This article is a tutorial sharing of the single-Demo-boot project, explaining how to use the code generator
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The basic principle of a code generator is that a developer writes an Entity class based on the business, then performs code generation logic, and the system parses the Entity class fields, And generate Dao, Service interface, Service implementation class, Controller Controller, add, delete, change and check front-end code, front-end routing and interface configuration, entity class building table SQL and related menus, functions, API SQL records.
For example, developers now need to do a customer management function, which contains the name, age, and two fields of customer information. Then we will need to write a compliance entity class, the class on com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Entity under the package
When the entity class is large, the developer may need to classify many entity class, such as system related to the entity classes are on the com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Entity. The system package; Test related on com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Entity. The test under the package; There is also a part of the entity class directly put com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Entity directory, do not need to be separated according to the directory to save. When the code generator encounters an entity class under a non-entity package, it will also do package separation when generating the object code file. Book entity class, for example, deposited in the com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Entity. The file package, generate a controller class will be on the com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Controller. The file package, And the RequestMapping root path of this class is “/file”
Now use the Customer entity class ( and Book entity class ( as examples to demonstrate the use of the code generator
Code generator configuration
Configured in the file, which runs in the local environment. Suggested configuration only generate. Project. RootPath and generate out. The path both, do not modify other suggestion
# code generator configuration
The root path of the project is a directory. The absolute path of the project is a directory
SQL statement file output path (absolute path)
# the author
# comment time
# Project root package path (do not change recommended)
# Entity class package path (do not change it)
The entity class Bean code generates the package relative path
Controller code generation store package relative path
Mapper interface code generates the relative path to the package
# Service interface code generates the relative path of the storage package
Service implements the class code to generate the relative path to the package
Copy the code
Write the Entity class Entity
- Customer. Java client entity class, stored in the entity under the root package (com) SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. The entity)
package com.spz.demo.singleboot.entity;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import com.spz.demo.singleboot.core.annotation.EntityDoc;
import com.spz.demo.singleboot.core.entity.BasicEntity;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
/** * Customer entity class * for code generator testing *@author spzmmd
* @date2019/05/15 * /
@entityDoc (isClass = true, note = "customer ")
public class Customer extends BasicEntity {
/** * name */
@entityDoc (note = "name ")
private String name;
/** * age */
@entityDoc (note = "age ")
private Integer age;
Copy the code
- Entity class Book. Java books, stored in the entity under the package under the file package (com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Entity. The file)
package com.spz.demo.singleboot.entity.file;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import com.spz.demo.singleboot.core.annotation.EntityDoc;
import com.spz.demo.singleboot.core.entity.BasicEntity;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
/** * Book entity class * for code generator tests *@author spzmmd
* @date2019/05/15 * /
@entityDoc (isClass = true, note = "book ")
public class Book extends BasicEntity {
/** * name */
@entityDoc (note = "name ")
private String name;
/** ** the author */
@entityDoc (note = "author ")
private String author;
Copy the code
- The location of the customer and book classes in the package is shown
- The following specifications must be followed when writing entity classes
- The following annotations must be declared on the entity class
// The code generator needs to know the class name annotation from the note field in the annotation. Note that when the field is declared on the class, it needs to say isClass is true @entityDoc (isClass = true, note = "customer ") // Lombok annotation, Constructor @data@noargsconstructor @allargsconstructor // Mybatis annotation to declare the entity class corresponding to the database table name // Do not use the sys_ prefix for database table names. This is the system's own table prefix. The system automatically skips entities with this prefix @tablename ("biz_customer") when generating SQL.Copy the code
- Entity classes must inheritcom.spz.demo.singleboot.core.entity.BasicEntityThe BasicEntity class contains primary key fields (code), data validity fields, record creation time fields, record modification time fields, and developers do not need to declare when creating a new entity class. BasicEntity class fields: (as shown on the system automatically sets the creation time, modify time and effective field data logic see such: com. SPZ. Demo. Singleboot. Core. The config. MybatisPlusMetaObjectHandler)
The * @entityDoc (note = “XXX “)* annotation must be declared on the entity class field and its note must be set as the field annotation name. The code generator needs to read the note field in the EntityDoc annotation to obtain the annotation name of the field for use in the front input field display, etc
Fields of primitive type in entity class must use wrapper type, such as int, Integer instead
The entity class holds an example
The generated code
Code generator execution examples incom.spz.demo.singleboot.CodeGenerateTestUnder, can run directly. The diagram below:
Once the entity class is written, you can run the code generator to generate the code (a log is output during the generation process for viewing the generation); After the code is generated, the generated code can be seen in the relevant directory:
- The Bean class is used for display/parameter passing at the control layer. After the data is queried by the Service layer, it needs to be assigned to the corresponding Bean class and returned to the Controller layer. In addition, the Bean class contains all of the BasicEntity fields (code, Valid, etc.) as well as the entityclass fields. And contains uniquely identified collection fields for business scenarios like “query/delete by ID collection”
- The Controller class
Each entity class corresponds to a controller class, and the generated controller interface contains the following methods:
- Dao class is actually the Mapper interface class of Mybatis-Plus
- The Service interface and its implementation class encapsulate a set of add, delete, change and check interfaces
Note the createWrapper() method. It is recommended that all queries in the Service implementation class call the LambdaQueryWrapper object returned by the createWrapper() method. All query conditions are written in the createWrapper() method.
- Front-end page, front-end configuration and SQL table building sentences
Entity class SQL builds tables
Use the tablesQLlist. SQL file in the generate/ SQL directory to create tables. Note That the database has been initialized using the SQL file in the doc/ SQL directory.
Configuration of front end
- Use a development tool (such as WebStorm) to open the front-end project single-demo-admin. If you don’t have one, go here to download single-demo-admin.
- After code generation, the generate directory under the root of the background project will generate HTML and htmlConfig directories as shown below:
- Copy front-end code. Copy all files in “background project root directory /generate/ HTML /” to” front-end project root directory/SRC /views/”, where front-end page codes are stored
- Open “front-end project root directory/SRC/config/API. Js” and “back-end project root directory/generate/htmlConfig/htmlConfig js”, the API related configuration is copied to the API. Js
- Open front-end project root directory “/ SRC/config/router. Js” and “back-end project root directory/generate/htmlConfig/htmlConfig js”, copy routing configuration related to the router. The js
Run the project and configure the menu
After running the project, you also need to configure the menus and functions with permissions for the current role to use the customer management and book management functions generated by the code generator
- Start front-end and back-end projects respectively (please refer to the previous article for the operation method), visit the page (http://localhost:8080) and enter the account password verification code to log in (account Zhangsan, password: 123):
- Configure role menu mapping
Select Book Management, Customer management, and then ok
- Configure role function mapping
Select the appropriate functionality, and then confirm
- After the configuration, log in to the system again
Here the menu icon is the default, if you need to change it, go to “System Settings – Menu Management” to modify, at the same time, this can also modify the menu sorting, the code generator default set the new menu to 900 order
- Basic add, delete, change and check are available
- The query field is added to the list page
Note that there is no specific field query in the generated page, so developers need to add it by themselves. For example, if you need to add a field to the book management page, open the “front-end project root directory/SRC /views/book/ list. vue”, and put the field in the red box below:
In the back-end project, you also need to add query criteria, as shown in the figure below:
This project related technical tutorial article, I will share in the public account “back-end technology learning and sharing”, welcome to pay attention to! PS: From Java back-end technology and basic computer knowledge to micro services, Service Mesh and big data, all of which are my research direction. I will regularly share technical dry goods in the public account, hoping to use my own strength, to help friends improve technical ability, common progress!
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