Problems encountered: Want to use the small program cloud development real-time push data ability to complete database update in the cloud function, cannot monitor in the client
Cause: Data update can only be monitored when it is completed on the client, but not when it is placed in the cloud function
Problem code:
Cloud functions cannot be updated:
const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk'Cloud.init () const db = cloud.database() // cloud function exports.main = async (event, event) context) => { const wxContext = cloud.getWXContext() await db.collection('messages').add({
data: {
groupId: 'message',}}); }Copy the code
methods: {
async like(e) {
const doc = {
_id: `${Math.random()}_${}`,
groupId: 'message',
sendTime: new Date(),
sendTimeTS:, // fallback
const db =
await db.collection('messages').add({
data: doc,
Copy the code