The framework RxJava+Retroft+MVVM+ componentization, based on Google’s latest AAC architecture, combines the use of Databinding and the lifecycle component liveData to better prevent memory leaks


Componentized WanAndroid module, which uses CC componentized framework for componentized separation, is mainly used to learn componentized ideas. Cc framework is probably the only componentized framework in the industry that supports gradual transformation to learn componentized modules, which separates business needs and makes projects no longer so bloated and bulky in an app. The business logic is also more clear, but also convenient to specify the module debugging bug, compilation speed has not been improved, little brother is not just.

This Demo is a personal training project, mainly learning MVVM framework and componentization ideas.

Currently there are not many modules, one main module, one wanAndrodi module, common base-> ARMS public library

The effect

Main business APP module

Componentized WanAndroid module

Demo address:… Just for learning

Thanks to:

  • Thanks to all the great open source projects
  • Thank you CC componentization framework
  • Thanks for Gank API
  • Thank you for the WanAndroid API
  • This Demo is a personal training project, mainly learning MVVM framework and componentization ideas.