- Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.
- Dep
Depend collects dependencies and notify triggers dependencies
class Dep{ constructor() { this._subs = []; } depend () { this._subs.push(Dep.target) } notify() { this._subs.forEach(item => { item.fn(); // Dep = null; // Dep = null; // Dep = null; function pushTarget(watch) { Dep.target = watch; } function popTarget() { Dep.target = null; }Copy the code
- Understand obverser
Recursively, converting all properties of a data object to accessor properties
Function defineReactive (obj, key, val, shallow) {let dep = new dep (); let childOb = ! shallow && observe(val) Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: Function reactitter () {if(dep.target) {// Collect depend on dep.depend(); } return val; / /... }, set: function reactiveSetter (newVal) { if(newVal === val) return; // continue recursively through observe(newVal); // Trigger dependency dep.notify(); / /... } }) } class Observer{ constructor(data) { this.walk(data); } walk(data) { const keys = Object.keys(data) for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; I ++) {defineReactive(data, keys[I], data[keys[I]])}}} All the data Object into the accessor attribute function observe (data) {if (Object. The prototype. ToString. Call (data)! == '[object Object]') return; new Observer(data); }Copy the code
All attributes of any object can then be converted to accessors
- Learn about watch and Observer
Const data = {a: 1, b: 2} // Observe (data);Copy the code
Watcher’s main function is to detect a property and trigger a callback when the property changes
Constructor (exp, fn) {this.exp = exp; /** * @constructor (exp, fn) {this.exp = exp; /** * @constructor (exp, fn) {this.exp = exp; this.fn = fn; // dep. target = this; pushTarget(this); A get is executed, and dep.depend() starts collecting dependencies this.exp(); // Release dep.target popTarget(); New Watcher(() => {return data.a + data.b; }, () => { console.log('change') })Copy the code
- Trigger rely on
data.a = 3; // change
data.b = 3; // change
Copy the code
Summarize the process
- Convert all attributes of an object to accessors
- When you add a watcher to an attribute, the get of the modified attribute is triggered, and the GET function stores the watcher in the DEP dependency container of the attribute
- When the attribute is changed, the set method is used to change the attribute. The set function executes all the deP stored dependencies