Rem refers to the font size of the root element. Most root elements are 16px, but the device’s DPI affects the size of the root element, so it is not fixed.
Rem layout refers to setting a base font size for the document’s root < HTML > element, and then writing all element sizes in REM.
Using REM layout combined with HTML to set different font sizes according to different resolutions has a lot of trouble to solve, so how to solve it? We can use JS to calculate the size of font size at different resolutions. This is a conclusion I reached after studying the mobile terminal layout of netease.
The following figure shows the FONT size of HTML of netease when the resolution is 320X680, 375X680, 414X680 and 500X680
On what is it calculated?
For example, netease’s design draft should be based on iPhone4 or iPhone5, so the horizontal resolution of its design draft is 640px. For convenience of calculation, use a 100px font size as a reference. The width of the body element can be set to width: 6.4rem, so the HTML font size=deviceWidth / 6.4. This deviceWidth is the same deviceWidth in the ViewPort Settings. According to this calculation rule, the size of THE HTML in the four screenshots at the beginning of this part is as follows:
deviceWidth = 320And the font size =320 / 6.4 = 50px
deviceWidth = 375And the font size =375 / 6.4 = 58.59375px
deviceWidth = 414And the font size =414 / 6.4 = 64.6875px
deviceWidth = 500And the font size =500 / 6.4 = 78.125px
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Where did 6.4 come from? Of course, it is based on the horizontal resolution /100 of the design draft.
This deviceWidth through the document. The documentElement. ClientWidth can get, so after the dom ready when the page, the first thing I do is: =
document.documentElement.clientWidth / 6.4 + "px";
Copy the code
The following summary of netease’s approach:
The second step:
- Divide the vertical horizontal resolution of the design by 100 to get the width of the body element: If the design is based on iphone6 with a horizontal resolution of 750 and the body width of 750/100 = 7.5 REM if the design is based on iphone4/5 with a horizontal resolution of 640, Body width is 640/100 = 6.4rem
- For layout, divide the size of the layout by 100 to get the CSS size, as shown in the following image:
Player height is 210px, CSS should say: height: 2.1rem. The reason for taking a 100 as a reference is to calculate rem here!
- After dom ready, set the HTML font size with the following code :(6.4 is just an example, if it is a 750 design, it should be divided by 7.5)
Document. The documentElement. Style. FontSize = document. DocumentElement. ClientWidth / 6.4 + 'px';
Also, when deviceWidth is greater than the horizontal resolution of the design, the HTML font size is always equal to the horizontal resolution /body element width:
This is done because when deviceWidth is greater than 640, the physical resolution is greater than 1280 (depending on the device)devicePixelRatioIt’s time to visit the PC website. As it is, if you visit netease from a mobile phone, you will see the touchscreen version of the site. If you visit netease from a pad, you will see the PC version of the site.
DevicePixelRatio property: The Window property devicePixelRatio returns the ratio of the physical pixel resolution of the current display device to the CSS pixel resolution.
var deviceWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
if (deviceWidth > 640) deviceWidth = 640;
// This can also be changed to jump to the PC website = deviceWidth / 6.4 + "px";
Copy the code
The final formula
Advantage: don’t care about DPR, only need to know the width of the design draft
DPR is the device pixel ratio; Device Pixel Ratio (DPR) = Device pixels (resolution)/device independent pixels (screen size)
Given: Suppose the existing iPhone6 design is 750px wide, with one element 150px wide;
According to the DPR value, iPhone6’s DPR value is 2, we can get the display size of this element:
Real CSS values:
Now we use netease solution to solve this problem:
First, we take 1rem = 100px as the reference value (this value can be arbitrarily chosen), so we can know the width of the body:
The width of the body is 7.5rem, and the width of the body is 7.5rem.
Dw is deviceWidth, the deviceWidth, which is the only value that changes dynamically in the entire scheme.
Now we known design draft for iPhone6, know iPhone6 equipment for 375 px wide, we’ll look back at this time: HTML current device of the font, size:
It can be seen that this step has virtually helped us to make DPR conversion; The 750px design shows how the 375px screen will be converted. Rem is the size of other elements relative to the root element (HTML), so the actual CSS display value of the current element width is: 1.5rem*50px = 75px; (75px is exactly the same as the 75px we wanted). Let’s break this down again:
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