Definition: The simple factory pattern is the creation pattern, also known as the factory method pattern, in which a factory object decides which instance of a product pattern to create.

Simple Factory Pattern class diagram:

In simple Factory mode there are the following roles:

  • Factory: The Factory class, which is at the heart of the simple Factory pattern and is responsible for implementing the logic inside the creation instance.
  • IProduct: Abstract product class, which is the parent of all objects created by the simple factory pattern and is responsible for describing the common interfaces that all instances work on.
  • Product: Concrete Product class, which is the goal of the simple factory class.
The DEMO & code

Scenario: The company has recently connected to two biopsies SDKS, and more will be connected in the future. The code is as follows:

Public abstract class AbstractLivingDetection {/** * public abstract void startDetection(); }Copy the code
public class HaiXinLivingDetection extends AbstractLivingDetection {
    public void startDetection() {
        System.out.println("Start haixin in vivo test."); }}Copy the code
public class TongFuDunLivingDetection extends AbstractLivingDetection {
    public void startDetection() {
        System.out.println("Activate the shield biopsy."); }}Copy the code
public class LivingDetectionFactory {
    public static AbstractLivingDetection createLivingDetection(String type){
        AbstractLivingDetection livingDetection = null;
        switch (type) {case "tongfudun":
                livingDetection = new TongFuDunLivingDetection();
            case "haixin":
                livingDetection = new HaiXinLivingDetection();
        returnlivingDetection; }}Copy the code
Usage scenarios
  • The factory class is responsible for creating fewer objects.
  • The customer only needs to know the parameters passed into the factory class and does not need to care about the logic of creating the object.
  • The user can obtain the corresponding class instance according to the parameter, avoiding directly instantiating the class and reducing the coupling.
  • The instantiable types are determined at compile time. If you add a new type, you need to modify the factory, which violates the open and closed principle. A simple factory needs to know all the types to be generated and is not suitable when there are too many subclasses or too many subclass hierarchies.

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