Hello, readers, I am The Silent King. 2019, really so quietly from the fingertip flow away, leaving me a helpless.

No more resistance. Confess. I’m 30, but I still vaguely feel like I’m 18, because there’s so much technology to learn, so much unknown to explore, and so many readers to talk to.

Every time I get a chance to create something, I pretend I’m 18. Regular readers will have noticed this cheeky detail:

 Cmower wanger = new Cmower(18."Silent King II.");

Copy the code

True to the saying: the more afraid of old people, the more like to boast about their youth. What is more troubling is that the readership is getting younger.

Speaking of truth, there are many “big stars” like me, but it is a pity that I seem to have no achievements worthy of praise. What is more cruel is that I actually do not have any decent endorsement, such as a senior architect of a big factory, a creator of great products, and a well-known network author with hundreds of thousands of fans.

I can only say that my endorsement is the most handsome and beautiful you! Applause is due.)

Perhaps it is because of frequent visits to major technical communities that many editors of publishing houses ask for manuscripts from me, but I do not know why they always like to ask one more sentence: “Mr. Wang, which company do you work in?” Once again, I solemnly advise you to go to Dachang as soon as you can, and as soon as possible!

01, spelling is right

At the end of 2018, I published an article titled “What HAVE I done to earn 30,000 Yuan a month?” at that time, many trolls sneered at me: “At this age, you don’t even have 30,000 yuan a month, and you still have the face to work in the high-paying Internet industry. You don’t deserve to be a programmer!”

At that time, I had not started a side business, I had not been paid a dime for writing. It’s hard to make 30 thousand yuan a month just on a small salary in Luoyang, a third-tier town. One year later, I am proud to report that this goal is still not accomplished, but it is getting closer.

During the National Day holiday, I wrote an article titled “The fourth day of the National Day Holiday, talk about the story of my monthly income increasing 4K”. It’s my real story, but few people want to believe it. They think I’m bluffing. In fact, there were a lot of windfalls I hadn’t even thought of myself. You know, I’ve worked so hard for this day.

Moving bricks is really the First time I made money.

2) I have also gone to Internet cafes to write. Please check the picture below for details.

3) I wrote while lying beside a hospital bed; At that time, I wrote a touching article, which IS also recommended for everyone to read: squatting at the entrance of ICU, I saw the appearance of death.

4) Well, the first draft of this article was written on a high-speed train to A team reunion in Nanjing.

PS: To say a word, my heart at this time of calm, but since it is the year-end summary, I am to tell the world how hard I have! (Why so excited, obviously moved by himself.)

02. Publishing “The Road to Advanced Web Full Stack Development”

In April 2019, the “Yellow Book” was finally published after two years of painstaking work. When readers sent me screenshots of their orders, my phone was more excited than I was and fell to the ground shattering the front screen. I had just changed it half a month ago, and I could only describe my feelings in one word — bittersweet.

Really did not expect, one day, I wrote a “bad book” and “Lost in the world” such a master bestseller lying in the same order, really is a dream! I remember two years ago, when I handed my father the contract for writing a book, he said to me coldly, “Even you can publish a book, so you can stop!”

I once saw a sentence in the circle of friends, here to share with you, called: “The great bib always before the silly insist.” (Don’t recognize the word)

In 2014, I went back to Luoyang, the ancient capital of nine dynasties, from Suzhou, where there is “heaven on earth”. Due to the large amount of spare time, I began to write. Up to now, 6 years have passed (counting on my fingers, I should count correctly).

So silly to insist on, and finally into the “positive fruit”, I am too south south!

03. Small milestones

I had no talent for writing, no self-marketing skills, and I just worked hard. But I know that for those who persevere in silly Situations, and with the help of enthusiastic readers, good luck is getting closer to me.

1) Nuggets hit 10,000 readers (just right? F12 modified, real data is 9085, not far off).

2) CSDN hits 10,000 readers (no “cheating” this time? I can guarantee that the data is true and valid. The exact number is 11385.)

3) The official account of “King of Silence ii” has exceeded 10,000 readers (13,232 at present). At that time, the circle of friends also posted a self-photo, we all praised: “the second brother hair is more sufficient, do not make a fake programmer.”

Some trolls may be sick of it again: “Are these data even worth showing off?” Well, calm down, my Lord. Did you not see that I added the word “small” to the milestone? (See how humble I am)

PS: Seeing a lot of new generation (Aobing, a little rain in the south of the River) running in front of me, I can’t help feeling sad, no matter how Buddhist I am — I need lyrical music here, um, wait, I also need a warm hug from everyone.

04. Do something big

In 2019, I’ve been writing three original articles a week, one useful [Programming life] and two interesting [programming technology], without a break — like thunder. This has not yet come to the rhythm of the day watch, I have been accused of “a lot of free time”, “a handyman”, “can not do great things” (I will not let go of screenshots, you can check out my other article “Admit it, it is your fault”).

To be honest, I don’t have a lot of free time. I’m usually busy with my company (I’m not sure it’s due in 2020), housework, and being the best toy for my daughter. However, it seems that I did not do anything important, such as failed to be admitted to Tsinghua university, did not go to Ali Xiufu newspaper, did not earn it 100 million. But I do want to do something, like open source a project on GitHub with over 10K stars and write 1000 original posts.

(Couldn’t resist making one with the drawing tool)

What did I write

I have written many, many high-quality original articles in 2019, and here are some that have been well reviewed in the hope that they will help more programmers. If you find the content of the article helpful, please do not spare your likes (online, etc.) and leave an encouraging comment, which will be my strongest motivation for writing.

【 Procedural Life 】

It’s good to be alive, no matter how bad

It’s hard to live in second-tier cities. Do you want to go back to first-tier cities to rebuild?

In what way do programmers usually take private jobs?

A FIG leaf for programmers, this requirement is technically impossible to implement

What does a qualified programmer look like

Good programmers love to write

Programmers, master these core survival skills

Programmer, these four study tips are worth bookmarking

Programmer, how do you sharpen your saw

Programmer, how do you choose technical direction

【 Interesting Learning Java】

Java Interviewer: Buddy, are you sure double is less accurate than float?

Interviewer: Brother, tell me the difference between basic types and packaging types

I’ve actually stopped resisting Java’s classloading mechanism

Java Serializable: An empty interface

Java: Concurrency is not easy, learn to use first

Those man-eating Java nouns: object, reference, heap, stack

What sites should YOU focus on when learning Java?

Shame, Java string concatenation has so many poses

Object oriented thinking, talking about the interview process?

Java memory mapping, on G large files easy to handle

Soul Searching: Why Are Java Strings immutable?

Teaching Java: Obscure generics

These articles have received a lot of praise from readers, so here are just a few to share with you. Honestly, you can learn a lot just by reading the reviews.

I respond to readers’ comments whenever I have time. Of course, some malicious I will not put out, so as not to pollute everyone’s happy mood (I will be kind to persuade them).

In addition, there are many readers who leave messages asking for help on wechat, and I also take great care to reply to each one, because I think it is a good deed to help others (if you want to add wechat, please do it as soon as possible; if you miss it, you will have to add another number).

06, do not tie the boat

I remember that there is an article in my junior high school textbook, called “Thirteen-year-old Fortune” by Tian Xiaofei. My father likes this article very much. There is a wonderful quote in this article, which is so impressive that I share it with you.

There is nothing to hold me — except purpose though there are roses by the shore, and there are shades of green, and there are still harbours I am not bound

I hope the big guys and I can be a boat against the current. 2020, go, go, go! At the end of next year, I look forward to seeing each other evolve with me!

07, thanks

Well, readers, that’s all for this article. Can see here are the most excellent programmers, promotion pay is you 👍. GitHub [itwanger.github. IO]

Original is not easy, if you feel a bit useful, please do not be stingy with your hands like the power.

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