Gitbook plugin that generates and exports mind maps in Markdown

🏠 The home page

  • Making: snowdreams1006. Making. IO/gitbook – plu…
  • GitLab: snowdreams1006. GitLab. IO/gitbook – plu…
  • Gitee: snowdreams1006. Gitee. IO/gitbook – plu…

Screen capture

{% simplemindmap %}

```markdown - simplemindmap - config book.json - plugins - others - simple-mind-map - pluginsConfig - others - simple-mind-map - type - preset - linkShape - autoFit - style - custom - markdown - type - preset - linkShape - autoFit - style - txtmap - json - mindmup ```

{% endsimplemindmap %}
Copy the code


Step # 1- Updatebook.jsonfile

In the book.json file of your Gitbook, add simple-mind-map to the plugins list.

This is the simplest example:

    "plugins": ["simple-mind-map"]}Copy the code

In addition, the following configuration options are supported:

"gitbook": {
    "properties": {
        "type": {
            "type": "string",
            "title": "Markdown or MindMup or Txtmap or Pandoc",
            "required": false,
            "default": "markdown"
        "preset": {
            "type": "string",
            "title": "colorful or default",
            "required": false,
            "default": "colorful"
        "linkShape": {
            "type": "string",
            "title": "diagonal or bracket",
            "required": false,
            "default": "diagonal"
        "autoFit": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "title": "true or false",
            "required": false,
            "default": true
        "style": {
            "type": "object",
            "title": "custom style",
            "required": false
Copy the code

Step # 2- Usemarkdowngrammar

Simplemindmap plugin support type, preset, linkShape autoFit and style options to generate a mind map.

This is the basic syntax used in markdown files:

{% simplemindmap %}
simple mind map
{% endsimplemindmap %}
Copy the code

Here are some basic examples:

  • markdown

The default configuration generates the Markdown version of the mind map

{% simplemindmap %}

```markdown - simplemindmap - config book.json - plugins - others - simple-mind-map - pluginsConfig - others - simple-mind-map - type - preset - linkShape - autoFit - style - custom - markdown - type - preset - linkShape - autoFit - style - txtmap - json - mindmup ```

{% endsimplemindmap %}
Copy the code

  • txtmap

Specify the language type type to generate the txtMap version of the mind map

{% simplemindmap type="txtmap" %}
{% endsimplemindmap %}
Copy the code

  • json

Specify preset and custom style style to generate the JSON version of the mind map

{% simplemindmap type="json",preset="default",style={"height":"2000px"%}}` ``json
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    {"name": "NBodyForce", "size": 10498},
    {"name": "Particle", "size": 2822},
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    {"name": "SpringForce", "size": 1681}
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      {"name": "average", "size": 287},
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      {"name": "update", "size": 307},
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      {"name": "where", "size": 299},
      {"name": "xor", "size": 354},
      {"name": "_", "size": 264}
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    {"name": "Not", "size": 1554},
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   "name": "scale",
   "children": [
    {"name": "IScaleMap", "size": 2105},
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    {"name": "QuantileScale", "size": 2435},
    {"name": "QuantitativeScale", "size": 4839},
    {"name": "RootScale", "size": 1756},
    {"name": "Scale", "size": 4268},
    {"name": "ScaleType", "size": 1821},
    {"name": "TimeScale", "size": 5833}
   "name": "util",
   "children": [
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     "name": "heap",
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      {"name": "HeapNode", "size": 1233}
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    {"name": "IPredicate", "size": 383},
    {"name": "IValueProxy", "size": 874},
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     "children": [
      {"name": "DenseMatrix", "size": 3165},
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   "name": "vis",
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     "name": "legend",
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       "name": "filter",
       "children": [
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       "name": "label",
       "children": [
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       "name": "layout",
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        {"name": "PieLayout", "size": 2728},
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        {"name": "RandomLayout", "size": 870},
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      {"name": "Operator", "size": 2490},
      {"name": "OperatorList", "size": 5248},
      {"name": "OperatorSequence", "size": 4190},
      {"name": "OperatorSwitch", "size": 2581},
      {"name": "SortOperator", "size": 2023}
    {"name": "Visualization", "size": 16540}
`` `
{% endsimplemindmap %}
Copy the code

  • mindmup

Specify linkShape to generate mindMup version of mind map

{% simplemindmap type="mindmup",preset="default",linkShape="bracket" %} ```mindmup { "title": "MindMapping", "id": 1, "formatVersion": 2, "ideas": { "11": { "title": "Software", "id": 8, "ideas": { "1": { "title": "FreeMind", "id": 9 }, "2": { "title": "XMind", "id": 10 }, "3": { "title": "MindMeister", "id": 11 }, "4": { "title": "iMindMap", "id": 13, "ideas" : {" 1 ": {" title" : "by Tony Buzan", "id" : 30}}}, "5" : {" title ":" MindManager ", "id" : 14}, "2.5" : { "title": "MindMup", "id": 12 } } }, "21": { "title": "Misc", "id": 15, "ideas": { "1": { "title": "Visual Understanding Environment (VUE)", "id": 23, "ideas": { "1": { "title": "", "id": 24 } } }, "2": { "title": "TiddlyMap", "id": 26 }, "3": { "title": "", "id": 27 }, "4": { "title": "", "id": 31, "ideas": {} } } }, "31": { "title": "Resources", "id": 2, "ideas": { "1": { "title": "", "id": 18 }, "2": { "title": "", "id": 19 }, "3": { "title": "", "id": 21 } }, "attr": { "position": [67.5, 255, 1], "style" : {}}}}} ` ` ` {% endsimplemindmap %}Copy the code

Step # 3- RungitbookThe command

  1. rungitbook install.It will automatically be yoursgitbookThe installationsimple-mind-mapThe plug-in.

You need to allow this step only once.

gitbook install
Copy the code

Alternatively, you can install the gitbook-plugin-simple-mind-map plug-in locally by running the NPM install gitbook-plugin-simple-mind-map command.

npm install gitbook-plugin-simple-mind-map
Copy the code
  1. Build your book as usual (gitbook build) or services (gitbook serve).
gitbook serve
Copy the code

The sample

  • Official document configuration file…

    "plugins": ["simple-mind-map"]."pluginsConfig": {
        "simple-mind-map": {
            "type": "markdown"."preset": "colorful"."linkShape": "diagonal"}}}Copy the code
  • Official sample configuration file…

    "plugins": ["simple-mind-map"]."pluginsConfig": {
        "simple-mind-map": {
            "type": "markdown"}}}Copy the code
  • The samplebook.jsonfile
    "plugins": ["simple-mind-map"]}Copy the code

Alternatively, you can add Preset or linkShape and autoFit as default setting options:

    "plugins": ["simple-mind-map"]."pluginsConfig": {
        "simple-mind-map": {
            "type": "markdown"."preset": "colorful"."linkShape": "diagonal"."autoFit": true}}}Copy the code

Or you can add style to customize the mind map style:

    "plugins": ["simple-mind-map"]."pluginsConfig": {
        "simple-mind-map": {
            "type": "markdown"."preset": "colorful"."linkShape": "diagonal"."autoFit": true."style": {
              "height":  "750px"}}}}Copy the code

Note: If your book has not yet been created, the code snippet above can be used as a complete book.json file.

The author

👤 snowdreams1006


Contributions, questions and feature requests are welcome! Always check the problem page.


If this project has been helpful to you, please give a star!


Copyright ©2019 SnowDreams1006. All Rights Reserved.

The project is licensed by MIT.

If you feel that this article is helpful to you, welcome to like the message to tell me, your encouragement is my motivation to continue to create, might as well pay attention to the personal public number “snow dream technology station”, regularly update quality articles!