If the device is based on Ubuntu, Raspberry PI, etc., see www.cnblogs.com/little-kwy/…

In addition to micro USB cable, LTE antenna and GPS antenna, users need to prepare the following things before using the module:

One 4G SIM card (mobile, Unicom or Telecom card, not shut down and enabled with GPRS); One headset cable with microphone (optional); One TF card (optional);Copy the code
  • In case of power failure, load the activated 4G SIM card and TF card (optional), insert the headset cable with microphone (optional), and then connect the USB cable to the computer.
  • Connect one end of the micro USB cable to the USB port of the PC and the other end to the USB port of the SIM7600X 4G HAT. The PWR indicator is on and the NET indicator is off.
  • Press the PWR button for about 1 second, wait for about 10 seconds, see the NET light flashing once every second, then the module starts to work
  • Open the device manager and you can see the additional COM port as shown below.
  • If the COM port is identified in the preceding figure but an exclamation mark is displayed, it indicates that the driver is not installed and you need to manually load the driver.

[Note] : SIM7600CE 4G HAT By default, the hardware needs to be powered on by pressing the button

Test Brief description

Common AT instruction

The command instructions The return value
AT AT test instruction OK
ATE ATE1 Set the command output ATE0 close the command output OK
AT+CGMI Query module manufacturers OK
AT+CGMM Query the module model OK
AT+CGSN Querying product Serial numbers OK
AT+CSUB Query the module version and chip OK
AT+CGMR Example Query the firmware version serial number OK
AT+IPREX Set the baud rate of the hardware serial port of the module +IPREX: OK
AT+CRESET Reset the module OK
AT+CSQ Network signal quality query, return the signal value + CSQ: 17 almost OK
AT+CPIN? When the SIM card status is queried and READY is returned, the SIM card can be identified properly +CPIN: READY
AT+COPS? Query the current carrier information. After the network connection is normal, the carrier information is displayed +COPS: OK
AT+CREG? Example Query the network registration status +CREG: OK
AT+CPSI? Example Query UE system information  
AT+CNMP Network mode selection command: 2: Automatic 13: GSM only 38: LTE only 48: Any modes but LTE… . OK

For more AT commands, see SIM7500_SIM7600 Series_AT Command manual_v1.07

AT instruction test sample diagram


GPS debugging

GNSS control instance

  • Plug in the GPS antenna, and put the receiver in the open outdoor, power on need to wait about 1 minute to receive the positioning signal;
  • Detailed test instructions and screenshots are as follows:
AT+CGPS=1 // Enable GPS AT+CGPSINFO // Print GPS information to serial port AT+CGPS=0 // Disable GPSCopy the code

TCP/IP connection to GPRS sends data

GPRS debugging must use SIM card with GPRS networking function enabled

The following uses a mobile SIM card as an example:

  1. Correctly install mobile phone card (GPRS networking function must be enabled), GSM antenna, connect USB cable to computer;
  2. Press the PWR button to start the module and wait for more than ten seconds.
  3. Observe whether the indicator is normal. The PWR indicator is steady on and the NET indicator is blinking.

Set up a virtual server on the local computer

A virtual server defines the mapping between a WAN service port and a LAN network server. All access to the WAN service port is redirected to the LAN network server specified by IP address. (Please refer to the manufacturer’s manual for your router)

  1. Use a browser to log in to the router administration interface (refer to your router manual for details)
  2. Set the port number to 2317. The port number does not conflict with the existing one. In this example, set it to 2317.)
  3. Set the Intranet IP of the PC (for the IP obtained by the PC on the LAN, you can run CMD on the PC, enter the command line prompt, and enter ipconfig to check the IPv4 address. The Intranet IP of the PC in this example is, as shown in the following figure:

Obtain the external IP address

The external IP address can be obtained by searching for the IP address in the browser, as shown in the following figure:

Configure GPRS

  1. AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”CMNET” // Set APN
  2. AT+CSQ // Queries the network signal quality. The first parameter indicates that the maximum value of network signal quality is 31. The larger the value is, the stronger the network signal is
  3. AT+CREG? // Query the network registration. If the second parameter is 1, the network is successfully registered
  4. AT+CIPMODE=1 // Set TCP/IP mode
  5. AT+CSOCKSETPN=1 // Select TCP/IP application mode
  6. AT+CIPMODE=0 // Select TCP/IP application mode
  7. AT+NETOPEN // Enable mode
  8. AT+CIPOPEN=0,”TCP”,”″,2317 // Settings Set TCP, IP, and port numbers to establish a TCP/IP connection
  9. AT+CIPSEND=0,9, // to send 9 characters, return > to start sending 9 characters
  10. AT+CIPCLOSE=0, // Close the TCP connection
  11. AT+NETCLOSE, // Close the network

The operation phenomenon is shown in the figure below:

TF card debugging

1. Insert TF card in case of power failure (press pop-up), follow normal startup steps and select port number:


2. Select TF card directory as current directory:

  1. AT+FSCD=D: // Select TF card path
  2. +FSCD: D:/
  3. OK
  4. AT+FSLS // View subdirectories
  6. overlays
  7. MyDir
  8. System Volume Information
  9. .
  10. .
  11. OK

3. Create folder and file content on TF card. Use statement to set MyDir folder in root directory and create t1. TXT file in the folder, and write test content at the same time

  1. AT+CFTRANRX=”D:/MyDir/t1.txt”,12 // filename
  2. >test content // test content
  3. OK

4. Open the TF card

  1. AT+CFTRANTX=”D:/MyDir/t1.txt”
  2. +CFTRANTX: DATA,012
  3. test content
  4. +CFTRANTX: 0
  5. OK

For more commands, see SIM7500_SIM7600 Series_AT Command manual_v1.07 P256 to P268

Pull out a call

  • Connect the LTE antenna, SIM card (the phone function must be enabled), and headset cable with microphone by referring to “Hardware Configuration”, and start the module.
  • Common instructions for dialing:
AT+CNUM Query the local number (not all SIM cards support this instruction) +CNUM OK
AT+CSDVC AT+CSDVC=1: Switch to headset output. AT+CSDVC=3: Switch to speaker output OK
AT+CLVL=? Querying the Volume Range OK
AT+CLVL=2 Set the volume to 2 OK
ATD<phone_number>; ATD10086; : Dial mobile 10086 customer service number OK
AT+CHUP Hang up the phone OK
AT+CLIP=1 Setting call Display OK
ATA Answer the phone OK
  • The detailed operation screenshot is as follows:


[Note] : When using SSCOM serial Assistant to send and receive AT instructions, check “Return to Line feed”.

Voice output mode and volume adjustment

  1. AT+CSDVC=1 // Switch to headphones
  2. AT+CSDVC =3 // Switch to speaker
  3. AT+CLVL =? // To query the volume range, return +CLVL: (0-5) // The volume can be adjusted from 0 to 5
  4. AT+CLVL=2 // Set volume to 2 and return OK

Answer the phone

  1. Serial port display: RING
  2. Send “ATA” // Answer the phone
  3. Send “AT+CHUP” // Hang up

Audio parameter debugging

  2. +CACDBFN: (handset_cal.acdb, handset_tianmai.acdb) // It is recommended to set this parameter
  3. OK

A. During module startup initialization, add the following information before making A call

  1. AT^PWRCTL=0,1,3 // mainly improve TDD noise effect
  2. OK

B. The module is setting up a voice call

  1. VOICE CALL:BEGIN // Module Calls are established and executed to improve CALL performance
  2. AT+CECM=1 // Echo suppression processing
  3. OK
  4. AT+CECH=0x500
  5. OK

For details, see SIM7X00_Audio_Application_Note

Send English text messages

  1. Install THE SIM phone card, LTE antenna and USB interface of the module correctly. Connect the computer with USB cable and start the module.

  2. Observe whether the indicator is normal. The PWR indicator is steady on and the NET indicator is blinking.

  3. To set the local SMS center: AT+CSCA=”+8613800755500″+ Press Enter, return OK. Note: The number of China Mobile’s SMS service center is + 861380XXXX500, in which XXXX is the area code of your long distance call. Each place of the SMS center may be different. For details, you can search it on Baidu or dial the customer service of China Mobile Unicom in Shenzhen (0755).

  4. AT+CMGF=1: Set the SMS mode to TEXT.

  5. AT+CMGS=”phone number”< Enter > to set the receiver’s phone number, and then the system returns: “>” to Send the required content, for example, “Send Massage test!” After editing the short message, send 1A in hexadecimal format (1A is the key value of CTRL+Z to tell the module to send the message, or you can send 1B (ESC) to cancel the message). After the message is successfully sent, the module returns +CMGS: 15 to confirm that the message is successfully sent. As shown in the figure below.

    Send English instructions

Receive English text messages

  1. Send a message: “This is a receive test for SIM7600X!” Onto the test module
  2. When receiving a message, the serial port will brake and report a message, “SM”, 20, indicating that there are 20 messages in SM. The message just sent is the 20th message
  3. AT+CMGR=20 (AT+CMGL=”ALL”)
  4. Delete information: AT+CMGD=20, as shown below
  5. Convert the displayed information to text through an encoding converter.
  • Code conversion

Sending Chinese Text messages

1. Set parameters for sending SMS messages

  1. AT+CMGF=1 // Set to text mode
  2. AT+CSCS=”UCS2″ // Set the message text to the UCS2 encoding set
  3. AT+CSMP=17,167,2,25 // sets the text mode parameters.
  4. The AT + CMGS = “00310033003400330032003100310039003100300031” / / set the recipient phone number of UCS2 sets;

2, waiting for the return >, send into the transformation of information content d003700360030003000584e2d658777ed4fe16d4b8bd5 (00530049004), the end does not need to return, after editing the text in hexadecimal format send 1 a hair information, as shown in the figure below:

Sending Chinese Text messages

Receiving Chinese SMS messages

1. Set SMS receiving parameters

  1. AT+CMGF=1 // Set text display
  2. AT+CSCS=”GSM” // Set the GSM encoding set
  3. AT+CNMI=2,1 // set new message alert

2. When receiving the information, the serial port will automatically report the information, as shown below:

  1. AT+CMGR=21 // Read the SMS message with serial number 21

3. Convert the information into Chinese in the software, as shown in the picture below: