• ArthurSlog

  • SLog-45

  • 1 Year,

  • Through China,

  • Aug 22th 2018

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Differences in language structure lead to differences in what’s called worldviews and how people perceive time and space and how they perceive things and processes are greatly influenced by grammatical features in language, right

Development Environment MacOS(High Sierra 10.13.5)

Required information and information sources:

"www.arthurslog.com" this is a domain name "" this is an IP addressCopy the code
  • When we need to visit a website, we can visit it by domain name or IP address, that is to say, you can enter www.arthurslog.com or in the browser to visit the same place

  • That’s because most people don’t have the memory to remember many IP addresses, like “” or “

  • So, we use domain names to map IP addresses, one domain name to one IP address, so that when you visit a domain name, the domain name is converted to an IP address, and then the browser accesses that IP address

  • The process of converting domain names to IP addresses, think about it, who is converting them? Is it your own computer? Unless you tell the computer in advance that the domain name “www.arthurslog.com” is associated with the IP address “,” the computer will have to turn to someone else on the network — someone called the “root server,” around the world, They cooperate with each other to provide domain name and IP conversion services; Finally, I would like to mention that this global system is actually quite complicated. What I just said is a basic principle, so I will stop here and continue to explore further in the future

  • Why do YOU need domain names? , through the interpretation of the Internet information to add another understanding

Taking action

  • First log in aliyun official website, and then register a new account

  • After registration, the first login will prompt you to bind the mailbox, and bind the mailbox according to the prompt

  • Next, open the web and type in the name of the domain you want, such as “Arthurslog”.

  • Then select a domain name with the suffix “.com”, for example arthurslog.com, add it to the list and settle immediately

  • Enter the order system, select the holder as an individual, fill in the required information according to the requirements of Aliyun, and then confirm the purchase

  • Select the payment method and enter the domain name console after successful purchase

  • If the authentication is not performed, the authentication is performed first. Wait 1 to 3 days to complete the authentication

  • Server operation and maintenance is quite tedious, we can install aliyun APP on mobile phones to manage

  • At this point, we have completed the purchase of the domain name, you are now a person with a domain name, such as the website set up, you can advertise your domain name.

Please follow my wechat account ArthurSlog

Scan the QR code on wechat and follow my official account

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