Data assets are the key production factors in the development of digital economy. With the development of artificial intelligence and other new-generation information technologies, data usher in explosive growth. Under the guidance of the national Big data strategy, improving the level of data security protection, ensuring the reasonable and effective use of data in accordance with the law, realizing the standardized and high-quality development of big data, and truly playing a role in promoting economic and social development have become the innovative direction of data application in various industries and fields.

Recently, Baidu Intelligent Cloud released a series of white papers on “Integration of Cloud and Intelligence” Technology and Application Analysis — Intelligent Big Data, a systematic interpretation of the new situation of big data development, how enterprises should use cloud intelligence technology to build secure and reliable data infrastructure and intelligent mining platform, play the core value of digital assets.

The white paper makes an in-depth analysis of the problems encountered in the process of digital economy from digital transformation to intelligent upgrading, discusses in depth the future trend of intelligent big data, platform construction principles, how to mine data value and industry cases, and details the panoramic picture of Baidu’s intelligent cloud big data product architecture integrating cloud and intelligence. It provides a new reference for enterprise digital transformation and intelligent upgrading.

Data elements are the new strategic resources in the era of digital economy

The world is entering the digital economy. Digital economy is based on digital as a key factor of knowledge and information, digital technology as the core driving force, with modern information network as the important carrier, through the depth of the digital technology and the real economy, continuously improve the level of economic and social of digital, networked, intelligent, accelerate restructuring economic development and governance model of the new economic form.

In the digital economy, data elements are the new strategic resources in the digital economy era. In 2020, The State Council issued guidelines on market-oriented allocation of factors of production, explicitly listing “data” as one of the five factors of production, along with land, labor, capital and technology.

As an important engine of economic growth, data elements can not only create value themselves, but also magnify the value of other factors of production, the white paper said. On the one hand, data elements directly drive many new economic models, new economic forms and new industries, bringing rapid economic growth. On the other hand, data elements cooperate with other production factors such as capital, land, labor and technology to play the multiplier role, solve the problems of supply and demand optimization, innovate the circulation mode of value chain and enlarge the value of other factors.

In fact, big data has driven many industries, such as retail, urban governance, finance, manufacturing, education and medical care, to try and practice digital transformation or business innovation. The proportion of digital economy in social production is getting higher and higher.

For example, in the retail industry, store location is critical to the final business success. Combining big data technology and target customer group positioning, precise and intelligent location can be realized to reduce the uncertainty and risk of operation from the source. In the manufacturing industry, after the equipment is delivered to users, there are still operational problems such as maintenance and after-sales service. Combined with big data and Internet of Things technology, equipment status can be timely understood and predictive maintenance can be achieved, greatly improving service efficiency and user experience in the manufacturing industry. In the video industry, long and short videos and other information carriers have realized personalized recommendation, which is also based on big data technology to improve user experience and create new growth space.

According to the White Paper on The Development of China’s Digital Economy (2021) released by the China Information and Communication Academy, the scale of China’s digital economy reached 39.2 trillion yuan in 2020, accounting for 38.6% of GDP and maintaining a high growth rate of 9.7%, becoming a key driving force for stable economic growth.

In the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan, “the proportion of added value of the core industries of the digital economy in GDP” is regarded as one of the key indicators of innovation-driven development, and it is expected that the proportion of added value of the core industries of the digital economy in GDP will increase from 7.8% in 2020 to 10% in 2025.

It is not hard to see that big data will become a powerful driving force for the development of digital economy in the future and a strong engine for GDP growth.

Cloud and intelligence are integrated to bring big data into full play

There is no doubt about the importance of big data, but the transformation from big data to big value cannot be achieved overnight. It is necessary to plan data infrastructure to meet the current and future changes in data and business development, and to support the implementation of value through data governance, application methodology and practical experience.

According to the white paper, with the continuous implementation of big data applications, the Internet of things and artificial intelligence, and the deepening of digital transformation, the big data industry shows the following characteristics:

  • 4V features are more prominent, with three high and one low, exponential growth of data scale, multifarious data types, more real-time data processing requirements and low data value density.
  • Big data application and AI are deeply integrated. Big data provides data foundation for AI application, and AI drives deep value mining of big data.
  • Data security issues are more widely concerned, how to not only protect data security and privacy, but also promote the value of data to play an important research topic.

Therefore, according to the white paper, the construction of new data infrastructure, in-depth data mining and value play, and data security are the key to the construction of enterprise big data platform. The implementation of enterprise big data application needs to pay attention to the principle of effectiveness first, governance first, safety first and continuous operation.

Based on the above principle, baidu cloud new YunZhi panoramic view of the integration of the intelligent big data product architecture, is committed to more companies build YunZhi big data technology and ability system, implementation of a larger, more types, more source data processing and application of comprehensive boosting enterprise intelligent digital transformation and upgrade.

Baidu intelligent cloud big data product architecture panorama consists of three layers:

  • At the bottom, the lake warehouse data infrastructure provides enterprises with cost-effective massive data storage, computing and processing, processing and development capabilities, and improves the processing efficiency of data life cycle through a one-stop governance and development platform.
  • In the middle level, the data value mining platform layer provides a full range of platform capabilities to help enterprise data value mining from data asset management and operation, visual BI and in-depth data scientific value mining.
  • At the top level, based on the characteristics of industry data and the needs of application scenarios, combined with big data capabilities, and in collaboration with ecology, the solution for segmentation scenarios of all walks of life is formed to help enterprises implement big data applications, drive cost reduction and efficiency increase, and develop innovation.

In order to protect the security of enterprise data assets and ensure that data security and privacy are not violated, Baidu Intelligent Cloud provides a data security protection system for the whole life cycle. For example, the big data platform supports multi-tenant resource isolation and data row level fine-grained data permission control to ensure asset security. Support data classification, automatic identification of private data, security audit, etc., to ensure privacy is not violated; In addition, a series of privacy computing technologies and schemes are provided to realize the release of data value under the condition of “data availability invisible” and “data immobility algorithm”.

Intelligent big data helps thousands of industries upgrade intelligently

In industry, energy, finance, government and other industries, there has been a lot of customers based on baidu cloud big data platform and data management and application solutions to build their own enterprise data platform, completes the data management, data form the core assets, to build the data assets portal, and practical application based on the data to optimize the enterprise management efficiency and develop the innovative ideas, Covering management decision-making, production, marketing, after-sales service and other links.

The white paper takes XUGong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. as an example to explain that the cockpit solution for enterprise comprehensive operation and management decision created by Baidu Intelligent Cloud Quantity body has solved three major problems of Xugong:

Data connectivity, through the construction of big data platform, break through the barriers of product lines and departments, research, production, supply, sales and service map, managers can control the overall situation in real time and make accurate decisions.

After sales, the nearest service is realized. By combining the logs of the Internet of things (iot) + procurement data + maintenance data, and baidu map data, the after-sales service of excavators is provided in the nearest way. The service is allocated according to the resource allocation map, and the nearest repairman with the richest and most matching resources is selected to greatly improve the maintenance efficiency. In addition, predictive maintenance of components can also be implemented through iot data to predict faults in advance, greatly improving maintenance timeliness and satisfaction.

Accurately assess the break-even point and the minimum number of hours a month a customer needs to pay the loan in different regions to make further decisions, such as when to lock up the car and trailer when the customer is unable to pay the loan on time, and the price of the used excavator is just enough to pay the loan.

In the white paper also mentions the shaanxi radio and television media group, based on baidu a time of integrated intelligent big data platform, platform construction of radio, film and television media fusion data assets in shaanxi province, based on the data of the construction of the assets, deep mining, the analysis of the data and value realized real-time multi-channel users integrated management, precise operation, as well as the public opinion intellisense.

There are many similar cases, such as the smart water case of Quanzhou Water Group Co., LTD., Peixian City Data management project, smart Lijiang, Baixin Bank, Peking University, petrochina, etc.

Along with the development of a new generation of information technology, such as artificial intelligence, and data of explosive growth, industry to speed up the application of intelligent technology, from the huge amounts of data found in the law, training model and refine knowledge, increase the output and efficiency, to implement the intelligent of the production and operation of an enterprise, and, in turn, to implement the intelligent of the whole industry to upgrade, has been the industry consensus.

Baidu intelligent cloud big data product architecture panorama integrates years of technical accumulation and industry experience to provide one-stop big data governance solutions for enterprises to move toward intelligence, helping enterprises to realize digital transformation and promoting further industrial upgrading.

At present, the best practices of Baidu smart cloud big data have been spread across a variety of industries. As a technology leader integrating cloud and intelligence, Baidu Smart Cloud will continue to interpret and share the application experience of cloud and intelligence technology in various industry scenarios, and practice “making the complex world simpler with science and technology” with practical actions.

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