Summary of small program development, make a phone call, customize the top bar, the use of local fonts and other common functions, convenient query
First, use native fonts
Change font family in CSS;
font-family:Monospaced Number,Chinese Quote,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,PingFang SC,Hiragino Sans GB,Microsoft YaHei,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif! important;
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Two, custom transparent top bar
The top bar can transparently display the wheel cast graph and picture, this function can be completed in the single page and the total page, in json file configuration;
- The top bar is transparent to display the rotation chart and pictures:
"navigationStyle": "custom"
; - NavigationBarTitleText: Navigation bar text
- NavigationBarTextStyle: Title color (Black/White)
- BackgroundColor: color of the capsule button;
- Other configurations: configuration of wechat applet navigation
"usingComponents": {},"backgroundTextStyle": "dark"."navigationStyle": "custom"."navigationBarTitleText": "Applet title"."navigationBarTextStyle": "white"
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3. Make a phone call
Apis are provided
callPhone() {
phoneNumber: '18100002222'.success: function () {
console.log('Dialed successfully')},fail: function () {
console.log('Call failed')}})},Copy the code
4. Obtain user information
The original official provided API, but the new version of the current version, can only use the button operation! Open type=”getUserInfo” and bindGetUserInfo =”getUserInfo” to obtain user information;
<button bindgetuserinfo="getUserInfo" open-type="getUserInfo">WeChat login</button>
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The display page can be directly displayed using open-data, without operation save userInfo; Add: valid value of type in open-data
<view class="isLogin" >Head:<open-data type="userAvatarUrl"></open-data>WeChat name:<open-data type="userNickName"></open-data>
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Five, dynamic setting of picture address
Bind the path to data, you can dynamically set the picture address;
<image src="{{qrCodePath}}" mode="widthFix" />
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data: {
qrCodePath: ' ',},onLoad(){
// Dynamically obtain the image address
success (res) {
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Click content to clipboard and close the pop-up prompt
<view bind:tap="copeDownUrl" >Click copy content to clipboard :{{content}}</view>
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data: {
content: ' ',},// Copy the link
copeDownUrl(e) {
let info =
data: info,
success(res) {
Toast(info + 'Copy succeeded, go to the browser to download')},})},})Copy the code
Turn off the native ugly popboxToast()
: custom good-looking frame;setClipboardData
, copy content to clipboard;wx:getClipboardData
To get the contents of the clipboard, attach:The official API;
7, multiple selection and reset function: dynamic change class
Unlike native, applets cannot add or remove classes from a list by manipulating the DOM directly.
- wxml
<view class="btnBox">
<view span="8" wx:for="{{ regionList }}" wx:key="id">
<button bind:tap="regionClick" data-id="{{}}" class="{{item.isSelected? 'actived':''}} btnItem">
</view >
<button bind:tap="resetRegion">The reset button</button>
</view >
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- wxss
.btnItem {color:# 000}
.actived {color:red }
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- js
data: {
regionList: [{name: Jinan ' '.isSelected: 1 },
{ name: 'Qingdao'.isSelected: 2 },
{ name: 'zibo'.isSelected: 3 },
{ name: Zaozhuang ' '.isSelected: 4 },
{ name: 'in dongying.isSelected: 5 },
{ name: 'yantai'.isSelected: 6},],},regionClick(e) {
let id = //1. Get the current id of the click
let index = > == id) //2. Select the selected index based on the id;[index].isSelected = ![index].isSelected//3. Change the value of isSelected from the selected item;
this.setData({ regionList:, })//4. Update the page data
resetRegion() { > item.isSelected = false)
this.setData({ regionList: })
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- Analyze the above code process
The key to dynamic class is isSelected and the unique identifier ID field. The key to dynamic class is isSelected and the unique identifier ID field.
wx:for="{{ regionList }}" wx:key="id"
: loop list, key is id.class="{{item.isSelected? 'actived':''}} btnItem"
Class judgment, ternary expression, ifisSelected == true
, is selected and increasedactived
The style;data-id="{{}}"
, custom data used to determine which button is clicked after clicking;regionClick
, click select event;resetRegion
, resets the event for each item in the listisSelected
Set tofalse
Px and RPX
H5 commonly used px, REM, vw, em, small program to a RPX; Distinguish between units;
- Px: pixel;
- Rem: can be changed by the size of the root node HTML, default 1rem = 16px;
- Vw: viewport width, dividing the screen into 100 parts, the default for the whole screen is 100VW;
- RPX (Responsive Pixel) : ADAPTS to the screen width. The default screen width is 750rpx, and RPX is converted to PX (screen width /750). For example, on iPhone6, the screen width is 375px and there are 750 physical pixels, so 750rpx = 375px = 750 physical pixels and 1rPX = 0.5px = 1 physical pixel.
Tips: In the practical application of applets, when the UI gives you a 750*1200 design, write RPX as many pixels as the caliper measures.
How to use the Vant-UI library
My favorite Ui library to use: the Vant Repep Ui library; According to the quick start can be configured; But I cannot directly use in development “van – button” : “/ path/to / @ vant weapp/dist/button/index”, the call is successful, now don’t know why, if there is who can give directions; The way I use it is to put the Vant source directly into the project and just reference it:
"usingComponents": {
"van-search": ".. /.. /compontents/vant/search"."van-toast": ".. /.. /compontents/vant/toast"."van-row": ".. /.. /compontents/vant/row"."van-col": ".. /.. /compontents/vant/col"."van-icon": ".. /.. /compontents/vant/icon",},"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff"."backgroundColor": "#fff"."navigationBarTitleText": "Page"."navigationBarTextStyle": "black"
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How to use custom components
Wrapping components is a necessity in today’s development, saving a lot of code; The following encapsulates a presentation list with the same style:
- Create the newsList folder in the Compontents folder, which contains js/ WXSS/WXML /json files.
10.1 packaging compontents/newsList
- Index. WXML, written normally according to requirements, no special requirements;
<view class="container news">
<view class="tab_list_item " wx:for="{{infoList}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:key="*this">
<navigator url="{{item.path}}" hover-class="none" open-type="navigate">
<view class="tab_list_title">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="{{tagColorClass[index]}} tag" wx:for="{{item.tag}}" wx:for-item="item3" wx:key="index">
<view class="gt">Time: {{item. Time}}</view>
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- Index. Json, setting
"component": true
"usingComponents": {},
"component": true
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- Index. Js, setting
Is the value passed in when an external call is made;
// Custom components
properties: {
infoList: {
type: Array,}},// Life cycle, where you can get the value passed
// console.log(;
// Own attributes
data: {
tagColorClass: ['colorRed'.'colorGreen'.'colorYellow',}})Copy the code
10.2 Page Invocation
- json
"usingComponents": {
"van-search": ".. /.. /compontents/vant/search"."news-list":".. /.. /compontents/newsList"
"navigationBarTitleText": "Page"."navigationBarTextStyle": "black"
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Corresponds to the componentinfoList
(Hump naming)
<news-list info-list="{{nesList}}"></news-list>
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- js
data: {
nesList: [{title: Test title', time: '2020.0911.-2021.0918.', path: 'pages/policy-hall/policy-hall', tag: ['Shandong province city,', 'Shandong Municipal Government'], }, { title: 'Test the title2', time: '2020.0911.-2021.0918.', path: 'pages/policy-hall/policy-hall', tag: ['Shandong province city,', 'Shandong Municipal Government', 'Subject to final approval']}]}})Copy the code
The above will complete the important ten common functions in the hair small program, basically can meet all have, if you think of it will continue to add;
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