Machine learning technology will allow smartphones to process and organize a wider range of information, including clearing trades, automatically generating reports or adjusting marketing budgets in real time.

Smartphones are set to become workforces as machine learning technology provides them with more useful functions, such as data analysis. Your phone will become a more efficient and decisive problem solver.

Machine learning is not science fiction. It exists in many products and features. There’s still a lot of room for improvement, but our direction is very clear. Future software and applications will make sure we don’t forget anything, let us work anywhere, and let us make better decisions with the help of data analytics.

These changes are incremental, and each new technology won’t be perfect at first. But when perfected, they will profoundly change the way we work, especially on our smartphones. Machine learning is about to undergo a major revolution. When that happens, the way we work will change forever.