Single page background management project template based on Element-UI

Technology stack

Element-ui-admin project demo

  • vue
  • vue-resource
  • vue-router
  • element-ui
  • Navigation menu based on routing configuration
  • Breadcrumbs based on routing configuration
  • Load asynchronously by route

Method of use

The project template is based on Webpack-Driven – Web, refer to webPack-Driven – Web for the usage method

Directory description

Element - UI - admin / ├ ─ ─ SRC / | | ─ ─ home / - page | | ─ ─ the event/activity - page | | ─ ─ user / - account page | └ ─ ─ lib / | └ ─ ─ app / | | ─ ─ navbar / - the top navigation components | | ─ ─ the router - nav/navigation based on routing configuration menu component | | ─ ─ the main content/main content components - | | ─ ─ the router - breadcrumb / - bread crumbs | component based on routing configuration | ─ ─ notfound / - routing was not found, display components | | ─ ─ app. Vue - page layout components | └ ─ ─ routes. Js - routing configuration ├ ─ ─ dist / ├ ─ ─ the config / | ─ ─ package. The json └ ─ ─ webpack.config.jsCopy the code


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