

Based on SpringBoot to create a school examination system, schools can batch management of sub-school data, teachers can distribute tests and management, drag and drop test paper design, unique shared question bank and knowledge learning review library.

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School module

function Introduction to the function Introduction to the
School management Manage school and sub-school, can control data access Course management To administer the subjects held by the school
Teaching Building Management Manage the school building to facilitate class positioning Basic data Management Including types of physical and mental disorders, modes of transportation and so on
Grade management Manage the school grade, at the same time can manage interest classes, etc Class management Manage the information of each class
Teachers management Managing school staff Student management Manage student information
The term management The management school is divided into semester classes Examination papers to be marked Papers assigned to me for approval and papers created by myself
The examination paper management Can customize the test paper, can be dragged, including fill-in-the-blank questions, single choice, multiple choice, scoring questions, sorting questions, matrix questions, etc., can extract questions from the question bank Marking management You can set the multiple reading operation
Grade subject Management Assign subjects to be studied at each grade level Teacher skill management Skills familiar to assigned teachers (later used for schedule teacher assignment)
Start time setting Different start time for each grade can be set (according to the epidemic situation in 2020) My work You can check out my history class, the class I’m leading right now
Divide into classes management It is possible to assign unassigned students to separate classes The question bank Support various types of personal test bank management
knowledge Management of each grade corresponding subject knowledge points, students can view separately, but also can be combined with the question bank, convenient for students to review after the examination Test module Students can take the test on their mobile phone and view the test results

Technology selection

Back-end technologies:
technology The name of the website
SpringBoot The core framework Spring. IO/projects/sp…
MyBatis ORM framework…
Druid Database connection pool…
Maven Project construction Management
redis Key-value Specifies the storage system
webSocket The browser communicates with the server in full-duplex…
Activiti Workflow engine
spring mvc View framework
Quartz 2.2.2 Timing task
ActiveMQ The message queue…
solr Enterprise search application server
Spring Cloud Microservice framework (current user APP interface)
Front-end technology:
technology The name of the website
jQuery library
zTree Tree plugin
layui Modular front-end UI
winui Win10 style UI…
codemirror Codemirror code editor
handlebars Js template engine…
webSocket The browser communicates with the server in full-duplex…
G6 Flow chart development…
FullCalendar Calendar plugin…

The code description

Front and back interface mapping
<url id="Front-end request ID" path="Background interface" val="Note" allUse="Do I need to log in?">
	<property id="Front-end request Key" name="Background receive Key" ref="Constraints (refer to project documentation)" var="The key meaning"/>
Copy the code
Background code writing specification
Control layer
@RequestMapping("Background interface") @responseBody public void method name (InputObject InputObject OutputObject) throws Exception{service layer interface object. Method name (inputObject, outputObject); }Copy the code
The service layer
@Override public void method name (InputObject InputObject, OutputObject OutputObject) throws Exception {Map<String, Object> map = inputObject.getParams(); Map<String, Object> user = inputobject.getLogParams (); /** * business logic */ outputobject.setbean (bean); // Return a single entity Bean outputobject.setbeans (beans); // Return the collection outputobject.settotal (total); / / return quantity outputObject. SetreturnMessage ("Information"); . / / the error information returned to the front outputObject setreturnMessage ("Information", error code); // Return an error message from the front end, and throw an exception (uncommon)}Copy the code

PC side effect picture

rendering rendering
Screenshot. PNG
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Mobile terminal effect picture

rendering rendering rendering rendering
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Screenshot. PNG

Download resources

  • JDK8…
  • Maven…
  • Redis

  • Nginx…

Online documentation

  • JDK8 Chinese document

  • Spring4. X document

  • Mybatis3 website

  • Nginx Chinese documentation

  • Git official website Chinese document

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