Fixed heads and columns

Small program to achieve the content of the table, but the small program does not have its own form UI, how to start? WX: For the table header and the first column are always displayed on the page, and the body can scroll. Implementation:

  • Implement the header and content first. In the outermost layer, let’s say we have a scroll view around the class=box element
  • The key thing is, the property gives scroll-x true, and no y
  • Class =content after the content of the title, and then a layer of scroll-view around the body, attributes that give scroll-y true, and no value for x
  • The next important step is to assign header and the content width to be equal to the width of each cell TD *arr.length (arr is the traversal item).
  • .box gives an overflow: hidden
  • The first scrolling is achieved, seamlessly and without delay

  • For the first column on the left, use position: absolute; Left: The absolute positioning of 0
  • Wx. createSelectorQuery(). Select (‘# XXX ‘). BoundingClientRect to specify the location of the element

  • Bind a bindScroll event to the scroll view of the content as it slides down the.content body
  • Get the value of scrollTop and assign it to the top of the left column, and we’ll do what we want to do!