Six Design principles

Single responsibility principle

Richter’s substitution principle

Dependency inversion principle

Interface Isolation Principle

Demeter’s rule

Open and closed principle


A high-level module should not depend on a low-level module; both should depend on its abstraction; Abstractions should not depend on details, details should depend on abstractions

The idea is to program for the interface, not the implementation.

The characteristics of

  1. Dependencies between modules occur through abstraction, while dependencies between implementation classes do not occur directly, but are generated through interfaces or abstract classes.

  2. Interfaces or abstract classes do not depend on implementation classes;

  3. Implementation classes depend on interfaces or abstract classes.

The sample

Design a customer

Buyers buy goods from TB

Public class Customer {public void shopping(TBShop shop) {// shopping system.out.println (shop.sell()); }}Copy the code

This design has disadvantages if the customer wants to shop from another store (JD)

Modify the purchased merchant

Public class Customer {public void shopping(JDShop) {// shopping system.out.println (shop.sell()); }}Copy the code

If the customer continues to want to change the shop, the code needs to be changed each time, which violates the open and close principle. Instead of relying on abstraction, the customer is bound to the concrete store, violating the dependency inversion principle.

To optimize the

Design a Shop

public interface Shop {

    String sell();
Copy the code

Design the merchant’s implementation

Public class implements Shop {@override public String sell() {return "implements Shop "; }}Copy the code
Public implements Shop {@override public String sell() {return "implements Shop from TB "; }}Copy the code

The buyer binds to the merchant’s abstraction

Public class Customer {public void shopping(Shop Shop) {// shop.out.println (shop.sell()); }}Copy the code


public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { Customer customer = new Customer(); TBShop()); JDShop()); }}Copy the code

The results of